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VB 二进制块读写类模块(第一版)

2024-07-21 02:20:44

option explicit

'刘琦。2005-3-7 last modified.

private m_bfileopened as boolean '文件打开标志

private m_ifilenum as integer '文件号,为什么用integer,由freefile的定义得知

private m_lfilelen as long '文件长度

private declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias _
"rtlmovememory" (destination as any, _
source as any, byval length as long)

public function openbinary(byval sfqfilename as string) as boolean
'sfqfilename 要打开文件的全路径名
'返回值 成功返回真,失败返回假

openbinary = false 'default return value.

on error goto catch '错误捕获

if m_bfileopened then err.raise 1000 '如果该类的实例正处在打开文件的

m_ifilenum = freefile '取得一个合法文件号

open sfqfilename for binary access read as #m_ifilenum

m_bfileopened = true '如果能执行到这一句,说明文件打开了,记录状态

m_lfilelen = lof(m_ifilenum) '取得文件长度

openbinary = true 'return succeed flag!!!

exit function
end function

public sub closefile()

if m_bfileopened then '如果现在正处在打开文件的状态。

close #m_ifilenum '关闭文件
m_bfileopened = false '文件打开标志设为假
m_ifilenum = -1 '把文件号和文件长度设为无效值
m_lfilelen = -1
err.raise 1000 '报错,这意味着这个类遵循强严谨
end if

end sub

public property get filenumber() as integer
filenumber = m_ifilenum
end property

public property get fileopened() as boolean
fileopened = m_bfileopened
end property

public property get filelength() as long
filelength = m_lfilelen
end property

public function readblock(byval lpbuffer as long, _
byval lbuffersize as long) as long
'lpbuffer 用来接受数据的缓冲区指针
'lbuffersize 指出缓冲区的大小(以字节计)
' (也就是期望从文件中读取的字节数)
'返回值 实际读取到缓冲区的字节数,可能等于也可能小于 lbuffersize

dim ltemp as long
dim abuf() as byte

'就是 m_lfilelen-(seek(m_ifilenum)-1)
ltemp = m_lfilelen - seek(m_ifilenum) + 1

if ltemp >= lbuffersize then '[lbuffersize..)

readblock = lbuffersize '返回实际读取到缓冲区的字节数
redim abuf(0 to lbuffersize - 1) '分配空间,大小是lbuffersize
get #m_ifilenum, , abuf() '从文件中读取 lbuffersize个字节
copymemory byval lpbuffer, abuf(0), lbuffersize

elseif ltemp > 0 then '(0..lbuffersize) 也即 [1..lbuffersize-1]
' 0< ltemp < lbuffersize

readblock = ltemp '返回实际读取的字节数
redim abuf(0 to ltemp - 1) '定义一个刚好能容纳将要读取数据的数组
get #m_ifilenum, , abuf() '读块
copymemory byval lpbuffer, abuf(0), ltemp '投放到客户提供的缓冲区里

else '( ..0]

readblock = 0 '返回实际读取到缓冲区的字节数

end if

end function

private sub class_terminate()
if m_bfileopened then err.raise 1000, , "please close file"
end sub


option explicit

'刘琦。2005-3-7 last modified.


private m_bfileopened as boolean '文件打开标志

private m_ifilenum as integer '文件号,为什么用integer,由freefile的定义得知

private m_lfilelen as long '文件长度

private declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias _
"rtlmovememory" (destination as any, source as any, _
byval length as long)

public function openbinary(byval sfqfilename as string) as boolean
'sfqfilename 要打开文件的全路径名
'返回值 成功返回真,失败返回假

openbinary = false 'default return

on error goto catch

if m_bfileopened then err.raise 1000 '如果该类的实例正处在打开文件的

m_ifilenum = freefile '取得一个合法文件号

open sfqfilename for binary access write as #m_ifilenum

m_bfileopened = true '如果能执行到这一句,说明文件打开了,记录状态

m_lfilelen = lof(m_ifilenum) '取得文件长度

openbinary = true 'return succeed flag!!!
exit function
end function

public sub closefile()

if m_bfileopened then '如果现在正处在打开文件的状态。

close #m_ifilenum '关闭文件
m_bfileopened = false '文件打开标志设为假
m_ifilenum = -1 '把文件号和文件长度设为无效值
m_lfilelen = -1
err.raise 1000 '报错,这意味着这个类遵循强严谨
end if

