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2024-07-21 02:16:40
控件名称:calendar with date mark
版    本:1.0
类    型:html component
运行需求:ie 5(推荐ie5.5或更高版本)、msxml、asp或asp.net(后台)
费    用:免费
支    持:不提供支持
源 代 码:xml scriptlet
<public:attach event="oncontentready" onevent="init()"/>
<public:property name="value" get="getvalue" put="setvalue"/>
<public:property name="stringvalue" get="getstringvalue" />
<public:property name="mark" get="getcurrentmark" put="setcurrentmark" />
<public:property name="marklist" get="getmarklist" />
<public:method name="refresh" />
<public:method name="addmark" />
<public:method name="removemark" />
<public:method name="removeallmark" />
<public:method name="loadmark" />
<public:method name="savemark" />
<public:event name="onvaluechange" id="vlcg" />
<script language="jscript">

//  html component : calendar with date mark(带时间标注的日历控件)
//  version        : 1.0
//  request        : microsoft ie 5 or up
//  author         : jojo
//  last realse    : 5/9/2001
//  copyright      : think space soft tec
//  contact        : [email protected]

var date = new date();
var activedate = new date();

var marklist = new activexobject("scripting.dictionary");

function writexmltodictionary(xmldoc,dict,rewrite){
  var xnodelist = xmldoc.documentelement.selectnodes("mark");
  if (rewrite) dict.removeall();
  for (var i=0;i<xnodelist.length;i++){
    var xnode = xnodelist.item(i);
    var xdate = xnode.selectsinglenode("markdate");
    var xnote = xnode.selectsinglenode("note");
    //alert(xdate.text + "," + xnote.text);
    if (xdate.text && xnote.text){
      dict.item(xdate.text) = xnote.text;

function postxml(xmldoc,url){
  var xmlhttp = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");
  var xdoc = new activexobject("microsoft.xmldom");
  xdoc.async = false;
  return !!xdoc.documentelement.text;

function savemark(url){
  var xmldoc = new activexobject("microsoft.xmldom");
    return true;
  return false;

function writedictionarytoxml(dict,xmldoc){
  var keys = (new vbarray(dict.keys())).toarray();
  for (var i=0;i<keys.length;i++){
      var d = new date(keys[i]);
    if (!dict.item(keys[i])) continue;
    var xmark = xmldoc.createelement("mark");
    var xmarkdate = xmldoc.createelement("markdate");
    xmarkdate.text = datetosortstring(d);
    var xnote = xmldoc.createelement("note");
    xnote.text = dict.item(keys[i]);

function loadmark(url,rewrite){
  var xmldoc = new activexobject("microsoft.freethreadedxmldom");
  xmldoc.async = false;

function refresh(){

function getcurrentmark(){
  if(!getmark(activedate)) return "";
  return getmark(activedate);

function setcurrentmark(markvalue){

function getmarklist(){
  return marklist;

function datetosortstring(adate){
  return (adate.getmonth()+1) + "/" + adate.getdate() + "/" + adate.getfullyear();

function getmark(adate){
  if (marklist.exists(datetosortstring(adate)))
    return marklist.item(datetosortstring(adate));

function addmark(adate,note){
  if (!note) return false;
    var d = new date(adate);
    marklist.item(datetosortstring(d)) = note;
    return true;
    return false;

function removemark(adate){

function removeallmark(){

function sendevent(){
  var oevent = createeventobject();

function getstringvalue(){
  return activedate.getfullyear() + "年" + (activedate.getmonth() + 1) + "月" + activedate.getdate() + "日";

function getvalue(){
  return activedate;

function setvalue(invalue){
    var tdate = new date(invalue);
function fillcalendar(adate){
  ynm.innertext = adate.getfullyear() + "年" + (adate.getmonth() + 1) + "月";
  var tempdate = new date();
  var first = true;
  for (var i=0;i<tblbd.rows.length;i++){
    for (var j=0;j<tblbd.rows(i).cells.length;j++){
      var cell = tblbd.rows(i).cells(j);
      cell.innerhtml = " ";
      cell.bgcolor = "";
      cell.title = "";
      cell.style.backgroundcolor = "";
      if (tempdate.getday() == j){
        if (!first) continue;
        cell.innertext = tempdate.getdate();

        if (getmark(tempdate)){
          cell.bgcolor = "wheat";
          cell.style.backgroundcolor = cell.bgcolor;
          var tt = getmark(tempdate);
          if (tt.length<20)
            cell.title = tt
            cell.title = tt.substr(0,20) + "...";
        if (tempdate.getdate() == activedate.getdate()){
        first = tempdate.getdate() > 1;

function hightlightdate(object){
  var tds = tblbd.all.tags("td");
  for (var i=0;i<tds.length;i++){
    if (tds(i) != object){
      tds(i).style.backgroundcolor = tds(i).bgcolor;
      tds(i).style.color = ""
      tds(i).style.backgroundcolor = "navy";
      tds(i).style.color = "white";

function selectdate(){
  var i = parseint(window.event.srcelement.innertext);
  if ((!isnan(i)) && (i<3000)){

function movedate(){
  var k = window.event.keycode;
    case 37:
    case 38:
    case 39:
    case 40:

function setactivedate(){
  var i = activedate.getdate();
  while ((date.getmonth() != activedate.getmonth()) || (date.getfullyear() != activedate.getfullyear())){

function gonextmonth(){

function gonextyear(){

function goprioryear(){

function gopriormonth(){


var tbl = window.document.createelement("<table style=/"border:solid 1px;width:100%;height:100%;font-size:9pt/" cellspacing=0>");
var tblhd = window.document.createelement("thead");
var tblbd = window.document.createelement("tbody");

var anchorprioryear = window.document.createelement("a");
anchorprioryear.style.fontfamily = "webdings";
anchorprioryear.style.cursor = "hand";
anchorprioryear.innertext = "7";
anchorprioryear.title = "上一年";

var anchorpriormonth = window.document.createelement("a");
anchorpriormonth.style.fontfamily = "webdings";
anchorpriormonth.style.cursor = "hand";
anchorpriormonth.innertext = "3";
anchorpriormonth.title = "上一月";

var anchornextmonth = window.document.createelement("a");
anchornextmonth.style.fontfamily = "webdings";
anchornextmonth.style.cursor = "hand";
anchornextmonth.innertext = "4";
anchornextmonth.title = "下一月";

var anchornextyear = window.document.createelement("a");
anchornextyear.style.fontfamily = "webdings";
anchornextyear.style.cursor = "hand";
anchornextyear.innertext = "8";
anchornextyear.title = "下一年";

var ynm = window.document.createelement("font");
ynm.style.width = "60%";
ynm.style.fontweight = "bold";

var cpt = window.document.createelement("caption");


function inithead(){
  cpt.style.backgroundcolor = "navy";
  cpt.style.color = "white";
  cpt.style.textalign = "center";
  cpt.style.cursor = "defalut";
  var row = tblhd.insertrow();
  row.align = "center";
  var weekstr = new array("日","一","二","三","四","五","六");
  for (var i=0;i<weekstr.length;i++){
    var cell = row.insertcell();
    cell.innertext = weekstr[i];
    cell.style.borderbottom = "solid 1px";
    cell.style.cursor = "default";
      cell.align = "center";

function initbody(){
  for (var i=0;i<6;i++){
    var row = tblbd.insertrow();
    for (var j=0;j<7;j++){
      var cell = row.insertcell();
      cell.innerhtml = " ";
      cell.style.cursor = "default";
      cell.align = "center";

function init(){
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