'* 本类模块是一个菜单类, 提供了各种样式的菜单的制作方案
'* 版权: lpp软件工作室
'* 作者: 卢培培(goodname008)
'* (******* 复制请保留以上信息 *******)
option explicit
private declare function trackpopupmenu lib "user32" (byval hmenu as long, byval wflags as long, byval x as long, byval y as long, byval nreserved as long, byval hwnd as long, lprc as any) as long
public enum menuuserstyle ' 菜单总体风格
end enum
public enum menuseparatorstyle ' 菜单分隔条风格
end enum
public enum menuitemselectfillstyle ' 菜单项背景填充风格
end enum
public enum menuitemselectedgestyle ' 菜单项边框风格
end enum
public enum menuitemiconstyle ' 菜单项图标风格
end enum
public enum menuitemselectscope ' 菜单项高亮条的范围
iss_text = &h1
iss_icon_text = &h2
iss_leftbar_icon_text = &h4
end enum
public enum menuleftbarstyle ' 菜单附加条风格
end enum
public enum menuitemtype ' 菜单项类型
mit_string = &h0
mit_checkbox = &h200
mit_separator = &h800
end enum
public enum menuitemstate ' 菜单项状态
mis_enabled = &h0
mis_disabled = &h2
mis_checked = &h8
mis_unchecked = &h0
end enum
public enum popupalign ' 菜单弹出对齐方式
popup_leftalign = &h0& ' 水平左对齐
popup_centeralign = &h4& ' 水平居中对齐
popup_rightalign = &h8& ' 水平右对齐
popup_topalign = &h0& ' 垂直上对齐
popup_vcenteralign = &h10& ' 垂直居中对齐
popup_bottomalign = &h20& ' 垂直下对齐
end enum
' 释放类
private sub class_terminate()
setwindowlong frmmenu.hwnd, gwl_wndproc, premenuwndproc
erase myiteminfo
destroymenu hmenu
end sub
' 创建弹出式菜单
public sub createmenu()
premenuwndproc = setwindowlong(frmmenu.hwnd, gwl_wndproc, addressof menuwndproc)
hmenu = createpopupmenu()
me.style = style_windows
end sub
' 插入菜单项并保存自定义菜单项数组, 设置owner_draw自绘菜单
public sub additem(byval itemalias as string, byval itemicon as stdpicture, byval itemtext as string, byval itemtype as menuitemtype, optional byval itemstate as menuitemstate)
static id as long, i as long
dim iteminfo as menuiteminfo
' 插入菜单项
with iteminfo
.cbsize = lenb(iteminfo)
.fmask = miim_string or miim_ftype or miim_state or miim_submenu or miim_id or miim_data
.ftype = itemtype
.fstate = itemstate
.wid = id
.dwitemdata = true
.cch = lstrlen(itemtext)
.dwtypedata = itemtext
end with
insertmenuitem hmenu, id, false, iteminfo
' 将菜单项数据存入动态数组
redim preserve myiteminfo(id) as mymenuiteminfo
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
err.raise vbobjecterror + 513, "cmenu", "菜单项别名相同."
end if
next i
with myiteminfo(id)
set .itemicon = itemicon
.itemtext = itemtext
.itemtype = itemtype
.itemstate = itemstate
.itemalias = itemalias
end with
' 获得菜单项数据
with iteminfo
.cbsize = lenb(iteminfo)
.fmask = miim_data or miim_id or miim_type
end with
getmenuiteminfo hmenu, id, false, iteminfo
' 设置菜单项数据
with iteminfo
.fmask = .fmask or miim_type
.ftype = mft_ownerdraw
end with
setmenuiteminfo hmenu, id, false, iteminfo
' 菜单项id累加
id = id + 1
end sub
' 删除菜单项
public sub deleteitem(byval itemalias as string)
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
deletemenu hmenu, i, 0
exit for
end if
next i
end sub
' 弹出菜单
public sub popupmenu(byval x as long, byval y as long, byval align as popupalign)
trackpopupmenu hmenu, align, x, y, 0, frmmenu.hwnd, byval 0
end sub
' 设置菜单项图标
public sub setitemicon(byval itemalias as string, byval itemicon as stdpicture)
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
set myiteminfo(i).itemicon = itemicon
exit for
end if
next i
end sub
' 获得菜单项图标
public function getitemicon(byval itemalias as string) as stdpicture
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
set getitemicon = myiteminfo(i).itemicon
exit for
end if
next i
end function
' 设置菜单项文字
public sub setitemtext(byval itemalias as string, byval itemtext as string)
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
myiteminfo(i).itemtext = itemtext
exit for
end if
next i
end sub
' 获得菜单项文字
public function getitemtext(byval itemalias as string) as string
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
getitemtext = myiteminfo(i).itemtext
exit for
end if
next i
end function
' 设置菜单项状态
public sub setitemstate(byval itemalias as string, byval itemstate as menuitemstate)
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
myiteminfo(i).itemstate = itemstate
dim iteminfo as menuiteminfo
with iteminfo
.cbsize = len(iteminfo)
.fmask = miim_string or miim_ftype or miim_state or miim_submenu or miim_id or miim_data
end with
getmenuiteminfo hmenu, i, false, iteminfo
with iteminfo
.fstate = .fstate or itemstate
end with
setmenuiteminfo hmenu, i, false, iteminfo
exit for
end if
next i
end sub
' 获得菜单项状态
public function getitemstate(byval itemalias as string) as menuitemstate
dim i as long
