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2024-07-21 02:21:06

version 5.00

begin vb.form frmlogin

borderstyle = 3 'fixed dialog

caption = "登录"

clientheight = 1545

clientleft = 2835

clienttop = 3480

clientwidth = 3750

icon = "frmlogin.frx":0000

linktopic = "form1"

lockcontrols = -1 'true

maxbutton = 0 'false

minbutton = 0 'false

scaleheight = 912.837

scalemode = 0 'user

scalewidth = 3521.047

showintaskbar = 0 'false

startupposition = 2 '屏幕中心

begin vb.textbox txtusername

height = 345

left = 1290

tabindex = 1

text = "123"

top = 135

width = 2325


begin vb.commandbutton cmdok

caption = "确定"

default = -1 'true

height = 390

left = 495

tabindex = 4

top = 1020

width = 1140


begin vb.commandbutton cmdcancel

cancel = -1 'true

caption = "取消"

height = 390

left = 2100

tabindex = 5

top = 1020

width = 1140


begin vb.textbox txtpassword

height = 345

imemode = 3 'disable

left = 1290

passwordchar = "*"

tabindex = 3

text = "123"

top = 525

width = 2325


begin vb.label lbllabels

caption = "用户名称(&u):"

height = 270

index = 0

left = 105

tabindex = 0

top = 150

width = 1080


begin vb.label lbllabels

caption = "密码(&p):"

height = 270

index = 1

left = 105

tabindex = 2

top = 540

width = 1080



attribute vb_name = "frmlogin"

attribute vb_globalnamespace = false

attribute vb_creatable = false

attribute vb_predeclaredid = true

attribute vb_exposed = false

option explicit

public loginsucceeded as boolean

private sub cmdcancel_click()

'设置全局变量为 false


loginsucceeded = false

unload me

end sub

private sub cmdok_click()


if ucase(txtpassword) = "123" and ucase(txtusername) = "123" then


'成功到 calling 函数


loginsucceeded = true

unload me

frmaddinfo.show 1, frmmain


msgbox "无效的用户或密码密码,请重试!", , "登录"


sendkeys "{home}+{end}"

end if

end sub


version 5.00

object = "{831fdd16-0c5c-11d2-a9fc-0000f8754da1}#2.0#0"; "mscomctl.ocx"

begin vb.form frmaddinfo

borderstyle = 3 'fixed dialog

caption = "信息打包"

clientheight = 5505

clientleft = 45

clienttop = 330

clientwidth = 8655

controlbox = 0 'false

icon = "frmaddinfo.frx":0000

linktopic = "form1"

lockcontrols = -1 'true

maxbutton = 0 'false

minbutton = 0 'false

scaleheight = 5505

scalewidth = 8655

showintaskbar = 0 'false

startupposition = 1 '所有者中心

begin vb.textbox txteditinfo

height = 285

index = 3

left = 1530

tabindex = 15

tag = "商务频道系统文件更新"

text = "商务频道系统文件更新"

top = 3420

width = 5535


begin vb.commandbutton cmdok

caption = "导入包列表"

height = 375

index = 2

left = 3930

tabindex = 14

top = 5040

width = 1245


begin vb.commandbutton cmdok

caption = "关 闭"

height = 375

index = 3

left = 5850

tabindex = 8

top = 5040

width = 1245


begin vb.commandbutton cmdok

caption = "导出包列表"

enabled = 0 'false

height = 375

index = 1

left = 2010

tabindex = 7

top = 5040

width = 1245


begin vb.commandbutton cmdok

caption = "信息打包"

enabled = 0 'false

height = 375

index = 0

left = 90

tabindex = 6

top = 5040

width = 1245


begin vb.frame framinfo

caption = "编辑命令"

height = 2235

index = 1

left = 7110

tabindex = 2

top = 3270

width = 1545

begin vb.commandbutton cmdinfo

caption = "删除精选项"

enabled = 0 'false

height = 345

index = 1

left = 60

tabindex = 9

top = 750

width = 1425


begin vb.commandbutton cmdinfo

caption = "修改信息"

enabled = 0 'false

height = 345

index = 2

left = 60

tabindex = 5

top = 1280

width = 1425


begin vb.commandbutton cmdinfo

caption = "添加信息"

height = 345

index = 3

left = 60

tabindex = 4

top = 1800

width = 1425


begin vb.commandbutton cmdinfo

caption = "清空列表"

enabled = 0 'false

height = 345

index = 0

left = 60

tabindex = 3

top = 240

width = 1425



begin vb.frame framinfo

caption = "编辑与察看"

enabled = 0 'false

height = 1005

index = 0

left = 60

tabindex = 1

tag = "编辑与察看"

