bool enumprinters(
dword flags, // printer object types
lptstr name, // name of printer object
dword level, // information level
lpbyte pprinterenum, // printer information buffer
dword cbbuf, // size of printer information buffer
lpdword pcbneeded, // bytes received or required
lpdword pcreturned // number of printers enumerated
这个api有几个返回参数, 其中最重要的是pprinterenum所指的缓冲区中,是一个
printer_info_n的结构数组, 这里n根据level参数而变化, 这里我们用的是1, 所以用到的结构是
typedef struct _printer_info_1 {
dword flags;
lptstr pdescription;
lptstr pname;
lptstr pcomment;
} printer_info_1
[dllimport("winspool.drv", charset=charset.auto)]
[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, charset=charset.auto)]
struct printer_info_1
int flags;
public string pdescription;
public string pname;
public string pcomment;
using system;
using system.collections;
using system.runtime.interopservices;
using system.diagnostics;
using system.drawing.printing;
public class quicktest {
[dllimport("winspool.drv", charset=charset.auto)]
static extern bool enumprinters(int flags, string name, int level, intptr pprinterenum,
int cbbuf, out int pcbneeded, out int pcreturned);
private const int printer_enum_network= 0x00000040;
private const int printer_enum_local= 0x00000002;
private const int printer_enum_remote = 0x00000010;
[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, charset=charset.auto)]
struct printer_info_1
int flags;
public string pdescription;
public string pname;
public string pcomment;
public void enumerateprinterswin()
bool success;
int cbrequired;
int nentries;
intptr outb = intptr.zero;
success = enumprinters(printer_enum_network | printer_enum_local | printer_enum_remote, null , 1, outb, 0, out cbrequired, out nentries);
outb = marshal.allochglobal(cbrequired);
success = enumprinters(printer_enum_network | printer_enum_local | printer_enum_remote, null , 1, outb, cbrequired, out cbrequired, out nentries);
printer_info_1[] portsarray = new printer_info_1[cbrequired];
intptr current = outb;
try {
for (int i=0; i { portsarray[i] = (printer_info_1) marshal.ptrtostructure(current, typeof(printer_info_1)); current=(intptr)((int)current+marshal.sizeof(typeof(printer_info_1))); console.writeline(i+": /n"+portsarray[i].pname+"/n"+portsarray[i].pdescription+"/n"+portsarray[i].pcomment+"/n"); } } catch (exception) { //console.writeline(exp.stacktrace); } marshal.freehglobal(outb); } public quicktest () { } public static void main() { quicktest qt = new quicktest(); qt.enumerateprinterswin(); } } 联系作者[email protected]