for i = 0 to ubound(myiteminfo)
if myiteminfo(i).itemalias = itemalias then
getitemstate = myiteminfo(i).itemstate
exit for
end if
next i
end function
' 属性: 菜单句柄
public property get hwnd() as long
hwnd = hmenu
end property
public property let hwnd(byval nvalue as long)
end property
' 属性: 菜单附加条宽度
public property get leftbarwidth() as long
leftbarwidth = barwidth
end property
public property let leftbarwidth(byval nbarwidth as long)
if nbarwidth >= 0 then
barwidth = nbarwidth
end if
end property
' 属性: 菜单附加条风格
public property get leftbarstyle() as menuleftbarstyle
leftbarstyle = barstyle
end property
public property let leftbarstyle(byval nbarstyle as menuleftbarstyle)
if nbarstyle >= 0 and nbarstyle <= 4 then
barstyle = nbarstyle
end if
end property
' 属性: 菜单附加条图像(只有当 leftbarstyle 设置为 lbs_image 时才有效)
public property get leftbarimage() as stdpicture
set leftbarimage = barimage
end property
public property let leftbarimage(byval nbarimage as stdpicture)
set barimage = nbarimage
end property
' 属性: 菜单附加条过渡色起始颜色(只有当 leftbarstyle 设置为 lbs_horizontalcolor 或 lbs_verticalcolor 时才有效)
' 当 leftbarstyle 设置为 lbs_solidcolor (实色填充)时以 leftbarstartcolor 颜色为准
public property get leftbarstartcolor() as long
leftbarstartcolor = barstartcolor
end property
public property let leftbarstartcolor(byval nbarstartcolor as long)
barstartcolor = nbarstartcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单附加条过渡色终止颜色(只有当 leftbarstyle 设置为 lbs_horizontalcolor 或 lbs_verticalcolor 时才有效)
' 当 leftbarstyle 设置为 lbs_solidcolor (实色填充)时以 leftbarstartcolor 颜色为准
public property get leftbarendcolor() as long
leftbarendcolor = barendcolor
end property
public property let leftbarendcolor(byval nbarendcolor as long)
barendcolor = nbarendcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单项高亮条的范围
public property get itemselectscope() as menuitemselectscope
itemselectscope = selectscope
end property
public property let itemselectscope(byval nselectscope as menuitemselectscope)
selectscope = nselectscope
end property
' 属性: 菜单项可用时文字颜色
public property get itemtextenabledcolor() as long
itemtextenabledcolor = textenabledcolor
end property
public property let itemtextenabledcolor(byval ntextenabledcolor as long)
textenabledcolor = ntextenabledcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单项不可用时文字颜色
public property get itemtextdisabledcolor() as long
itemtextdisabledcolor = textdisabledcolor
end property
public property let itemtextdisabledcolor(byval ntextdisabledcolor as long)
textdisabledcolor = ntextdisabledcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单项选中时文字颜色
public property get itemtextselectcolor() as long
itemtextselectcolor = textselectcolor
end property
public property let itemtextselectcolor(byval ntextselectcolor as long)
textselectcolor = ntextselectcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单项图标风格
public property get itemiconstyle() as menuitemiconstyle
itemiconstyle = iconstyle
end property
public property let itemiconstyle(byval niconstyle as menuitemiconstyle)
iconstyle = niconstyle
end property
' 属性: 菜单项边框风格
public property get itemselectedgestyle() as menuitemselectedgestyle
itemselectedgestyle = edgestyle
end property
public property let itemselectedgestyle(byval nedgestyle as menuitemselectedgestyle)
edgestyle = nedgestyle
end property
' 属性: 菜单项边框颜色
public property get itemselectedgecolor() as long
itemselectedgecolor = edgecolor
end property
public property let itemselectedgecolor(byval nedgecolor as long)
edgecolor = nedgecolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单项背景填充风格
public property get itemselectfillstyle() as menuitemselectfillstyle
itemselectfillstyle = fillstyle
end property
public property let itemselectfillstyle(byval nfillstyle as menuitemselectfillstyle)
fillstyle = nfillstyle
end property
' 属性: 菜单项过渡色起始颜色(只有当 itemselectfillstyle 设置为 isfs_horizontalcolor 或 isfs_verticalcolor 时才有效)
' 当 itemselectfillstyle 设置为 isfs_solidcolor (实色填充)时以 itemselectfillstartcolor 颜色为准
public property get itemselectfillstartcolor() as long
itemselectfillstartcolor = fillstartcolor
end property
public property let itemselectfillstartcolor(byval nfillstartcolor as long)
fillstartcolor = nfillstartcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单项过渡色终止颜色(只有当 itemselectfillstyle 设置为 isfs_horizontalcolor 或 isfs_verticalcolor 时才有效)
' 当 itemselectfillstyle 设置为 isfs_solidcolor (实色填充)时以 itemselectfillstartcolor 颜色为准
public property get itemselectfillendcolor() as long
