// function: cmclientdlg::addtotree()
// parameters: (htreeitem hparent, htreeitem hinsertafter, lptstr pszdata, uint mask, iunknown
// * theinterface)
// description: insert the tree item to tree
// returns: htreeitem
htreeitem cmclientdlg::addtotree(htreeitem hparent, htreeitem hinsertafter, lptstr pszdata, uint mask,
iunknown * theinterface)
tv_insertstruct curtreeitem;
htreeitem hreturn;
curtreeitem.hparent = hparent;
curtreeitem.hinsertafter = hinsertafter;
curtreeitem.item.psztext = pszdata;
curtreeitem.item.mask = mask |lvif_param;
curtreeitem.item.lparam = reinterpret_cast<dword>(theinterface);
hreturn = m_treectrl.insertitem(&curtreeitem);
// if insertion fails , it will return null, otherwise it will return handle of the new item,
if (hreturn)
return hreturn;
// function: cmclientdlg::ncountparameter()
// parameters: no parameters
// description: counts the number of parameters, the function takes
// returns: int
int cmclientdlg::ncountparameter()
lvitem item;
int ncounter;
int nnum;
smisinputenum isinput;
nnum = m_parameters.getitemcount();
for ( ncounter = 0; ncounter <= nnum ;ncounter ++)
assignitem(&item, lvif_param,ncounter,0,0,0);
// if could not get the item from list, return -1
if (m_parameters.getitem(&item) == 0)
return -1;
reinterpret_cast<isoapmapper *>(item.lparam)->get_isinput(&isinput);
if (isinput == smoutput)
nnum --;
return nnum;
// function: cmclientdlg::modifydialog()
// parameters: no parameter
// description: modifies the parameter list dialog
// returns: int
int cmclientdlg::modifydialog()
// modify the list control dialog , add two more column with their headers
rect rlistdialog;
int nreturn = 0;
int flag = 1;
nreturn = m_parameters.insertcolumn(0, _t("variable"), lvcfmt_left, (rlistdialog.right - rlistdialog.left) / 3 );
if (nreturn == -1)
flag = 0;
msg("could not modify the dialog");
nreturn =m_parameters.insertcolumn(1, _t("type"), lvcfmt_left,(rlistdialog.right - rlistdialog.left) / 3 );
if (nreturn == -1)
flag = 0;
msg("could not modify the dialog");
nreturn =m_parameters.insertcolumn(2, _t("value"),lvcfmt_left,(rlistdialog.right - rlistdialog.left)-(2*(rlistdialog.right - rlistdialog.left)/3));
if (nreturn == -1)
flag = 0;
msg("could not modify the dialog");
if (flag == 0)
return -1;
return 1;
// function: cmclientdlg::checkforurl()
// parameters: no parameters
// description: checks whether url for wsdl file is given or not. if it is not given , returns -1
// returns: int
int cmclientdlg::checkforurl()
int flag = 1;
if (m_strurl.isempty())
flag = 0;
msg("wsdl file is not given");
if (flag == 0)
return -1;
return 1;
// function: cmclientdlg::destroytree()
// parameters: no parameters
// description: deletes the existing tree, if any problem occurs for deleting returns false
// returns: bool
bool cmclientdlg::destroytree()
// if any tree exist, delete it ,and also delete the list
int flag = 1;
if (m_treectrl.getcount() != 0)
if (!m_treectrl.deleteallitems())
flag = 0;
msg("tree could not be destroyed");
if (m_parameters.getitemcount() != 0)
if (m_parameters.deleteallitems() == 0)
flag = 0;
msg("parameter list could not be destroyed");;
if (flag ==0)
return false;
return true;
// function: cmclientdlg::updatelist()
// parameters: no parameters
// description: updates parameters of the operation
// returns: int
int cmclientdlg::updatelist()
ccomptr<isoapmapper> pisoapmap;
ccomptr<ienumsoapmappers> ppienumsoapmappers;
tvitem tvitem;
hresult hr = s_ok;
long cfetched;
bstr bstrelementname = 0;
bstr bstrelementtype = 0;
lvitem lvitem;
cstring strtmp;
int ncounter = 0;
int flag = 1;
int flagsm = 0;
smisinputenum isinput;
// if list is not empty, delete it
if (m_parameters.getitemcount() != 0)
if (m_parameters.deleteallitems() == 0)
flag = 0;
msg("could not delete list");
// get the selected operation
tvitem.mask = tvif_param;
tvitem.hitem = m_treectrl.getselecteditem();
if (! tvitem.hitem)
flag = 0;
msg("could not get selected item");
if (m_treectrl.getitem(&tvitem) == 0)
flag = 0;
msg("could not get item");
// get parts of the operation
hr = (reinterpret_cast<iwsdloperation *> (tvitem.lparam))->getoperationparts(&ppienumsoapmappers);
check_hresult(hr,"getting operation parts failed");
// in this loop take each parameter one by one
while(((hr = ppienumsoapmappers->next(1, &pisoapmap, &cfetched))== s_ok) &&(pisoapmap != null))
flagsm =1;
// type of parameter
hr = pisoapmap->get_elementtype(&bstrelementtype);
check_hresult(hr,"could not get name of parameter!");
//name of parameter
hr = pisoapmap->get_elementname(&bstrelementname);
check_hresult(hr,"could not get the type of parameter!");
strtmp = bstrelementtype;
// check what type of parameter it is? [in] , [in,out]...
hr = pisoapmap->get_isinput(&isinput);
check_hresult(hr,"checking input type is failed");
if (isinput == sminput)
strtmp += " [in]";
else if (isinput == sminout)
strtmp += " [in/out]";
else if (isinput == smoutput)
strtmp += " [out]";
assignitem(&lvitem, lvif_text | lvif_param, ncounter ++, 0,w2a(bstrelementname), ::sysstringlen(bstrelementname));
lvitem.lparam = (dword)(isoapmapper*)pisoapmap;
// insert the item in to list
if (m_parameters.insertitem(&lvitem) == -1)
flag = 0;
msg("could not set item to list");
lvitem.mask = lvif_text;
lvitem.isubitem = 1;
lvitem.psztext = strtmp.getbuffer(0);
// insert the second column
if (m_parameters.setitem(&lvitem) == 0)
flag = 0;
msg("could not insert item to list");
// i have to addref() before pisoapmap = 0 , otherwise i will loose the object
// release pisoapmap
pisoapmap = 0;
if (flagsm == 0)
flag = 0;
msg("getting operation parts failed");
if (flag == 0)
return -1;
return 1;