end sub

public property get filenumber() as integer
filenumber = m_ifilenum
end property

public property get fileopened() as boolean
fileopened = m_bfileopened
end property

public property get filelength() as long
filelength = m_lfilelen
end property

public sub writeblock(byval lpbuffer as long, byval ncount as long)
'lpbuffer 数据缓冲区的指针
'ncount 期望写入的字节数
dim abuf() as byte

if ncount <= 0 then exit sub

redim abuf(0 to ncount - 1) '定义一个于期望写入的字节数大小相等的数组

copymemory abuf(0), byval lpbuffer, ncount '把客户提供的数据拷贝到abuf()中

put #m_ifilenum, , abuf() '写到文件

end sub

private sub class_terminate()
if m_bfileopened then err.raise 1000, , "please close file"
end sub




option explicit

dim m_cfileread as new cfileread
dim m_cfilewrite as new cfilewrite

private sub command1_click()
const buffer_size as long = 4096 * 2
dim nactual as long
dim abuf(0 to buffer_size - 1) as byte
dim lpbuf as long
dim tmr as single

tmr = timer

lpbuf = varptr(abuf(0))

if not m_cfileread.openbinary(text1.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text1.text
if not m_cfilewrite.openbinary(text2.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text2.text

nactual = m_cfileread.readblock(lpbuf, buffer_size)
m_cfilewrite.writeblock lpbuf, nactual
loop until nactual < buffer_size '当实际读取字节数小于缓冲区大小的时候,就不需要再读啦,已读完啦


msgbox "ok! total time:" & timer - tmr
end sub

private sub command2_click()
const buffer_size = 1
dim nactual as long
dim abuf(0 to buffer_size - 1) as byte
dim tmr as single

tmr = timer

if not m_cfileread.openbinary(text1.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text1.text
if not m_cfilewrite.openbinary(text2.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text2.text

nactual = m_cfileread.readblock(varptr(abuf(0)), buffer_size)
m_cfilewrite.writeblock varptr(abuf(0)), nactual
loop until nactual < buffer_size '当实际读取字节数小于缓冲区大小的时候,就不需要再读啦,已读完啦


msgbox "ok! total time:" & timer - tmr
end sub

private sub command3_click()
const buffer_size = 40960 * 2
dim nactual as long
dim abuf(0 to buffer_size - 1) as byte
dim tmr as single
dim lfilelen as long
dim ifilenum as integer
dim k as long

tmr = timer

if not m_cfileread.openbinary(text1.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text1.text
if not m_cfilewrite.openbinary(text2.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text2.text
lfilelen = m_cfileread.filelength
ifilenum = m_cfileread.filenumber

k = 0
k = k + 1
if k = 10 then
k = 0
pb1.value = 100 * (seek(ifilenum) / lfilelen)
end if
nactual = m_cfileread.readblock(varptr(abuf(0)), buffer_size)
m_cfilewrite.writeblock varptr(abuf(0)), nactual
loop until nactual < buffer_size '当实际读取字节数小于缓冲区大小的时候,就不需要再读啦,已读完啦


msgbox "ok! total time:" & timer - tmr
end sub

private sub command4_click()
dim spass as string
spass = inputbox("请输入密码。")
dim clogi as new clogistic
clogi.pass = spass

const buffer_size = 4096
dim nactual as long
dim abuf(0 to buffer_size - 1) as byte
dim tmr as single
dim lfilelen as long
dim ifilenum as integer
dim k as long

tmr = timer

if not m_cfileread.openbinary(text1.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text1.text
if not m_cfilewrite.openbinary(text2.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text2.text
lfilelen = m_cfileread.filelength
ifilenum = m_cfileread.filenumber

k = 0
k = k + 1
if k = 10 then
k = 0
pb1.value = 100 * (seek(ifilenum) / lfilelen)
end if
nactual = m_cfileread.readblock(varptr(abuf(0)), buffer_size)
clogi.encblock abuf, nactual
m_cfilewrite.writeblock varptr(abuf(0)), nactual
loop until nactual < buffer_size '当实际读取字节数小于缓冲区大小的时候,就不需要再读啦,已读完啦


msgbox "ok! total time:" & timer - tmr

end sub

private sub command5_click()
if not m_cfileread.openbinary(text1.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text1.text

if not m_cfileread.openbinary(text1.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text1.text

if not m_cfilewrite.openbinary(text2.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text2.text
if not m_cfilewrite.openbinary(text2.text) then msgbox "打开文件失败!" & text2.text

end sub





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