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2024-07-21 02:20:29






option explicit

private mbom as collection              '这是入口的集合
private mbomreturn as collection        '这是出口的集合,未经处理
private mbomreturnlast as collection    '这是出口的集合,经过处理

private sub addbomrecord()
'fg      sa1     2.0000
'fg      sa2     3.0000
'sa1     pt1     4.0000
'sa1     pt2     5.0000
'sa2     pt1     6.0000
'sa2     pt3     7.0000

dim mbomvalue as cbomvalue

set mbomvalue = new cbomvalue

mbomvalue.assbom = "fg"
mbomvalue.bompoint = "sa1"
mbomvalue.quantity = 2

mbom.add mbomvalue

set mbomvalue = new cbomvalue

mbomvalue.assbom = "fg"
mbomvalue.bompoint = "sa2"
mbomvalue.quantity = 3

mbom.add mbomvalue

set mbomvalue = new cbomvalue

mbomvalue.assbom = "sa1"
mbomvalue.bompoint = "pt1"
mbomvalue.quantity = 4

mbom.add mbomvalue

set mbomvalue = new cbomvalue

mbomvalue.assbom = "sa1"
mbomvalue.bompoint = "pt2"
mbomvalue.quantity = 5

mbom.add mbomvalue

set mbomvalue = new cbomvalue

mbomvalue.assbom = "sa2"
mbomvalue.bompoint = "pt1"
mbomvalue.quantity = 6

mbom.add mbomvalue

set mbomvalue = new cbomvalue

mbomvalue.assbom = "sa2"
mbomvalue.bompoint = "pt3"
mbomvalue.quantity = 7

mbom.add mbomvalue

end sub

private sub command1_click()

dim i as integer
dim m as cbomvalue



set mbomreturn = new collection
set mbomreturnlast = new collection

call getbomlist

if mbomreturnlast.count < 0 then
    msgbox "没有记录!", vbinformation + vbokonly, "bom表计算"
    exit sub

    print "assbom" & vbtab & "point" & vbtab & "quantity"
    for i = 1 to mbomreturnlast.count
        set m = mbomreturnlast.item(i)
        print m.assbom & vbtab & m.bompoint & vbtab & m.quantity
    next i
end if

end sub

private sub form_load()


set mbom = new collection


end sub

'*  以下为进行计算部分的代码,注意collection里面的处理

private sub getbomlist()
    dim mbomtop as collection       '这里保存了顶级产成品
    dim i as integer
    dim j as integer
    dim m as cbomreturnvalue
    dim mlast as cbomvalue
    dim bfind as boolean
    set mbomtop = new collection
    loadbomtop mbomtop
    for i = 1 to mbomtop.count
        call calcnextbom(mbomtop.item(i), mbomtop.item(i), "1")
    next i
    for i = 1 to mbomreturn.count
        set m = mbomreturn(i)
        bfind = false
        for j = 1 to mbomreturnlast.count
            set mlast = mbomreturnlast(j)
            if trim(mlast.assbom) = trim(m.assbom) and trim(mlast.bompoint) = trim(m.bompoint) then
                mlast.quantity = mlast.quantity + calcexpression(m.expression)
                bfind = true
            end if
        next j
        if bfind = false then
            set mlast = new cbomvalue
            mlast.assbom = trim(m.assbom)
            mlast.bompoint = trim(m.bompoint)
            mlast.quantity = calcexpression(trim(m.expression))
            mbomreturnlast.add mlast
        end if
    next i
end sub

private sub loadbomtop(byref bomtop as collection)
    dim i as integer
    dim j as integer
    dim n as integer
    dim bmark as boolean    '这只是一个标识符,表明是否发现非顶级
    dim bmarkadd as boolean '用于判断是否已加入到bomtop中的标识
    dim sbomassbom as string
    for i = 1 to mbom.count
        sbomassbom = trim(mbom.item(i).assbom)
        bmark = false
        for j = 1 to mbom.count
            if sbomassbom = trim(mbom.item(j).bompoint) then
                bmark = true
            end if
        next j
        if bmark = false then
            for n = 1 to bomtop.count
                if bomtop.item(n) = sbomassbom then
                    bmarkadd = true
                end if
            next n
            if bmarkadd = false then
                bomtop.add sbomassbom
            end if
        end if
    next i
end sub

