arcengine geometry库定义了基本几何图形的矢量表达形式,顶级的几何图形有points、multipoints、polylines、polygons、 multipatches,geodatabase和绘图系统使用这些几何图形来定义其他各种形状的特征和图形,提供了编辑图形的操作方法和地图符号系统符号化特征数据的途径。
以下为引用的内容: public ipolyline testgeometryenvironment() { ispatialreferencefactory spatialreferencefactory = new spatialreferenceenvironmentclass(); //create a projected coordinate system and define its domain, resolution, and x,y tolerance. ispatialreferenceresolution spatialreferenceresolution = spatialreferencefactory.createprojectedcoordinatesystem((int)esrisrprojcstype.esrisrprojcs_nad1983utm_11n) as ispatialreferenceresolution; spatialreferenceresolution.constructfromhorizon(); ispatialreferencetolerance spatialreferencetolerance = spatialreferenceresolution as ispatialreferencetolerance; spatialreferencetolerance.setdefaultxytolerance(); ispatialreference spatialreference = spatialreferenceresolution as ispatialreference; //create an array of wkspoint structures starting in the middle of the x,y domain of the //projected coordinate system. double xmin; double xmax; double ymin; double ymax; spatialreference.getdomain(out xmin, out xmax, out ymin, out ymax); double xfactor = (xmin + xmax) * 0.5; double yfactor = (ymin + ymax) * 0.5; wkspoint[] wkspoints = new wkspoint[10]; for (int i = 0; i < wkspoints.length; i++) { wkspoints[i].x = xfactor + i; wkspoints[i].y = yfactor + i; } ipointcollection4 pointcollection = new polylineclass(); igeometrybridge2 geometrybridge = new geometryenvironmentclass(); geometrybridge.addwkspoints(pointcollection, ref wkspoints); ipolyline polyline = pointcollection as ipolyline; polyline.spatialreference = spatialreference; return polyline; } |
new geometryenvironmentclass仅仅是创建了一个指向已存在的geometryenvironmentclass的引用。注意 igeometrybridge2接口的使用,addwkspoints方法将wkspoint二维点添加到pointcollection中,用于构建 path、ring、polyline、polygon,或增加新点到multipoint、trianglefan、trianglestrip。在 geometry库中,除了igeometrybridge2还有igeometrybridge接口,后者继承了前者,增加了一些编辑功能(添加点、插入点、重置点、分段等)。
geometrybag是支持igeometry接口的几何对象引用的集合,任何几何对象都可以通过igeometrycollection接口添加到 geometrybag中,但是在使用拓扑操作的时候,需要注意不同类型的几何类型可能会有相互不兼容的情况。在向geometrybag中添加几何对象的时候,geometrybag对象需要指定空间参考,添加到其中的几何对象均拥有和geometrybag对象一样的空间参考。
以下为引用的内容: private ipolygon geometrybag_example(ifeatureclass featureclass) { //check input objects. if (featureclass == null) { return null; } igeodataset geodataset = featureclass as igeodataset; ispatialfilter queryfilter = new spatialfilterclass(); //set the properties of the spatial filter here. igeometry geometrybag = new geometrybagclass(); //define the spatial reference of the bag before adding geometries to it. geometrybag.spatialreference = geodataset.spatialreference; //use a nonrecycling cursor so each returned geometry is a separate object. ifeaturecursor featurecursor =, false); igeometrycollection geometrycollection = geometrybag as igeometrycollection; ifeature currentfeature = featurecursor.nextfeature(); while (currentfeature != null) { //add a reference to this feature's geometry into the bag. //you don't specify the before or after geometry (missing), //so the currentfeature.shape igeometry is added to the end of the geometrycollection. object missing = type.missing; geometrycollection.addgeometry(currentfeature.shape, ref missing, ref missing); currentfeature = featurecursor.nextfeature(); } // create the polygon that will be the union of the features returned from the search cursor. // the spatial reference of this feature does not need to be set ahead of time. the // constructunion method defines the constructed polygon's spatial reference to be the same as // the input geometry bag. itopologicaloperator unionedpolygon = new polygonclass(); unionedpolygon.constructunion(geometrybag as ienumgeometry); return unionedpolygon as ipolygon; } |
下面列举一个例子,通过一个已知的polyline来定义一个新的multipart polyline。
