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2024-07-21 02:16:14




this example doubles the length of the base extrude.这个例子将拉伸凸台的长度增加一倍


dim swapp as sldworks.sldworks

dim model as modeldoc2

dim component as component2

dim curfeature as feature

dim isgood as boolean

' will become an extrudefeaturedata object

dim featdata as object

dim depth as double

dim selmgr as selectionmgr



sub doublebe()

}}-->    }}-->set swapp = createobject("sldworks.application")

}}-->    }}-->set model = swapp.activedoc

}}-->    }}-->' make sure that the active document is a part

}}-->    }}-->if model.gettype <> swdocpart and model.gettype <> swdocassembly then

‘这里的swdocpart 、swdocassembly 我的环境没有通过。我使用msgbox model.gettype  的笨办法得到整数为1和2 

}}-->        }}-->msg = "only allowed on parts or assemblies" ' define message

}}-->        }}-->style = vbokonly ' ok button only

}}-->        }}-->title = "error" ' define title

}}-->        }}-->call msgbox(msg, style, title) ' display error message

}}-->        }}-->exit sub ' exit this program

}}-->    }}-->end if



}}-->    }}-->' get the selection manager

}}-->    }}-->set selmgr = model.selectionmanager



}}-->    }}-->' get the selected object (first in the group if there are more than one)

}}-->    }}-->' note that at this point curfeature is just a feature object

}}-->    }}-->set curfeature = selmgr.getselectedobject3(1)

}}-->    }}-->if curfeature is nothing then

}}-->        }}-->' tell the user that nothing is selected

}}-->        }}-->swapp.sendmsgtouser2 "please select the base-extrude", swmbwarning, swmbok

}}-->        }}-->exit sub

}}-->    }}-->end if


}}-->    }}-->' check the feature's type name

}}-->    }}-->' make sure it is an extrusion

}}-->    }}-->if not curfeature.gettypename = swtnextrusion then  


}}-->        }}-->swapp.sendmsgtouser2 "please select the base-extrude", swmbwarning, swmbok

}}-->        }}-->exit sub

}}-->    }}-->end if


}}-->    }}-->' get the extrusion's feature data

}}-->    }}-->set featdata = curfeature.getdefinition



}}-->   }}-->' get the access selections for the feature data

}}-->   }}-->' note that component is null when accessing the selections of a standalone part. }}--> }}-->if we were calling accessselections from within an assembly, then model would refer to the top-level document in the assembly and component would refer to the actual part.

}}-->    }}-->isgood = featdata.accessselections(model, component)



}}-->    }}-->' inform the user of an error

}}-->    }}-->if not isgood then

}}-->        }}-->swapp.sendmsgtouser2 "unable to obtain access selections", swmbwarning, swmbok

}}-->        }}-->exit sub

}}-->    }}-->end if



}}-->    }}-->' make sure the user has selected the base extrude

}}-->    }}-->if not featdata.isbaseextrude then

}}-->        }}-->swapp.sendmsgtouser2 "please select the base-extrude", swmbwarning, swmbok

}}-->        }}-->featdata.releaseselectionaccess

}}-->        }}-->exit sub

}}-->    }}-->end if



}}-->    }}-->' change the depth of this extrusion to double its previous depth

}}-->    }}-->depth = featdata.getdepth(true)

}}-->    }}-->featdata.setdepth true, depth * 2



}}-->    }}-->' implement the changes to the feature

}}-->    }}-->isgood = curfeature.modifydefinition(featdata, model, component)



}}-->    }}-->' if the modify definition failed

}}-->    }}-->if not isgood then

}}-->        }}-->swapp.sendmsgtouser2 "unable to modify feature data", swmbwarning, swmbok

}}-->        }}-->' release the accessselections

}}-->        }}-->featdata.releaseselectionaccess

}}-->    }}-->end if



end sub





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