top = 3900

width = 7035

begin vb.textbox txteditinfo

height = 285

index = 1

left = 870

tabindex = 12

top = 660

width = 6105


begin vb.textbox txteditinfo

height = 285

index = 0

left = 870

tabindex = 10

top = 270

width = 6105


begin vb.label label1

autosize = -1 'true

caption = "目标信息:"

height = 180

index = 1

left = 60

tabindex = 13

top = 660

width = 900


begin vb.label label1

autosize = -1 'true

caption = "源信息:"

height = 180

index = 0

left = 90

tabindex = 11

top = 270

width = 720



begin mscomctllib.listview lstinfo

height = 3165

left = 60

tabindex = 0

top = 60

width = 8565

_extentx = 15108

_extenty = 5583

view = 3

arrange = 1

labeledit = 1

multiselect = -1 'true

labelwrap = -1 'true

hideselection = 0 'false

fullrowselect = -1 'true

gridlines = -1 'true

_version = 393217

forecolor = -2147483640

backcolor = -2147483643

borderstyle = 1

appearance = 1

numitems = 3

beginproperty columnheader(1) {bdd1f052-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628}

text = "序号"

object.width = 1235


beginproperty columnheader(2) {bdd1f052-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628}

subitemindex = 1

text = "源信息"

object.width = 6068


beginproperty columnheader(3) {bdd1f052-858b-11d1-b16a-00c0f0283628}

subitemindex = 2

text = "目标信息"

object.width = 7832



begin vb.label label1

autosize = -1 'true

caption = "信息打包名称:"

height = 180

index = 2

left = 60

tabindex = 16

top = 3480

width = 1260



attribute vb_name = "frmaddinfo"

attribute vb_globalnamespace = false

attribute vb_creatable = false

attribute vb_predeclaredid = true

attribute vb_exposed = false

' ===================================================================

' 信息打包与展开 (打包模块,在此对包文件添加信息并进行压缩)


' 功能 :利用系统所存在的资源自作压缩与解压缩程序


' 作 者 :谢家峰

' 整理日期 :2004-08-08

' email :[email protected]


' ===================================================================


option explicit

' --------------------------------------------

' 设置编辑信息框


' --------------------------------------------


sub editlstvinfo(byval item as mscomctllib.listitem)

dim i as integer

if item is nothing then

for i = 0 to 1

txteditinfo(i) = ""


framinfo(0) = framinfo(0).tag

framinfo(0).enabled = false

cmdinfo(0).enabled = false

cmdinfo(1).enabled = false

cmdinfo(2).enabled = false

cmdinfo(2).caption = "修改信息"

cmdok(0).enabled = false

cmdok(1).enabled = false

exit sub

end if

framinfo(0) = "第" & item.text & "列" & framinfo(0).tag

with item

txteditinfo(0) = .subitems(1)

txteditinfo(1) = .subitems(2)

end with

framinfo(0).enabled = true

cmdinfo(0).enabled = true

cmdinfo(1).enabled = true

cmdinfo(2).enabled = true

cmdinfo(2).tag = item.index

cmdinfo(2).caption = "修改第" & cmdinfo(2).tag & "行信息"

cmdok(0).enabled = true

cmdok(1).enabled = true

end sub

' -------------------------------------------------------------

' listview控件重新排序,且返回最后一个被精选的项,若没有返回0


' -------------------------------------------------------------


function lstinfo_sort() as long

dim i, j as long

j = 0

for i = 1 to lstinfo.listitems.count

lstinfo.listitems(i).text = i

if lstinfo.listitems(i).selected then j = i


lstinfo_sort = j

end function

' --------------------------------------------



' --------------------------------------------


function check_overlap(infoname as string) as boolean

dim i as long

with lstinfo.listitems

for i = 1 to .count

if trim(lcase(.item(i).subitems(1))) = trim(lcase(infoname)) then

check_overlap = true

exit function


check_overlap = false

end if


end with

end function

private sub cmdinfo_click(index as integer)

dim addfilename() as string

dim str as string

dim value as string

dim i as long

dim j as long

dim selindex() as long

select case index

case 0 '清除列表


editlstvinfo lstinfo.selecteditem '显示精选项

case 1 '删除精选项

redim selindex(0): value = ""

for i = 1 to lstinfo.listitems.count

if lstinfo.listitems(i).selected then

redim preserve selindex(ubound(selindex) + 1)

selindex(ubound(selindex)) = i

value = value & " " & i

end if


value = msgbox("你将删除序号为“" & trim(value) & "”的信息!" & vbcrlf & "确定要删除吗?", vbquestion + vbokcancel, "警告")

if value = vbcancel then

exit sub


screen.mousepointer = 11

for i = ubound(selindex) to 1 step -1

lstinfo.listitems.remove selindex(i)



j = lstinfo_sort

if j = 0 and lstinfo.listitems.count <> 0 then lstinfo.listitems(lstinfo.listitems.count).selected = true

on error resume next


editlstvinfo lstinfo.selecteditem '显示精选项

if lstinfo.listitems.count = 0 then cmdinfo(2).enabled = false: cmdinfo(1).enabled = false

screen.mousepointer = 1

end if

case 2 '修改信息

if not fileexists(trim(txteditinfo(0))) then

msgbox "源信息文件不存在!"