itemselectfillendcolor = fillendcolor
end property
public property let itemselectfillendcolor(byval nfillendcolor as long)
fillendcolor = nfillendcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单背景颜色
public property get backcolor() as long
backcolor = bkcolor
end property
public property let backcolor(byval nbkcolor as long)
bkcolor = nbkcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单分隔条风格
public property get separatorstyle() as menuseparatorstyle
separatorstyle = sepstyle
end property
public property let separatorstyle(byval nsepstyle as menuseparatorstyle)
sepstyle = nsepstyle
end property
' 属性: 菜单分隔条颜色
public property get separatorcolor() as long
separatorcolor = sepcolor
end property
public property let separatorcolor(byval nsepcolor as long)
sepcolor = nsepcolor
end property
' 属性: 菜单总体风格
public property get style() as menuuserstyle
style = menustyle
end property
public property let style(byval nmenustyle as menuuserstyle)
menustyle = nmenustyle
select case nmenustyle
case style_windows ' windows 默认风格
set barimage = loadpicture()
barwidth = 20
barstyle = lbs_none
barstartcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
barendcolor = barstartcolor
selectscope = iss_icon_text
textenabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_menutext)
textdisabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_graytext)
textselectcolor = getsyscolor(color_highlighttext)
iconstyle = iis_none
edgestyle = ises_solid
edgecolor = getsyscolor(color_highlight)
fillstyle = isfs_solidcolor
fillstartcolor = edgecolor
fillendcolor = fillstartcolor
bkcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
sepcolor = textdisabledcolor
sepstyle = mss_default
case style_xp ' xp 风格
set barimage = loadpicture()
barwidth = 20
barstyle = lbs_none
barstartcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
barendcolor = barstartcolor
selectscope = iss_icon_text
textenabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_menutext)
textdisabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_graytext)
textselectcolor = textenabledcolor
iconstyle = iis_shadow
edgestyle = ises_solid
edgecolor = rgb(49, 106, 197)
fillstyle = isfs_solidcolor
fillstartcolor = rgb(180, 195, 210)
fillendcolor = fillstartcolor
bkcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
sepcolor = rgb(192, 192, 192)
sepstyle = mss_solid
case style_shade ' 渐变风格
set barimage = loadpicture()
barwidth = 20
barstyle = lbs_verticalcolor
barstartcolor = vbblack
barendcolor = vbwhite
selectscope = iss_icon_text
textenabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_menutext)
textdisabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_graytext)
textselectcolor = getsyscolor(color_highlighttext)
iconstyle = iis_none
edgestyle = ises_none
edgecolor = getsyscolor(color_highlight)
fillstyle = isfs_horizontalcolor
fillstartcolor = vbblack
fillendcolor = vbwhite
bkcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
sepcolor = textdisabledcolor
sepstyle = mss_default
case style_3d ' 3d 立体风格
set barimage = loadpicture()
barwidth = 20
barstyle = lbs_none
barstartcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
barendcolor = barstartcolor
selectscope = iss_text
textenabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_menutext)
textdisabledcolor = getsyscolor(color_graytext)
textselectcolor = vbblue
iconstyle = iis_raised
edgestyle = ises_sunken
edgecolor = getsyscolor(color_highlight)
fillstyle = isfs_none
fillstartcolor = edgecolor
fillendcolor = fillstartcolor
bkcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
sepcolor = textdisabledcolor
sepstyle = mss_default
case style_colorful ' 炫彩风格
set barimage = frmmenu.picture
barwidth = 20
barstyle = lbs_image
barstartcolor = getsyscolor(color_menu)
barendcolor = barstartcolor
selectscope = iss_icon_text
textenabledcolor = vbblue
textdisabledcolor = rgb(49, 106, 197)
textselectcolor = vbred
iconstyle = iis_none
edgestyle = ises_dot
edgecolor = vbblack
fillstyle = isfs_verticalcolor
fillstartcolor = vbyellow
fillendcolor = vbgreen
bkcolor = rgb(230, 230, 255)
sepcolor = vbmagenta
sepstyle = mss_dashdotdot
end select
end property
2、additem这个方法是添加菜单项的,使用一个叫做myiteminfo的动态数组存储菜单项的内容,在“画”菜单项的时候要用到它。在additem方法的最后,将菜单项的ftype设置成了mft_ownerdraw,也就是物主绘图,这一步最关键,因为将菜单项设置成了owner draw,windows将不会替我们写字,不会替我们画图标,一切都由我们自己来。
好了,类模块已经ok了,大家可能对这个菜单类有了更多的了解,也看到了它的属性和方法。怎么样?还算比较丰富吧。如果觉得不够丰富的话,自己加就好了,呵呵。不过,最核心的部分还不在这里,而是在那个处理消息的函数,也就是menuwndproc,它将完成复杂地“画”菜单的任务以及处理各种菜单事件。看看右边的滚动条,已经够窄了,下一篇再讨论吧。 :)