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无刷新的聊天室的制作兼谈组件制作和ClientSide Script(一)

2024-07-21 02:16:34
我们在传统的web程序当中比较头疼的一件事是屏幕的刷新感。虽然有server push的技术,但在ie中较难实现。现在webservice给了我们这样一个机会,大家都知道webservice是基于soap的,而soap是xml的应用,如果你曾经用过ms xml sdk3.0的话就会知道里面有个xmlhttp方法,其实在那时我们就已经可以用xmlhttp的方式替代form了,也是无刷新的,其实准确地说是局部刷新,下面我们来看一下怎样做,先做一个chat webservice, 首先来分析一下,一个聊天室应具备的两个要素人和消息,这样我们可以建立一个类型(记得我在以前说过类也是类型),它包含这样两个要素。
using system;

namespace chat
    /// <summary>
    /// chatmessage类封装了两个string变量:userlists--用户列表,messages--要传递的信息
    /// </summary>
    public class chatmessage
        public string userlist, messages;
using system;

namespace chat
    /// <summary>
    /// member类为每个聊天者封装了server端的变量
    /// </summary>
    public class member
        // 存储消息的队列        
public string username, msgqueue;
                // 判断滞留事件以便踢人
        public system.datetime lastaccesstime;
        // the constructor
        public member(string nickname)

using system;
using system.collections;
using system.componentmodel;
using system.data;
using system.diagnostics;
using system.web;
using system.web.services;

namespace chat
    /// <summary>
    /// summary description for chatwebservice.
    /// </summary>
    [webservice (namespace = "http://localhost/chat/", description = "this service provides an chat service")]
    public class chatwebservice : system.web.services.webservice
        public chatwebservice()
            //codegen: this call is required by the asp.net web services designer

        #region component designer generated code
        /// <summary>
        /// required method for designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void initializecomponent()

        /// <summary>
        /// clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void dispose( bool disposing )
        public string login(string username)
            // ascertain that all the registered chat participants are active
            // synchronization lock
            // get the collection of keys for the application variables
            string[] members = application.allkeys;
            // are there any registered chat members? & the present request is for a unique nick name?
            if ((members.length>0)&&(array.indexof(members,username)>-1))
                throw new exception("该用户已存在!");
            // create a new member object for this participant
            member newmember = new member(username);
            // add this new member to the collectionof application level variables
            application.add(username, newmember);
            // synchronization unlock
            // go and get the list of current chat participants and retrun the list
            return getmemberslist();

        public chatmessage xchangemsgs(string username, string msg)
            // ascertain that all the registered chat participants are active
            // synchronization lock
            // get the collection of keys for the application variables
            string[] members = application.allkeys;
            if ((members.length==0)||(array.indexof(members,username)==-1))
                // are there any registered chat members? & the present request is for a unique nick name?
                throw new exception("你当前可能没有登陆或登陆超时,请重新登陆!");
                        chatmessage retmsg = new chatmessage();

            retmsg.userlist = getmemberslist();
            // loop through all the chat participant's serverside member objects and
            // add the message just received in their waiting message queue
            for (int x=0;x<members.length;x++)
                                member temp = (member)application[members[x]];
                                temp.msgqueue+=("<br><font color = red>" + username + " 说:<br></font><font color = blue>" + msg);
                                if (temp.username == username)
                    retmsg.messages = temp.msgqueue;
            // synchronization unlock
            return retmsg;
        public chatmessage getmsgs(string username)
            string[] members = application.allkeys;
            if ((members.length==0)||(array.indexof(members,username)==-1))
                throw new exception("unknown user. please login with a username");
            chatmessage retmsg = new chatmessage();
            retmsg.userlist = getmemberslist();
            member temp = (member)application[username];
            retmsg.messages = temp.msgqueue;
            return retmsg;

        public string getmemberslist()
            string userlist = "";
            string[] members = application.allkeys;
            for (int x=0;x<members.length;x++)
                member temp = (member)application[members[x]];
                userlist += (temp.username+"/n");
            return userlist;

        private void checkmemberslist()
            string[] members = application.allkeys;
            arraylist removelist = new arraylist();
            for (int x=0;x<members.length;x++)            
                member temp = (member) application[members[x]];
                int test = (datetime.now.subtract(temp.lastaccesstime)).minutes;
                if (test > 2)
            // users = null;
            for (int count = 0;count<removelist.count;count++)



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