FW:你可以尝试 1: select sid from v$lock where TYPE = 'JQ'; 2: select sid,serial# from v$session where sid = :sid; 3: select ADDR ,PID ,SPID ,SERIAL# from v$PRocess where pid = :sid;
oracle: kill the session os : kill the process
hope this can help you
估计前提是 执行 job 的进程有多个 job_queue_processes integer 4
FW:另外一种办法 select v.sid,v.serial#,v.PROCESS from V$session v,DBA_JOBS_RUNNING R,DBA_JOBS J where J.WHAT like '%你JOB所调用的procdure%' and r.job=j.job and r.sid=v.sid
oracle: kill the session os : kill the process 麻烦的是就算kill session 后其占用的资源也不是马上释放掉 FW: