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POP3 Client as a C# Class(转自CodeProject)

2024-07-21 02:16:53
namespace pop3client
    using system.io ;
    using system.net;
    using system.net.sockets ;
    //please note that all code is copyright 2002 by william j dean
    public class pop3client
        public enum connect_state {disc,authorization,transaction,update};

        public string user;
        public string pwd;
        public string pop;
        public bool error;
        public connect_state state=connect_state.disc ;

        //borrowed from agus kurniawan's article:"retrieve mail from a pop3 server using c#"  at http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/popapp.asp
        private tcpclient server;
        private networkstream netstrm;
        private streamreader  rdstrm;
        private string data;
        private byte[] szdata;
        private string crlf = "/r/n";    

        public pop3client()
            //nothing to do..just create to object    

        public pop3client(string pop_server,string user_name,string password)
            //put the specied server (pop_server), user (user_name) and password (password)
            //into the appropriate properties.

        #region utility methods, some public, some private
        public string connect (string pop_server)
            pop=pop_server;    //put the specified server into the pop property
            return(connect()); //call the connect method
        public string connect()
            //initialize to the pop server.  this code snipped "borrowed"
            //with some modifications...
            //from the article "retrieve mail from a pop3 server using c#" at
            //www.codeproject.com by agus kurniawan

            // create server with port 110
            server = new tcpclient(pop,110);                                
                // initialization
                netstrm = server.getstream();
                rdstrm= new streamreader(server.getstream());

                //the pop session is now in the authorization state
                state=connect_state.authorization ;
                return(rdstrm.readline ());
            catch(invalidoperationexception err)
                return("error: "+err.tostring());

        private string disconnect ()
            string temp="disconnected successfully.";
            if(state !=connect_state.disc)

                //close connection
                state=connect_state.disc ;
                temp="not connected.";

        private void issue_command(string command)
            //send the command to the pop server.  this code snipped "borrowed"
            //with some modifications...
            //from the article "retrieve mail from a pop3 server using c#" at
            //www.codeproject.com by agus kurniawan
            data= command + crlf;
            szdata = system.text.encoding.ascii.getbytes(data.tochararray());

        private string read_single_line_response()
            //read the response of the pop server.  this code snipped "borrowed"
            //with some modifications...
            //from the article "retrieve mail from a pop3 server using c#" at
            //www.codeproject.com by agus kurniawan
            string temp;
                temp = rdstrm.readline();
            catch(invalidoperationexception err)
                return("error in read_single_line_response(): " + err.tostring ()) ;

        private string read_multi_line_response()
            //read the response of the pop server.  this code snipped "borrowed"
            //with some modifications...
            //from the article "retrieve mail from a pop3 server using c#" at
            //www.codeproject.com by agus kurniawan
            string temp="";
            string sztemp;

                sztemp = rdstrm.readline();
                        temp += sztemp+crlf;
                        sztemp = rdstrm.readline();
            catch(invalidoperationexception err)
                return("error in read_multi_line_response(): " + err.tostring ());
        private void was_pop_error(string response)
            //detect if the pop server that issued the response believes that
            //an error has occured.

            if(response.startswith ("-"))
                //if the first character of the response is "-" then the
                //pop server has encountered an error executing the last
                //command send by the client
        #region pop commands
        public string dele(int msg_number)
            string temp;
            if (state != connect_state.transaction )
                //dele is only valid when the pop session is in the transaction state
                temp="connection state not = transaction";
                issue_command("dele " + msg_number.tostring ());

        public string list()
            string temp="";
            if (state != connect_state.transaction )
                //the pop command list is only valid in the transaction state
                temp="connection state not = transaction";
                issue_command ("list");

        public string list(int msg_number)
            string temp="";

            if (state != connect_state.transaction )
                //the pop command list is only valid in the transaction state
                temp="connection state not = transaction";
                issue_command ("list " + msg_number.tostring ());
                temp=read_single_line_response();  //when the message number is supplied, expect a single line response


        public string noop()
            string temp;
            if (state != connect_state.transaction )
                //the pop command noop is only valid in the transaction state
                temp="connection state not = transaction";
                issue_command ("noop");


        public string pass()
            string temp;
            if (state != connect_state.authorization)
                //the pop command pass is only valid in the authorization state
                temp="connection state not = authorization";
                if (pwd !=null)
                    issue_command ("pass " + pwd);

                    if (!error)
                        //transition to the transaction state
                    temp="no password set.";
        public string pass(string password)
            pwd=password;   //put the supplied password into the appropriate property
            return(pass()); //call pass() with no arguement

        public string quit()
            //quit is valid in all pop states

            string temp;
            if (state !=connect_state.disc)
                issue_command ("quit");
                temp += crlf + disconnect();
                temp="not connected.";

        public string retr (int msg)
            string temp="";
            if (state != connect_state.transaction )
                //the pop command retr is only valid in the transaction state
                temp="connection state not = transaction";
                // retrieve mail with number mail parameter
                issue_command ("retr "+ msg.tostring ());


        public string rset()
            string temp;
            if (state != connect_state.transaction )
                //the pop command stat is only valid in the transaction state
                temp="connection state not = transaction";


        public string stat()
            string temp;
            if (state==connect_state.transaction)


                //the pop command stat is only valid in the transaction state
                return ("connection state not = transaction");

        public string user()
            string temp;
            if (state != connect_state.authorization)
                //the pop command user is only valid in the authorization state
                temp="connection state not = authorization";
                if (user !=null)
                    issue_command("user "+ user);
                {   //no user has been specified
                    temp="no user specified.";

        public string user(string user_name)
            user=user_name;  //put the user name in the appropriate propertity
            return(user());  //call user with no arguements


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