三个月后xp发布,pdc 2001召开,visual studio.net beta2 release ,webservice已经蓬勃发展深入人心,一切突然清晰起来,15天以后msn explorer 7.0发布,msn主站点迎来了近两年多的一次大改版,开始有评论认为发生变化了,有人已从msn嗅出一种奇特的气味,这次改版改变到根了,msn explorer宣称可以和msn网站真正的同步并且成为一个最美丽的client,msn messenger让人新奇的发现actions plane,不久hailstorm被改称为microsoft .net my services,passport脱离hotmail,messenger成为microsoft .net my services的一员,ms表明今后所有microsoft .net my services的关键是passport,它将是所有web站点和webservice的唯一的一种登录方式,而且未来它将会被发展成一个全球化用于授权的电子商务平台。几乎一夜之间ms所有的相关网站赫然出现passport的webui,ep标志也出现在近160家的电子商务网站上。这时passport用户已超过165,000,000个。
if omgr.fromnetworkserver then response.redirect(thisurl) end if
if omgr.hasticket then 'just doing basic auth; any ticket is accepted regardless of age ' signout uses a different site-global url, assumes that this url exists ... rurl = server.urlencode("http://" & request.servervariables("server_name") & _ "/mypassport/loginout.asp") response.write("欢迎你,你已登录!") 'will display sign-out link. else 'no ticket, tell them to click sign in rurl = server.urlencode(thisurl) response.write("请登录") 'will display sign-in link. end if
'未登录显示 sign in 的logo否则会显示 sign out 的logo. response.write(omgr.logotag2("www.ccboysvr.com"))
when a user requests a secured page from a site using passport, the site redirects the user to a passport server for authentication. once the user has been authenticated, he or she is sent back to the calling site. all communications between the passport site and participating sites go through the user's browser, using encrypted cookies and query strings. (图片出处www.vbpj.com 作者:jon rauschenberger email:[email protected])