以下为引用的内容: public ipolyline constructmultipartpolyline(ipolyline inputpolyline) { igeometry outgeometry = new polylineclass(); //always associate new, top-level geometries with an appropriate spatial reference. outgeometry.spatialreference = inputpolyline.spatialreference; igeometrycollection geometrycollection = outgeometry as igeometrycollection; isegmentcollection segmentcollection = inputpolyline as isegmentcollection; //iterate over existing polyline segments using a segment enumerator. ienumsegment segments = segmentcollection.enumsegments; isegment currentsegment; int partindex = 0;; int segmentindex = 0;; currentsegment,ref partindex, ref segmentindex); while(currentsegment != null) { iline normal = new lineclass(); //geometry methods with _query_ in their name expect to modify existing geometries. //in this case, the querynormal method modifies an existing line //segment (normal) to be the normal vector to //currentsegment at the specified location along currentsegment. currentsegment.querynormal(esrisegmentextension.esrinoextension, 0.5, true, currentsegment.length / 3, normal); //since each normal vector is not connected to others, create a new path for each one. isegmentcollection newpath = new pathclass(); object missing = type.missing; newpath.addsegment(normal as isegment, ref missing, ref missing); //the spatial reference associated with geometrycollection will be assigned to all incoming paths and segments. geometrycollection.addgeometry(newpath as igeometry, ref missing, ref missing); currentsegment,ref partindex, ref segmentindex); } //the geometrycollection now contains the new, multipart polyline. return geometrycollection as ipolyline; } |
polylines是有序path组成的集合,可以拥有m、z和id属性值。polyline对象的ipointcollection接口包含了所有节点的复制,igeometrycollection接口可以获取polyline的paths,isegmentcollection接口可以获取 polyline的segments。
polygon是一系列rings组成的集合,可以拥有m、z和id属性值。每一个ring由一个或多个segment组成,polygon或ring对象的ipointcollection接口包含了所有节点的复制,igeometrycollection接口可以获取polygon的rings, isegmentcollection接口可以获取polygon的segments。
multipatch用于描述3d面状几何类型,由一系列的矢量三角形构成,如果其中的part是一个ring,那么它必须是封闭的,第一个节点和最后一个节点相同,另外每个part所包含节点的顺序非常重要,inner rings在outer rings之后,代表单个表面patch的一系列rings必须由第一个ring开始。
以下为引用的内容: public imultipatch createmultipatch() { //prepare the geometry material list. igeometrymaterial texture = new geometrymaterialclass(); texture.textureimage = "c://temp//myimage.bmp"; igeometrymateriallist materiallist = new geometrymateriallistclass(); materiallist.addmaterial(texture); //create the multipatch. igeneralmultipatchcreator multipatchcreator = new generalmultipatchcreatorclass(); multipatchcreator.init(4, 1, false, false, false, 4, materiallist); //set up part. //could also use a ring or a trianglefan. multipatchcreator.setpatchtype(0, esripatchtype.esripatchtypetrianglestrip); multipatchcreator.setmaterialindex(0, 0); multipatchcreator.setpatchpointindex(0, 0); multipatchcreator.setpatchtexturepointindex(0, 0); //set real-world points. wkspointz upperleft = new wkspointz(); wkspointz lowerleft = new wkspointz(); wkspointz upperright = new wkspointz(); wkspointz lowerright = new wkspointz(); upperleft.x = 0; upperleft.y = 0; upperleft.z = 0; upperright.x = 300; upperright.y = 0; upperright.z = 0; lowerleft.x = 0; lowerleft.y = 0; lowerleft.z = -100; lowerright.x = 300; lowerright.y = 1; lowerright.z = -100; multipatchcreator.setwkspointz(0, ref upperright); multipatchcreator.setwkspointz(1, ref lowerright); multipatchcreator.setwkspointz(2, ref upperleft); multipatchcreator.setwkspointz(3, ref lowerleft); //set texture points. //set the texture coordinates for a panel. wkspoint textureupperleft = new wkspoint(); wkspoint texturelowerleft = new wkspoint(); wkspoint textureupperright = new wkspoint(); wkspoint texturelowerright = new wkspoint(); textureupperleft.x = 0; textureupperleft.y = 0; textureupperright.x = 1; textureupperright.y = 0; texturelowerleft.x = 0; texturelowerleft.y = 1; texturelowerright.x = 1; texturelowerright.y = 1; multipatchcreator.settexturewkspoint(0, ref textureupperright); multipatchcreator.settexturewkspoint(1, ref texturelowerright); multipatchcreator.settexturewkspoint(2, ref textureupperleft); multipatchcreator.settexturewkspoint(3, ref texturelowerleft); imultipatch multipatch = multipatchcreator.createmultipatch() as imultipatch; return multipatch; } |