'--------------------------------------------------------------- '- 注册表 api 声明... '--------------------------------------------------------------- private declare function regclosekey lib "advapi32.dll" (byval hkey as long) as long private declare function regcreatekeyex lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regcreatekeyexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string, byval reserved as long, byval lpclass as string, byval dwoptions as long, byval samdesired as long, lpsecurityattributes as security_attributes, phkresult as long, lpdwdisposition as long) as long private declare function regdeletekey lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regdeletekeya" (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string) as long private declare function regdeletevalue lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regdeletevaluea" (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string) as long private declare function regopenkeyex lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regopenkeyexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string, byval uloptions as long, byval samdesired as long, phkresult as long) as long private declare function regqueryvalueex lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regqueryvalueexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string, byval lpreserved as long, lptype as long, lpdata as any, lpcbdata as long) as long private declare function regrestorekey lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regrestorekeya" (byval hkey as long, byval lpfile as string, byval dwflags as long) as long private declare function regsavekey lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regsavekeya" (byval hkey as long, byval lpfile as string, lpsecurityattributes as security_attributes) as long private declare function regsetvalueex lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regsetvalueexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string, byval reserved as long, byval dwtype as long, lpdata as any, byval cbdata as long) as long private declare function regqueryinfokey lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regqueryinfokeya" (byval hkey as long, byval lpclass as string, lpcbclass as long, byval lpreserved as long, lpcsubkeys as long, lpcbmaxsubkeylen as long, lpcbmaxclasslen as long, lpcvalues as long, lpcbmaxvaluenamelen as long, lpcbmaxvaluelen as long, lpcbsecuritydescriptor as long, lpftlastwritetime as filetime) as long private declare function regenumvalue lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regenumvaluea" (byval hkey as long, byval dwindex as long, byval lpvaluename as string, lpcbvaluename as long, byval lpreserved as long, lptype as long, lpdata as byte, lpcbdata as long) as long private declare function regenumkeyex lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regenumkeyexa" (byval hkey as long, byval dwindex as long, byval lpname as string, lpcbname as long, byval lpreserved as long, byval lpclass as string, lpcbclass as long, lpftlastwritetime as filetime) as long
private declare function adjusttokenprivileges lib "advapi32.dll" (byval tokenhandle as long, byval disableallpriv as long, newstate as token_privileges, byval bufferlength as long, previousstate as token_privileges, returnlength as long) as long 'used to adjust your program's security privileges, can't restore without it! private declare function lookupprivilegevalue lib "advapi32.dll" alias "lookupprivilegevaluea" (byval lpsystemname as any, byval lpname as string, lpluid as luid) as long 'returns a valid luid which is important when making security changes in nt. private declare function openprocesstoken lib "advapi32.dll" (byval processhandle as long, byval desiredaccess as long, tokenhandle as long) as long private declare function getcurrentprocess lib "kernel32" () as long
' 有关导入/导出的常量 const reg_force_restore as long = 8& const token_query as long = &h8& const token_adjust_privileges as long = &h20& const se_privilege_enabled as long = &h2 const se_restore_name = "serestoreprivilege" const se_backup_name = "sebackupprivilege"
'--------------------------------------------------------------- '- 注册表类型... '--------------------------------------------------------------- private type security_attributes nlength as long lpsecuritydescriptor as long binherithandle as boolean end type
private type filetime dwlowdatetime as long dwhighdatetime as long end type
private type luid lowpart as long highpart as long end type
private type luid_and_attributes pluid as luid attributes as long end type
private type token_privileges privilegecount as long privileges as luid_and_attributes end type
private hkey as long ' 注册表打开项的句柄 private i as long, j as long ' 循环变量 private success as long ' api函数的返回值, 判断函数调用是否成功
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 新建注册表关键字并设置注册表关键字的值... '- 如果 valuename 和 value 都缺省, 则只新建 keyname 空项, 无子键... '- 如果只缺省 valuename 则将设置指定 keyname 的默认值 '- 参数说明: keyroot--根类型, keyname--子项名称, valuename--值项名称, value--值项数据, valuetype--值项类型 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function setkeyvalue(keyroot as keyroot, keyname as string, optional valuename as string, optional value as variant = "", optional valuetype as valuetype = reg_sz) as boolean dim lpattr as security_attributes ' 注册表安全类型 lpattr.nlength = 50 ' 设置安全属性为缺省值... lpattr.lpsecuritydescriptor = 0 ' ... lpattr.binherithandle = true ' ...
