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2024-07-21 02:21:33
namespace imtiaz
using system;
using system.io;
using system.net;
using system.net.sockets;
using system.text;
using system.threading ;

class mywebserver
  private tcplistener mylistener ;
  private int port = 5050 ; // select any free port you wish
  //the constructor which make the tcplistener start listening on the
  //given port. it also calls a thread on the method startlisten().
  public mywebserver()
    //start listing on the given port
    mylistener = new tcplistener(port) ;
    console.writeline("web server running... press ^c to stop...");
    //start the thread which calls the method 'startlisten'
    thread th = new thread(new threadstart(startlisten));
    th.start() ;
   catch(exception e)
    console.writeline("an exception occurred while listening :" +e.tostring());

  /// <summary>
  /// returns the default file name
  /// input : webserverroot folder
  /// output: default file name
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="smywebserverroot"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public string getthedefaultfilename(string slocaldirectory)
   streamreader sr;
   string sline = "";
    //open the default.dat to find out the list
    // of default file
    sr = new streamreader("data//default.dat");
    while ((sline = sr.readline()) != null)
     //look for the default file in the web server root folder
     if (file.exists( slocaldirectory + sline) == true)
   catch(exception e)
    console.writeline("an exception occurred : " + e.tostring());
   if (file.exists( slocaldirectory + sline) == true)
    return sline;
    return "";

  /// <summary>
  /// this function takes filename as input and returns the mime type..
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="srequestedfile">to indentify the mime type</param>
  /// <returns>mime type</returns>
  public string getmimetype(string srequestedfile)
   streamreader sr;
   string sline = "";
   string smimetype = "";
   string sfileext = "";
   string smimeext = "";
   // convert to lowercase
   srequestedfile = srequestedfile.tolower();
   int istartpos = srequestedfile.indexof(".");
   sfileext = srequestedfile.substring(istartpos);
    //open the vdirs.dat to find out the list virtual directories
    sr = new streamreader("data//mime.dat");
    while ((sline = sr.readline()) != null)
     if (sline.length > 0)
      //find the separator
      istartpos = sline.indexof(";");
      // convert to lower case
      sline = sline.tolower();
      smimeext = sline.substring(0,istartpos);
      smimetype = sline.substring(istartpos + 1);
      if (smimeext == sfileext)
   catch (exception e)
    console.writeline("an exception occurred : " + e.tostring());
   if (smimeext == sfileext)
    return smimetype;
    return "";

  /// <summary>
  /// returns the physical path
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="smywebserverroot">web server root directory</param>
  /// <param name="sdirname">virtual directory </param>
  /// <returns>physical local path</returns>
  public string getlocalpath(string smywebserverroot, string sdirname)
   streamreader sr;
   string sline = "";
   string svirtualdir = "";
   string srealdir = "";
   int istartpos = 0;

   //remove extra spaces
   // convert to lowercase
   smywebserverroot = smywebserverroot.tolower();
   // convert to lowercase
   sdirname = sdirname.tolower();
   //remove the slash
   //sdirname = sdirname.substring(1, sdirname.length - 2);

    //open the vdirs.dat to find out the list virtual directories
    sr = new streamreader("data//vdirs.dat");
    while ((sline = sr.readline()) != null)
     //remove extra spaces
     if (sline.length > 0)
      //find the separator
      istartpos = sline.indexof(";");
      // convert to lowercase
      sline = sline.tolower();
      svirtualdir = sline.substring(0,istartpos);
      srealdir = sline.substring(istartpos + 1);
      if (svirtualdir == sdirname)
   catch(exception e)
    console.writeline("an exception occurred : " + e.tostring());

   console.writeline("virtual dir : " + svirtualdir);
   console.writeline("directory   : " + sdirname);
   console.writeline("physical dir: " + srealdir);
   if (svirtualdir == sdirname)
    return srealdir;
    return "";

  /// <summary>
  /// this function send the header information to the client (browser)
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="shttpversion">http version</param>
  /// <param name="smimeheader">mime type</param>
  /// <param name="itotbytes">total bytes to be sent in the body</param>
  /// <param name="mysocket">socket reference</param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public void sendheader(string shttpversion, string smimeheader, int itotbytes, string sstatuscode, ref socket mysocket)
   string sbuffer = "";
   // if mime type is not provided set default to text/html
   if (smimeheader.length == 0 )
    smimeheader = "text/html";  // default mime type is text/html
   sbuffer = sbuffer + shttpversion + sstatuscode + "/r/n";
   sbuffer = sbuffer + "server: cx1193719-b/r/n";
   sbuffer = sbuffer + "content-type: " + smimeheader + "/r/n";
   sbuffer = sbuffer + "accept-ranges: bytes/r/n";
   sbuffer = sbuffer + "content-length: " + itotbytes + "/r/n/r/n";
   byte[] bsenddata = encoding.ascii.getbytes(sbuffer);
   sendtobrowser( bsenddata, ref mysocket);
   console.writeline("total bytes : " + itotbytes.tostring());