private sub calcnextbom(sassbom as string, sasspoint as string, sexp as string)
    dim dquan as double
    dim sexpression as string
    dim spoint as string
    dim bomtop as string
    dim mbompoint as collection
    set mbompoint = new collection
    call loadnextpoint(mbompoint, sasspoint)
    dim i as integer
    dim mbomreturnvalue as cbomreturnvalue
    for i = 1 to mbompoint.count
        if isdetailpoint(trim(mbompoint.item(i).bompoint)) = true then
            set mbomreturnvalue = new cbomreturnvalue
            mbomreturnvalue.assbom = trim(sassbom)
            mbomreturnvalue.bompoint = trim(mbompoint.item(i).bompoint)
            mbomreturnvalue.expression = sexp & "*" & trim(cstr(mbompoint.item(i).quantity))
            mbomreturnvalue.quantity = mbompoint.item(i).quantity
            mbomreturn.add mbomreturnvalue
            call calcnextbom(sassbom, trim(mbompoint.item(i).bompoint), sexp & "*" & trim(cstr(mbompoint.item(i).quantity)))
        end if
    next i
end sub

private sub loadnextpoint(byref bompoint as collection, byval pointname as string)
'相当于getbomtruelist中的游标中的select distinct point,sl from te where assbom = @pointname

    dim i as integer
    dim j as integer
    dim bmark as boolean
    dim mpointvalue as cpointvalue
    for i = 1 to mbom.count
        bmark = false
        if trim(mbom.item(i).assbom) = trim(pointname) then
            for j = 1 to bompoint.count
                if trim(bompoint.item(j).bompoint) = trim(mbom.item(i).bompoint) and bompoint.item(j).quantity = mbom.item(i).quantity then
                    bmark = true
                end if
            next j
            if bmark = false then
                set mpointvalue = new cpointvalue
                mpointvalue.bompoint = trim(mbom.item(i).bompoint)
                mpointvalue.quantity = mbom.item(i).quantity
                bompoint.add mpointvalue
            end if

        end if
    next i

end sub

private function isdetailpoint(byval pointname as string) as boolean

    dim i as integer
    for i = 1 to mbom.count
        if trim(mbom.item(i).assbom) = trim(pointname) then
            isdetailpoint = false
            exit function
        end if
    next i
    isdetailpoint = true
end function

public function calcexpression(strexp as string) as double

dim sitemexp() as string

dim dreturnvalue as double
dim iindex as integer

sitemexp = split(trim(strexp), "*")

if ubound(sitemexp) < 0 then
    calcexpression = 0

    dreturnvalue = 1
    for iindex = 0 to ubound(sitemexp)
        if trim(sitemexp(iindex)) = "" then
            sitemexp(iindex) = 0
        end if
        dreturnvalue = dreturnvalue * cdbl(sitemexp(iindex))
    next iindex
    calcexpression = dreturnvalue

end if

end function


option explicit

private mvarassbom as string '局部复制
private mvarbompoint as string '局部复制
private mvarquantity as double '局部复制
private mvarexpression as string '局部复制
public property let expression(byval vdata as string)
'syntax: x.expression = 5
    mvarexpression = vdata
end property

public property get expression() as string
'syntax: debug.print x.expression
    expression = mvarexpression
end property

public property let quantity(byval vdata as double)
'syntax: x.quantity = 5
    mvarquantity = vdata
end property

public property get quantity() as double
'syntax: debug.print x.quantity
    quantity = mvarquantity
end property

public property let bompoint(byval vdata as string)
'syntax: x.bompoint = 5
    mvarbompoint = vdata
end property

public property get bompoint() as string
'syntax: debug.print x.bompoint
    bompoint = mvarbompoint
end property

public property let assbom(byval vdata as string)
'syntax: x.assbom = 5
    mvarassbom = vdata
end property

public property get assbom() as string
'syntax: debug.print x.assbom
    assbom = mvarassbom
end property


option explicit

private mvarassbom as string '局部复制
private mvarbompoint as string '局部复制
private mvarquantity as double '局部复制
public property let quantity(byval vdata as double)
'syntax: x.quantity = 5
    mvarquantity = vdata
end property

public property get quantity() as double
'syntax: debug.print x.quantity
    quantity = mvarquantity
end property

public property let bompoint(byval vdata as string)
'syntax: x.bompoint = 5
    mvarbompoint = vdata
end property

public property get bompoint() as string
'syntax: debug.print x.bompoint
    bompoint = mvarbompoint
end property

public property let assbom(byval vdata as string)
'syntax: x.assbom = 5
    mvarassbom = vdata
end property

public property get assbom() as string
'syntax: debug.print x.assbom
    assbom = mvarassbom
end property


option explicit

private mvarbompoint as string '局部复制
private mvarquantity as double '局部复制
public property let quantity(byval vdata as double)
'syntax: x.quantity = 5
    mvarquantity = vdata
end property

public property get quantity() as double
'syntax: debug.print x.quantity
    quantity = mvarquantity
end property

public property let bompoint(byval vdata as string)
'syntax: x.bompoint = 5
    mvarbompoint = vdata
end property

public property get bompoint() as string
'syntax: debug.print x.bompoint
    bompoint = mvarbompoint
end property



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