' 新建注册表关键字... success = regcreatekeyex(keyroot, keyname, 0, valuetype, reg_option_non_volatile, key_all_access, lpattr, hkey, 0) if success <> error_success then setkeyvalue = false: regclosekey hkey: exit function
' 设置注册表关键字的值... if ismissing(valuename) = false then select case valuetype case reg_sz, reg_expand_sz, reg_multi_sz success = regsetvalueex(hkey, valuename, 0, valuetype, byval cstr(value), lenb(strconv(value, vbfromunicode)) + 1) case reg_dword if cdbl(value) <= 4294967295# and cdbl(value) >= 0 then dim svalue as string svalue = doubletohex(value) dim dvalue(3) as byte dvalue(0) = format("&h" & mid(svalue, 7, 2)) dvalue(1) = format("&h" & mid(svalue, 5, 2)) dvalue(2) = format("&h" & mid(svalue, 3, 2)) dvalue(3) = format("&h" & mid(svalue, 1, 2)) success = regsetvalueex(hkey, valuename, 0, valuetype, dvalue(0), 4) else success = error_badkey end if case reg_binary on error resume next success = 1 ' 假设调用api不成功(成功返回0) redim tmpvalue(ubound(value)) as byte for i = 0 to ubound(tmpvalue) tmpvalue(i) = value(i) next i success = regsetvalueex(hkey, valuename, 0, valuetype, tmpvalue(0), ubound(value) + 1) end select end if if success <> error_success then setkeyvalue = false: regclosekey hkey: exit function
' 关闭注册表关键字... regclosekey hkey setkeyvalue = true ' 返回函数值 end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 获得已存在的注册表关键字的值... '- 如果 valuename="" 则返回 keyname 项的默认值... '- 如果指定的注册表关键字不存在, 则返回空串... '- 参数说明: keyroot--根类型, keyname--子项名称, valuename--值项名称, valuetype--值项类型 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function getkeyvalue(keyroot as keyroot, keyname as string, valuename as string, optional valuetype as long) as string dim tempvalue as string ' 注册表关键字的临时值 dim value as string ' 注册表关键字的值 dim valuesize as long ' 注册表关键字的值的实际长度 tempvalue = space(1024) ' 存储注册表关键字的临时值的缓冲区 valuesize = 1024 ' 设置注册表关键字的值的默认长度
' 返回注册表关键字的的值... select case valuetype ' 通过判断关键字的类型, 进行处理 case reg_sz, reg_multi_sz, reg_expand_sz tempvalue = left$(tempvalue, valuesize - 1) ' 去掉tempvalue尾部空格 value = tempvalue case reg_dword redim dvalue(3) as byte regqueryvalueex hkey, valuename, 0, reg_dword, dvalue(0), valuesize for i = 3 to 0 step -1 value = value + string(2 - len(hex(dvalue(i))), "0") + hex(dvalue(i)) ' 生成长度为8的十六进制字符串 next i if cdbl("&h" & value) < 0 then ' 将十六进制的 value 转换为十进制 value = 2 ^ 32 + cdbl("&h" & value) else value = cdbl("&h" & value) end if case reg_binary if valuesize > 0 then redim bvalue(valuesize - 1) as byte ' 存储 reg_binary 值的临时数组 regqueryvalueex hkey, valuename, 0, reg_binary, bvalue(0), valuesize for i = 0 to valuesize - 1 value = value + string(2 - len(hex(bvalue(i))), "0") + hex(bvalue(i)) + " " ' 将数组转换成字符串 next i end if end select
' 关闭注册表关键字... regclosekey hkey getkeyvalue = trim(value) ' 返回函数值 end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 删除已存在的注册表关键字的值... '- 如果指定的注册表关键字不存在, 则不做任何操作... '- 参数说明: keyroot--根类型, keyname--子项名称, valuename--值项名称 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function deletekey(keyroot as keyroot, keyname as string, optional valuename as string) as boolean dim tmpkeyname as string ' 注册表关键字的临时子项名称 dim tmpvaluename as string ' 注册表关键字的临时子键名称
' 打开一个已存在的注册表关键字... success = regopenkeyex(keyroot, keyname, 0, key_all_access, hkey) if success <> error_success then deletekey = false: regclosekey hkey: exit function
' 删除已打开的注册表关键字... tmpkeyname = "" tmpvaluename = keyname if valuename = "" then ' 判断valuename是否缺省, 如缺省作相应处理 if instrrev(keyname, "/") > 1 then tmpvaluename = right(keyname, instrrev(keyname, "/") + 1) tmpkeyname = left(keyname, instrrev(keyname, "/") - 1) end if success = regopenkeyex(keyroot, tmpkeyname, 0, key_all_access, hkey) success = regdeletekey(hkey, tmpvaluename) else success = regdeletevalue(hkey, valuename) end if if success <> error_success then deletekey = false: regclosekey hkey: exit function
' 关闭注册表关键字... regclosekey hkey deletekey = true ' 返回函数值 end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 获得注册表关键字的一些信息... '- subkeyname() 注册表关键字的所有子项的名称(注意:最小下标为0) '- valuename() 注册表关键字的所有子键的名称(注意:最小下标为0) '- valuetype() 注册表关键字的所有子键的类型(注意:最小下标为0) '- countkey 注册表关键字的子项数量 '- countvalue 注册表关键字的子键数量 '- maxlenkey 注册表关键字的子项名称的最大长度 '- maxlenvalue 注册表关键字的子键名称的最大长度 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function getkeyinfo(keyroot as keyroot, keyname as string, subkeyname() as string, valuename() as string, valuetype() as valuetype, optional countkey as long, optional countvalue as long, optional maxlenkey as long, optional maxlenvalue as long) as boolean dim f as filetime dim l as long, s as string
