2024-07-21 02:33:48
改变数据库实例名称 env : Windows + Oracle8i
---------------------------------- 1.Be sure database closed.if not ,please shutdown first. 2.利用oradim 可以创建服务,
> ORADIM -NEW -SID newname -INTPWD pwdnewname.pwd -STARTMODE AUTO -PFILE yourpfile,then you can see the new servcie . 3. Be sure the ORACLE_SID is set in the registry correctly. Goto
Start button-->RUN-->type regedt32-->
Goto the following Directory tree within the registry -
highlight ORACLE - look on the left side look for ORACLE_SID = <sid>
To change you can highlight ORACLE_SID - right click on your mouse and
select modify.
Enter the SID.
The above is only valid when using DEFAULT_HOME, when you have another
home then you need to highlight that HOME under ORACLE key
usually HOME1-HOMEx . No spaces can be entered after the = when setting ORACLE_SID
at the DOS PRompt, set oracle_sid=xyz should be used and not
set oracle_sid = xyz 4.Be sure the new instance is started Goto
Start-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Services
and check if the database service is started. 5..in Command line prompt, SET ORACLE_SID=NEWNAME 6.Startup the database ,then you can view v$instance,you will see your new instance name here.