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2024-07-21 02:23:49
  • 本文来源于网页设计爱好者web开发社区http://www.html.org.cn收集整理,欢迎访问。
  • public int addmessage(int moduleid, int fatherid, string username, string title, string body, string face) {

                if (username.length < 1) {
                    username = "unknown";

                // create instance of connection and command object
                sqlconnection myconnection = new sqlconnection(configurationsettings.appsettings["connectionstring"]);
                sqlcommand mycommand = new sqlcommand("up_posttopic", myconnection);

                // mark the command as a sproc
                mycommand.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;

                // add parameters to sproc
                sqlparameter parameteritemid = new sqlparameter("@itemid", sqldbtype.int, 4);
                parameteritemid.direction = parameterdirection.output;

            sqlparameter parameterfatherid = new sqlparameter("@fatherid", sqldbtype.int, 4);
                parameterfatherid.value = fatherid;

            sqlparameter parametermoduleid = new sqlparameter("@moduleid", sqldbtype.int, 4);
                parametermoduleid.value = moduleid;

            sqlparameter parameterusername = new sqlparameter("@createdbyuser", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 100);
                parameterusername.value = username;

                sqlparameter parametertitle = new sqlparameter("@title", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 100);
                parametertitle.value = title;

                sqlparameter parameterbody = new sqlparameter("@content", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 4000);
                parameterbody.value = body;

            sqlparameter parameterface = new sqlparameter("@face", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 100);
                parameterface.value = face;


                return (int) parameteritemid.value;
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