' 打开一个已存在的注册表关键字... success = regopenkeyex(keyroot, keyname, 0, key_all_access, hkey) if success <> error_success then getkeyinfo = false: regclosekey hkey: exit function
if countkey <> 0 then redim subkeyname(countkey - 1) as string ' 重新定义数组, 使用数组大小与注册表关键字的子项数量匹配 for i = 0 to countkey - 1 subkeyname(i) = space(255) l = 255 regenumkeyex hkey, i, byval subkeyname(i), l, 0, vbnullstring, byval 0&, f subkeyname(i) = left(subkeyname(i), l) next i
' 下面的二重循环对字符串数组进行冒泡排序 for i = 0 to ubound(subkeyname) for j = i + 1 to ubound(subkeyname) if subkeyname(i) > subkeyname(j) then s = subkeyname(i) subkeyname(i) = subkeyname(j) subkeyname(j) = s end if next j next i end if
if countvalue <> 0 then redim valuename(countvalue - 1) as string ' 重新定义数组, 使用数组大小与注册表关键字的子键数量匹配 redim valuetype(countvalue - 1) as long ' 重新定义数组, 使用数组大小与注册表关键字的子键数量匹配 for i = 0 to countvalue - 1 valuename(i) = space(255) l = 255 regenumvalue hkey, i, byval valuename(i), l, 0, valuetype(i), byval 0&, byval 0& valuename(i) = left(valuename(i), l) next i
' 下面的二重循环对字符串数组进行冒泡排序 for i = 0 to ubound(valuename) for j = i + 1 to ubound(valuename) if valuename(i) > valuename(j) then s = valuename(i) valuename(i) = valuename(j) valuename(j) = s end if next j next i end if
' 关闭注册表关键字... regclosekey hkey getkeyinfo = true ' 返回函数值 end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 导出注册表关键字的值 '- 参数说明: keyroot--根类型, keyname--子项名称, filename--导出的文件路径及文件名(原始数据库格式) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function savekey(keyroot as keyroot, keyname as string, filename as string) as boolean on error resume next
if enableprivilege(se_backup_name) = false then savekey = false exit function end if
success = regopenkeyex(keyroot, keyname, 0&, key_all_access, hkey) if success <> 0 then savekey = false success = regclosekey(hkey) exit function end if
success = regsavekey(hkey, filename, lpattr) if success = 0 then savekey = true else savekey = false
success = regclosekey(hkey) end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 导入注册表关键字的值 '- 参数说明: keyroot--根类型, keyname--子项名称, filename--导入的文件路径及文件名(原始数据库格式) '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function restorekey(keyroot as keyroot, keyname as string, filename as string) as boolean on error resume next
if enableprivilege(se_restore_name) = false then restorekey = false exit function end if
success = regopenkeyex(keyroot, keyname, 0&, key_all_access, hkey) if success <> 0 then restorekey = false success = regclosekey(hkey) exit function end if
success = regrestorekey(hkey, filename, reg_force_restore) if success = 0 then restorekey = true else restorekey = false
success = regclosekey(hkey) end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 使注册表允许导入/导出 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function enableprivilege(sename as string) as boolean on error resume next
dim p_lngrtn as long dim p_lngtoken as long dim p_lngbufferlen as long dim p_typluid as luid dim p_typtokenpriv as token_privileges dim p_typprevtokenpriv as token_privileges
p_lngrtn = openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess(), token_adjust_privileges or token_query, p_lngtoken) if p_lngrtn = 0 then enableprivilege = false exit function end if if err.lastdllerror <> 0 then enableprivilege = false exit function end if
p_lngrtn = lookupprivilegevalue(0&, sename, p_typluid) if p_lngrtn = 0 then enableprivilege = false exit function end if
enableprivilege = (adjusttokenprivileges(p_lngtoken, false, p_typtokenpriv, len(p_typprevtokenpriv), p_typprevtokenpriv, p_lngbufferlen) <> 0) end function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '- 将 double 型( 限制在 0--2^32-1 )的数字转换为十六进制并在前面补零 '- 参数说明: number--要转换的 double 型数字 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function doubletohex(byval number as double) as string dim strhex as string strhex = space(8) for i = 1 to 8 select case number - int(number / 16) * 16 case 10 mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = "a" case 11 mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = "b" case 12 mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = "c" case 13 mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = "d" case 14 mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = "e" case 15 mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = "f" case else mid(strhex, 9 - i, 1) = cstr(number - int(number / 16) * 16) end select number = int(number / 16) next i doubletohex = strhex end function