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Coalesys.WebMenu source code(partial)(1)

2024-07-21 02:16:55
i post this source code in order to test our il2c#, this source code was generated by our software, this is the  "javascript" method of class coalesys.webmenu.generate

internal static void javascript(webmenu webmenu, generateconstants type, writer writer) {
    font local0;
    effectconstants local1;
    int local2;
    int local3;
    int local4;
    int local5;
    bool local6;
    bool local7;
    bool local8;
    bool local9;
    bool local10;
    string local11;
    string local12;
    string local13;
    string local14;
    string local15;
    string local16;
    string local17;
    string local18;
    string local19;
    font local20;
    int local21;
    bool local22;
    bool local23;
    bool local24;
    string local25;
    string local26;
    string local27;
    string local28;
    string local29;
    string local30;
    string local31;
    string local32;
    font local33;
    int local34;
    int local35;
    int local36;
    int local37;
    bool local38;
    bool local39;
    bool local40;
    string local41;
    string local42;
    string local43;
    string local44;
    string local45;
    string local46;
    font local47;
    int local48;
    bool local49;
    bool local50;
    bool local51;
    string local52;
    string local53;
    string local54;
    string local55;
    string local56;
    string local57;
    string local58;
    string local59;
    effectconstants local60;

    if (type == 0) {
        if (!(webmenu.csf_8())) {
            writer.csf_11("// coalesys webmenu for asp.net drop through dhtml script/r/n");
            writer.csf_11("// copyright 2001 coalesys, inc./r/n");
        writer.csf_11("function cswmshow()");
        writer.csf_11("function cswmshowinframe()");
        writer.csf_11("function cswmhide()");
        writer.csf_11("function cswmhideselectbox()");
        writer.csf_11("function cswmrefresh()");
    if (type != 2 && type != 5)
        goto i0;
    local11 = webmenu.backgroundcolor;
    local12 = webmenu.selectedcolor;
    local13 = webmenu.selectedtextcolor;
    local14 = webmenu.popupicon;
    local15 = webmenu.selectedpopupicon;
    local2 = webmenu.hidetimer;
    local7 = webmenu.hideonclick;
    local8 = webmenu.ignorehorzscroll;
    local9 = webmenu.ignorevertscroll;
    local1 = webmenu.effect;
    local6 = webmenu.hideselectboxes;
    local10 = webmenu.shadowenabled;
    local17 = webmenu.shadowcolor;
    local3 = webmenu.shadowstrength;
    local4 = webmenu.shadowxoffset;
    local5 = webmenu.shadowyoffset;
    local18 = webmenu.onshow;
    local19 = webmenu.onhide;
    local0 = webmenu.itemfont;
    local16 = local0.color;
    if (!(webmenu.csf_8())) {
        writer.csf_11("// coalesys webmenu for asp.net ie5/ie6 dhtml script/r/n");
        writer.csf_11("// copyright 2001 coalesys, inc./r/n");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmom=/"document.all./";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmbgco=/".style.backgroundcolor/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmco=/".style.color/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmdi=/".style.display/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmti=/"/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmclkd=-1;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmpi=new array();");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmpx=new array();");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmpy=new array();");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmpw=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmph=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmspnt=/"/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmdir=/"/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmmb=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmsi=/"/";");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmse=new object();");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmsel=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmset=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmseh=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmsew=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmbw=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmbh=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmar=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmab=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmsla=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmsta=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmexis=/"");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmexdis=/"");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmcth=");
    if (local7)
    writer.csf_11("var cswmxoff=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmyoff=0;");
    writer.csf_11("var cswmfp=0;");
    if (local10)
        writer.csf_11("var cswmsdw = new array();");
    if (local7) {
        writer.csf_11("function cswmev()");
    if (local1 != 0) {
        writer.csf_11("var cswmts=0;");
        writer.csf_11("var cswmtl=0;");
        writer.csf_11("var cswmtti=/"/";");
    if (local1 == 3 || local1 == 4) {
        writer.csf_11("var cswmsip=0;");
        writer.csf_11("var cswmpr=/"/";");
        writer.csf_11("var cswmsa=false;");
        writer.csf_11("var cswmss=0;");
    writer.csf_11("function cswmt(ms)");
    local60 = local1;
    switch (local60) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
            goto case 4;
        case 4:
    writer.csf_11("function cswmshow(id,srcid,relpos,offsetx,offsety,fixedpos)");
    if (!(common.csf_0(local18))) {
    writer.csf_11("function cswmhide()");
    local60 = local1;
    switch (local60) {
        case 0:
            writer.csf_11("cswmti=settimeout(/"cswmhp(0);cswmclkd=-1/", ");
        case 1:
            writer.csf_11("cswmti=settimeout(/"cswmfo(90);cswmclkd=-1/", ");
        case 2:
            writer.csf_11("cswmti=settimeout(/"cswmpixo(1);cswmclkd=-1/", ");
        case 3:
            goto case 4;
        case 4:
            writer.csf_11("cswmti=settimeout(/"cswmhp(0);cswmclkd=-1;cswmts=0/", ");
    writer.csf_11("function cswmhii(id,bgco)");
    writer.csf_11("function cswmdii(id,bgco)");
    writer.csf_11("function cswmhideselectbox(boolhide,arrselectlist)");
    writer.csf_11("document.cswmselects=new array();");
    writer.csf_11("var selectid=new string();");
    writer.csf_11("var icount=0;");


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