exit sub

end if

if trim(txteditinfo(1)) = "" then

msgbox "目标信息路径不能为空!"

exit sub

end if

if ucase(getext(trim(txteditinfo(1)))) <> ucase(getext(trim(txteditinfo(0)))) then

msgbox "目标信息文件扩展名不对!"

exit sub

end if

if not cbool(instr(1, trim(txteditinfo(1)), "c:/", vbtextcompare)) and not cbool(instr(1, trim(txteditinfo(1)), "d:/", vbtextcompare)) then

msgbox "目标信息路径格式不对!"

exit sub

end if

with lstinfo.listitems.item(clng(cmdinfo(2).tag))


if check_overlap(trim(txteditinfo(1))) then

if trim(.subitems(2)) = trim(txteditinfo(1)) then

msgbox "信息重复,请重新编辑该项信息!", vbinformation, "警告"

exit sub

end if

end if

.subitems(1) = trim(txteditinfo(0))

.subitems(2) = trim(txteditinfo(1))

end with

case 3 '添加信息

with frmmain.comdinfo

.filter = "所有可用信息|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.swf;*.gif;*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.dat;*.inf;*.mp3;*.mid;*.wav;*.rm|" & _

"静态图像(*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp|" & _

"动态图像(*.swf;*.gif;*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.dat;*.rm)|*.swf;*.gif;*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.dat;*.rm|" & _


.dialogtitle = "请选择信息"

.initdir = curdir()

.flags = cdlofnfilemustexist or cdlofnhidereadonly or _

cdlofnallowmultiselect or cdlofnexplorer

.filename = ""

on error goto errlab


str = .filename

addfilename() = split(str, vbnullchar)


if ubound(addfilename) = 0 then '选择了一项信息


if not check_overlap(str) then

lstvinfo_add lstinfo, 3, false, lstinfo.listitems.count + 1, str, str

end if

end if

for i = 1 to ubound(addfilename) '选择了多项信息

str = addfilename(0) & "/" & addfilename(i)


if not check_overlap(str) then

lstvinfo_add lstinfo, 3, false, lstinfo.listitems.count + 1, str, str

end if


lstinfo.listitems.item(lstinfo.listitems.count).selected = true

editlstvinfo lstinfo.selecteditem '显示精选项

end with

case else

end select

exit sub


if err.number = 32755 then

exit sub


err.raise err.number, , err.description

exit sub

end if

end sub

private sub cmdok_click(index as integer)

dim resultat as long

dim resultat2 as long

dim res as double

dim startinfo as startupinfo

dim procinfo as process_information

dim secu as security_attributes

dim i as long

dim blinfo as boolean

dim filename as string

dim str1 as string

dim str2 as string

startinfo.cb = len(startinfo)

secu.nlength = len(secu)

if trim("" & txteditinfo(3)) = "" then

txteditinfo(3) = txteditinfo(3).tag

end if

select case index

case 0 '信息打包

' 检查包信息是否存在

if fileexists(app.path & "/" & trim(txteditinfo(3)) & ".cab_") then

if msgbox("当前目录下存在 “" & trim(txteditinfo(3)) & ".cab_” 包文件,是否覆盖?", vbquestion + vbyesno) = vbyes then

kill app.path & "/" & trim(txteditinfo(3)) & ".cab_"


exit sub

end if

end if

screen.mousepointer = 11


filename = app.path & "/更新.ini"

with lstinfo

writeprivateprofilestring "文件数目", "filenum", cstr(.listitems.count), filename

for i = 1 to .listitems.count

writeprivateprofilestring "源文件信息", "file" & i, .listitems(i).subitems(1), filename

writeprivateprofilestring "目标文件信息", "file" & i, .listitems(i).subitems(2), filename


writeprivateprofilestring "打包名称", "bagname", "" & txteditinfo(3), filename

end with


str1 = ".option explicit" & vbcrlf & _

".set cabinet=off" & vbcrlf & _

".set compress=off" & vbcrlf & _

".set maxdisksize = cdrom" & vbcrlf & _

".set reservepercabinetsize = 6144" & vbcrlf & _

".set diskdirectorytemplate=" & vbcrlf & _

".set compressiontype = mszip" & vbcrlf & _

".set compressionlevel = 7" & vbcrlf & _

".set compressionmemory = 21" & vbcrlf & _

".set cabinetnametemplate =" & chr(34) & trim(txteditinfo(3)) & ".cab_" & chr(34) & vbcrlf & _