  /// <summary>
  /// overloaded function, takes string, convert to bytes and calls
  /// overloaded sendtobrowserfunction.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="sdata">the data to be sent to the browser(client)</param>
  /// <param name="mysocket">socket reference</param>
  public void sendtobrowser(string sdata, ref socket mysocket)
   sendtobrowser (encoding.ascii.getbytes(sdata), ref mysocket);

  /// <summary>
  /// sends data to the browser (client)
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="bsenddata">byte array</param>
  /// <param name="mysocket">socket reference</param>
  public void sendtobrowser(byte[] bsenddata, ref socket mysocket)
   int numbytes = 0;
    if (mysocket.connected)
     if (( numbytes = mysocket.send(bsenddata, bsenddata.length,0)) == -1)
      console.writeline("socket error cannot send packet");
      console.writeline("no. of bytes send {0}" , numbytes);
     console.writeline("connection dropped....");
   catch (exception  e)
    console.writeline("error occurred : {0} ", e );

  // application starts here..
  public static void main()
   mywebserver mws = new mywebserver();

  //this method accepts new connection and
  //first it receives the welcome massage from the client,
  //then it sends the current date time to the client.
  public void startlisten()
   int istartpos = 0;
   string srequest;
   string sdirname;
   string srequestedfile;
   string serrormessage;
   string slocaldir;
   string smywebserverroot = "c://mywebserverroot//";
   string sphysicalfilepath = "";
   string sformattedmessage = "";
   string sresponse = "";
    //accept a new connection
    socket mysocket = mylistener.acceptsocket() ;
    console.writeline ("socket type " +  mysocket.sockettype );
     console.writeline("/nclient connected!!/n==================/nclient ip {0}/n",
      mysocket.remoteendpoint) ;
     //make a byte array and receive data from the client
     byte[] breceive = new byte[1024] ;
     int i = mysocket.receive(breceive,breceive.length,0) ;

     //convert byte to string
     string sbuffer = encoding.ascii.getstring(breceive);
     //at present we will only deal with get type
     if (sbuffer.substring(0,3) != "get" )
      console.writeline("only get method is supported..");
     // look for http request
     istartpos = sbuffer.indexof("http",1);

     // get the http text and version e.g. it will return "http/1.1"
     string shttpversion = sbuffer.substring(istartpos,8);
     // extract the requested type and requested file/directory
     srequest = sbuffer.substring(0,istartpos - 1);
     //replace backslash with forward slash, if any

     //if file name is not supplied add forward slash to indicate
     //that it is a directory and then we will look for the
     //default file name..
     if ((srequest.indexof(".") <1) && (!srequest.endswith("/")))
      srequest = srequest + "/";

     //extract the requested file name
     istartpos = srequest.lastindexof("/") + 1;
     srequestedfile = srequest.substring(istartpos);
     //extract the directory name
     sdirname = srequest.substring(srequest.indexof("/"), srequest.lastindexof("/")-3);
     // identify the physical directory
     if ( sdirname == "/")
      slocaldir = smywebserverroot;
      //get the virtual directory
      slocaldir = getlocalpath(smywebserverroot, sdirname);

     console.writeline("directory requested : " +  slocaldir);
     //if the physical directory does not exists then
     // dispaly the error message
     if (slocaldir.length == 0 )
      serrormessage = "<h2>error!! requested directory does not exists</h2><br>";
      //serrormessage = serrormessage + "please check data//vdirs.dat";
      //format the message
      sendheader(shttpversion,  "", serrormessage.length, " 404 not found", ref mysocket);
      //send to the browser
      sendtobrowser(serrormessage, ref mysocket);
     // identify the file name
     //if the file name is not supplied then look in the default file list
     if (srequestedfile.length == 0 )
      // get the default filename
      srequestedfile = getthedefaultfilename(slocaldir);
      if (srequestedfile == "")
       serrormessage = "<h2>error!! no default file name specified</h2>";
       sendheader(shttpversion,  "", serrormessage.length, " 404 not found", ref mysocket);
       sendtobrowser ( serrormessage, ref mysocket);

     // get themime type
     string smimetype = getmimetype(srequestedfile);

     //build the physical path
     sphysicalfilepath = slocaldir + srequestedfile;
     console.writeline("file requested : " +  sphysicalfilepath);
     if (file.exists(sphysicalfilepath) == false)
      serrormessage = "<h2>404 error! file does not exists...</h2>";
      sendheader(shttpversion, "", serrormessage.length, " 404 not found", ref mysocket);
      sendtobrowser( serrormessage, ref mysocket);
      int itotbytes=0;
      sresponse ="";

      filestream fs = new filestream(sphysicalfilepath, filemode.open,  fileaccess.read, fileshare.read);
      // create a reader that can read bytes from the filestream.
      binaryreader reader = new binaryreader(fs);
      byte[] bytes = new byte[fs.length];
      int read;
      while((read = reader.read(bytes, 0, bytes.length)) != 0)
       // read from the file and write the data to the network
       sresponse = sresponse + encoding.ascii.getstring(bytes,0,read);
       itotbytes = itotbytes + read;
      sendheader(shttpversion,  smimetype, itotbytes, " 200 ok", ref mysocket);
      sendtobrowser(bytes, ref mysocket);
      //mysocket.send(bytes, bytes.length,0);
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