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2024-07-21 02:40:47
异常和游标治理 游标:用来查询数据库,获取记录集合(结果集)的指针,可以让开发者一次访问一行结果集,在每条结果集上作操作。 分类:静态游标:分为显式游标和隐式游标。REF游标:       是一种引用类型,类似于指针。  显式游标:       CURSOR 游标名 ( 参数 ) [返回值类型] IS              Select 语句 生命周期:1. 打开游标(OPEN): 解析,绑定。。。不会从数据库检索数据2. 从游标中获取记录(FETCH INTO):执行查询,返回结果集。通常定义局域变量作为从游标获取数据的缓冲区。3. 关闭游标(CLOSE)完成游标处理,用户不能从游标中获取行。还可以重新打开。 选项:参数和返回类型 set serveroutput ondeclare       cursor emp_cur ( p_deptid in number) is select * from employees where department_id = p_deptid; l_emp employees%rowtype;begin       dbms_output.put_line(‘Getting employees from department 30’);open emp_cur(30);       loop              fetch emp_cur into l_emp;              exit when emp_cur%notfound;              dbms_output.put_line(‘Employee id ‘ l_emp.employee_id ‘ is ‘);              dbms_output.put_line(l_emp.first_name ‘ ‘ l_emp.last_name);       end loop;       close emp_cur;
        dbms_output.put_line(‘Getting employees from department 90’);open emp_cur(90);       loop              fetch emp_cur into l_emp;              exit when emp_cur%notfound;              dbms_output.put_line(‘Employee id ‘ l_emp.employee_id ‘ is ‘);              dbms_output.put_line(l_emp.first_name ‘ ‘ l_emp.last_name);       end loop;       close emp_cur;end;/  隐式游标:不用明确建立游标变量,分两种:1. 在PL/SQL中使用DML语言,使用Oracle提供的名为SQL的隐示游标2. CURSOR FOR LOOP,用于for loop 语句。 1举例:declarebegin       update departments set department_name=department_name;       --where 1=2;              dbms_output.put_line(‘update ‘ sql%rowcount ’ records’);end;/
 2举例:declarebegin       for my_dept_rec in ( select department_name, department_id from departments)       loop              dbms_output.put_line(my_dept_rec.department_id ‘ : ’ my_dept_rec.department_name);       end loop;end;/ 游标属性:%FOUND:变量最后从游标中获取记录的时候,在结果集中找到了记录。%NOTFOUND:变量最后从游标中获取记录的时候,在结果集中没有找到记录。%ROWCOUNT:当前时刻已经从游标中获取的记录数量。%ISOPEN:是否打开。   Declare       Cursor emps is       Select * from employees where rownum<6 order by 1;              Emp employees%rowtype;       Row number :=1;Begin       Open emps;       Fetch emps into emp;              Loop              If emps%found then                     Dbms_output.put_line(‘Looping over record ‘row ‘ of ‘ emps%rowcount);                     Fetch emps into emp;                     Row := row + 1;              Elsif emps%notfound then                     Exit;  ---exit loop, not IF              End if;       End loop;              If emps%isopen then              Close emps;       End if;End;/
  显式和隐式游标的区别:尽量使用隐式游标,避免编写附加的游标控制代码(声明,打开,获取,关闭),也不需要声明变量来保存从游标中获取的数据。  REF CURSOR游标:动态游标,在运行的时候才能确定游标使用的查询。分类:强类型(限制)REF CURSOR,规定返回类型 弱类型(非限制)REF CURSOR,不规定返回类型,可以获取任何结果集。 TYPE ref_cursor_name IS REF CURSOR [RETURN return_type]   Declare       Type refcur_t is ref cursor;              Type emp_refcur_t is ref cursor return employee%rowtype;Begin       Null;End;/ 强类型举例:declare       --声明记录类型       type emp_job_rec is record(              employee_id number,              employee_name varchar2(50),              job_title varchar2(30)       );       --声明REF CURSOR,返回值为该记录类型       type emp_job_refcur_type is ref cursor              return emp_job_rec;       --定义REF CURSOR游标的变量       emp_refcur emp_job_refcur_type;
        emp_job emp_job_rec;begin       open emp_refcur for              select e.employee_id,                            e.first_name ‘ ’ e.last_name “employee_name”,                            j.job_title              from employees e, jobs j              where e.job_id = j.job_id and rownum < 11 order by 1;        fetch emp_refcur into emp_job;       while emp_refcur%found loop              dbms_output.put_line(emp_job.employee_name ‘’’s job is ’);              dbms_output.put_line(emp_job.job_title);              fetch emp_refcur into emp_job;       end loop;end;/    单独select  declare       l_empno emp.EMPLOYEE_ID%type;--     l_ename emp.ename%type;begin       select EMPLOYEE_ID                  into l_empno       from emp;       --where rownum =1;       dbms_output.put_line(l_empno);end;/使用INTO获取值,只能返回一行。
  错误处理:exception        when <exception_eXPRession> then              …       when <exception_expression> then              …end; exception_expression包括:1.      预定义表达式2.      用户定义表达式3.      PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT  预定义declare       l_dept departments%rowtype;begin       l_dept.department_id:=100;       l_dept.department_name:=’HR’;       insert into departments(department_id, department_name)              values(l_dept.department_id, l_dept.department_name);Exception       When DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then              Dbms_output.put_line(‘heihei’);end;/
 DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX 异常 Exception       When DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then       &nb

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