".set cabinet=on" & vbcrlf & _

".set compress=on" & vbcrlf

for i = 1 to lstinfo.listitems.count

str1 = str1 & chr(34) & lstinfo.listitems(i).subitems(1) & chr(34) & vbcrlf


str1 = str1 & chr(34) & filename & chr(34) '追加展开列表信息到包中

writetextfilecontents str1, app.path & "/商务.ddf"


resultat = createprocess(vbnullstring, windowssyspath & "/makecab.exe /f 商务.ddf", secu, secu, _

0, 0, 0, app.path, startinfo, procinfo)

resultat2 = waitforsingleobject(procinfo.hprocess, infinite)

resultat2 = closehandle(procinfo.hprocess)




if fileexists(app.path & "/商务.ddf") then kill app.path & "/商务.ddf"

if fileexists(app.path & "/更新.ini") then kill app.path & "/更新.ini"

if fileexists(app.path & "/setup.inf") then kill app.path & "/setup.inf"

if fileexists(app.path & "/setup.rpt") then kill app.path & "/setup.rpt"


msgbox "压缩包已生成!返回主窗体通过“展开”按钮将相应的信息文件展开到相应的目录中!" & vbcrlf & _

"文件列表已被导出在“" & filename & "”中,若要编辑当前的信息,请在打包窗体中提取该信息文件!", , app.exename

screen.mousepointer = 1

unload me

case 1 '导出包列表

with frmmain.comdinfo

.filter = "更新列表信息|*.tlb"

.dialogtitle = "导出包列表信息文件"

.initdir = curdir()

.flags = cdlofnhidereadonly

.filename = txteditinfo(3) & ".tlb"

on error goto errlab


filename = .filename

if fileexists(filename) then

setattr filename, vbnormal

kill filename

end if


with lstinfo

writeprivateprofilestring "文件数目", "filenum", cstr(.listitems.count), filename

for i = 1 to .listitems.count

writeprivateprofilestring "源文件信息", "file" & i, .listitems(i).subitems(1), filename

writeprivateprofilestring "目标文件信息", "file" & i, .listitems(i).subitems(2), filename


writeprivateprofilestring "打包名称", "bagname", "" & txteditinfo(3), filename

end with

end with

msgbox "信息列表被导出在“" & filename & "”文件中!", , app.exename

case 2 '导入包列表

if lstinfo.listitems.count <> 0 then

resultat = msgbox("要保存当前的更新列表信息吗?", vbquestion + vbokcancel, app.exename)

if resultat = vbok then

cmdok_click 1

end if

end if

with frmmain.comdinfo

.filter = "更新列表信息|*.tlb"

.dialogtitle = "选择导入包列表信息文件"

.initdir = curdir()

.flags = cdlofnfilemustexist or cdlofnhidereadonly

.filename = txteditinfo(3).tag

on error goto errlab


filename = .filename

on error goto 0


with lstinfo


resultat = clng(readinifile(filename, "文件数目", "filenum"))

if resultat = 0 then

msgbox "文件“" & filename & "”没有信息,或不正确!", , app.exename

exit sub

end if

txteditinfo(3) = readinifile(filename, "打包名称", "bagname")

for i = 1 to resultat


str1 = readinifile(filename, "源文件信息", "file" & i)

str2 = readinifile(filename, "目标文件信息", "file" & i)

lstvinfo_add lstinfo, 3, false, lstinfo.listitems.count + 1, str1, str2


.listitems(i - 1).selected = true

editlstvinfo .selecteditem

end with

end with

case 3 '关闭

unload me

end select

exit sub


if err.number = 32755 then

exit sub


err.raise err.number, , err.description

exit sub

end if

end sub

private sub lstinfo_itemclick(byval item as mscomctllib.listitem)

editlstvinfo item

end sub

private sub lstinfo_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

dim iteminfo as mscomctllib.listitem

set iteminfo = lstinfo.hittest(x, y)

if not (iteminfo is nothing) then

lstinfo.tooltiptext = "[第" & trim(iteminfo) & "列] 源信息:" & trim(iteminfo.subitems(1)) & _

" 目标信息:" & trim(iteminfo.subitems(2))


lstinfo.tooltiptext = ""

end if

set iteminfo = nothing

end sub

private sub txteditinfo_mousemove(index as integer, button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

txteditinfo(index).tooltiptext = trim(txteditinfo(index))

end sub

发表评论 共有条评论
用户名: 密码:
验证码: 匿名发表