资源管理器 -> 工具 -> 文件夹选项 -> 文件类型
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h> //shfileinfo结构和shgetfileinfo函数所在
//#include <stdio.h>
int winapi winmain(hinstance hinstance, hinstance hprevinstance,
lpstr lpcmdline, int ncmdshow)
shfileinfo shfi;
shgetfileinfo("c://windows//notepad.exe", //文件路径
file_attribute_normal, //文件属性
&shfi, //信息结构
shgfi_typename); //获取标识
char *msg = shfi.sztypename;
lpctstr lpcstr = (lpctstr)msg; //char*转换lpctstr
messagebox(null, lpcstr, "文件类型", mb_ok);
return 0;
[c#] - mode 1
using microsoft.win32;
string ext = ".mp3";
string desc = (string)registry.classesroot.opensubkey(ext).getvalue(null);
string typeinfo = (string)registry.classesroot.opensubkey(desc).getvalue(null);
[c#] - mode 2
using system.runtime.interopservices;
[dllimport("shell32.dll", entrypoint="shgetfileinfo")]
public static extern int getfileinfo(string pszpath, int dwfileattributes,
ref fileinfomation psfi, int cbfileinfo,int uflags);
public struct fileinfomation
public intptr hicon;
public int iicon;
public int dwattributes;
[marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst=260)]
public string szdisplayname;
[marshalas(unmanagedtype.byvaltstr, sizeconst=80)]
public string sztypename;
public enum fileattributeflags : int
file_attribute_readonly =0x00000001,
file_attribute_hidden =0x00000002,
file_attribute_system =0x00000004,
file_attribute_directory =0x00000010,
file_attribute_archive =0x00000020,
file_attribute_device =0x00000040,
file_attribute_normal =0x00000080,
file_attribute_temporary =0x00000100,
file_attribute_sparse_file =0x00000200,
file_attribute_reparse_point =0x00000400,
file_attribute_compressed =0x00000800,
file_attribute_offline =0x00001000,
file_attribute_not_content_indexed =0x00002000,
file_attribute_encrypted =0x00004000
public enum getfileinfoflags : int
shgfi_icon =0x000000100, // get icon
shgfi_displayname =0x000000200, // get display name
shgfi_typename =0x000000400, // get type name
shgfi_attributes =0x000000800, // get attributes
shgfi_iconlocation =0x000001000, // get icon location
shgfi_exetype =0x000002000, // return exe type
shgfi_sysiconindex =0x000004000, // get system icon index
shgfi_linkoverlay =0x000008000, // put a link overlay on icon
shgfi_selected =0x000010000, // show icon in selected state
shgfi_attr_specified =0x000020000, // get only specified attributes
shgfi_largeicon =0x000000000, // get large icon
shgfi_smallicon =0x000000001, // get small icon
shgfi_openicon =0x000000002, // get open icon
shgfi_shelliconsize =0x000000004, // get shell size icon
shgfi_pidl =0x000000008, // pszpath is a pidl
shgfi_usefileattributes =0x000000010, // use passed dwfileattribute
shgfi_addoverlays =0x000000020, // apply the appropriate overlays
shgfi_overlayindex =0x000000040 // get the index of the overlay
private string gettypename(string filename)
fileinfomation fileinfo = new fileinfomation(); //初始化fileinfomation结构
int res = getfileinfo(filename, (int)fileattributeflags.file_attribute_normal,
ref fileinfo, marshal.sizeof(fileinfo), (int)getfileinfoflags.shgfi_typename);
return fileinfo.sztypename;
private void form1_load(object sender, system.eventargs e)
string filename = @"c:/windows/notepad.exe"; //定义文件路径
string filetypename = gettypename(filename);