private const asf_header_object = "{75b22630-668e-11cf-a6d9-00aa0062ce6c}"
private const asf_codec_list_object = "{86d15240-311d-11d0-a3a4-00a0c90348f6}"
private const asf_content_description_object = "{75b22633-668e-11cf-a6d9-00aa0062ce6c}"
private const asf_extended_content_description_object = "{d2d0a440-e307-11d2-97f0-00a0c95ea850}"
private type guid
dwdata1 as long
wdata2 as integer
wdata3 as integer
abdata4(7) as byte
end type
private enum mediatype
mcimidi = 1
mcimp3 = 2
mciasf = 4
mcivideo = 8
mciwave = 16
end enum
private type musicinfo
filename as string
musictype as mediatype
title as string
artist as string
album as string
year as string
lyrics as string
writer as string
composer as string
bits as string
sample as string
length as long
end type
private type objheader
id as guid
size(1) as long
end type
private type asfheader
headerinfo as objheader
numofheader as long
reserved1 as byte
reserved2 as byte
end type
private type contentdescription
titlelength as integer
authorlength as integer
copyrightlength as integer
descriptionlength as integer
ratinglength as integer
end type
private type descriptorvalue
type as integer
length as integer
end type
private function getasfinfo(udtinfo as musicinfo) as boolean
dim asfh as asfheader, bo as objheader, tmpinfo as musicinfo
dim fd as contentdescription, dv as descriptorvalue, gd as guid
dim a() as string, b() as byte, pos as long, freeno as integer, efl as integer
dim s as string, i as long, k as integer, l as long, j as long
dim en as string, vl as string
on error goto fail
freeno = freefile
pos = 1
open udtinfo.filename for binary as #freeno
tmpinfo = udtinfo
with tmpinfo
get #freeno, pos, asfh
s = guidtostr(
if s <> asf_header_object then goto fail
pos = pos + len(asfh)
for l = 1 to asfh.numofheader
get #freeno, pos, bo
s = guidtostr(
select case s
case asf_codec_list_object
get #freeno, , gd
get #freeno, , i
for j = 1 to i
get #freeno, , dv
redim b(dv.length * 2 - 1)
get #freeno, , b
get #freeno, , efl
redim b(efl * 2 - 1)
get #freeno, , b
en = b
en = trim$(replace$(en, vbnullchar, ""))
if dv.type = 2 then
if instr(1, en, ",") > 0 then
a = split(en, ",")
if instr(1, a(0), "kbps", vbtextcompare) > 0 then
.bits = val(a(0)) & "kbps"
end if
if instr(1, a(1), "khz", vbtextcompare) > 0 then
.sample = val(a(1)) & "khz"
end if
end if
elseif dv.type = 1 then '这里可以取到视频格式信息,因为自己没这个目的,就没写了
.musictype = .musictype or mcivideo
end if
get #freeno, , efl
redim b(efl - 1)
get #freeno, , b
case asf_content_description_object
get #freeno, , fd
redim b(fd.titlelength - 1)
get #freeno, , b
en = b
en = trim$(replace$(en, vbnullchar, ""))
.title = en
redim b(fd.authorlength - 1)
get #freeno, , b
en = b
en = trim$(replace$(en, vbnullchar, ""))
.artist = en
if val(.year) < 1900 or val(.year) > 2100 then
redim b(fd.copyrightlength - 1)
get #freeno, , b
en = b
en = trim$(replace$(en, vbnullchar, ""))
a = split(en, " ")
for i = 0 to ubound(a)
if val(a(i)) > 0 then
.year = val(a(i))
exit for
end if
end if
case asf_extended_content_description_object
get #freeno, , k
for j = 1 to k
get #freeno, , efl
redim b(efl - 1)
get #freeno, , b
en = b
en = lcase$(trim$(replace$(en, vbnullchar, "")))
get #freeno, , dv
select case dv.type
case 0, 1
redim b(dv.length - 1)
get #freeno, , b
vl = b
vl = trim$(replace$(vl, vbnullchar, ""))
select case en
case "title"
.title = vl
case "author"
if .artist = "" then .artist = vl
case "wm/albumartist"
.artist = vl
case "wm/writer"
.writer = vl
case "wm/composer"
.composer = vl
case "wm/albumtitle"
.album = vl
case "wm/lyrics"
.lyrics = replace$(vl, " ", " ")
case "wm/originalreleaseyear"
if .year = "" then .year = val(vl)
case "wm/year"
.year = val(vl)
end select
case 2, 3
redim b(3)
get #freeno, , b
case 4
redim b(7)
get #freeno, , b
case 5
redim b(1)
get #freeno, , b
end select
end select
pos = pos + bo.size(0)
end with
udtinfo = tmpinfo
getasfinfo = true
close #freeno
end function
private sub command1_click()
dim i as long, inf as musicinfo, s as string
inf.filename = text1.text
if getmusicinfo(inf) then
s = "文件:" & inf.filename & vbcrlf
s = s & "歌名:" & inf.title & vbcrlf
s = s & "唱片:" & inf.album & vbcrlf
s = s & "歌手:" & inf.artist & vbcrlf
s = s & "作词:" & inf.writer & vbcrlf
s = s & "作曲:" & inf.composer & vbcrlf
s = s & "年代:" & inf.year & vbcrlf
s = s & "采样:" & inf.bits & vbcrlf
s = s & "位率:" & inf.sample & vbcrlf
s = s & "歌词:" & inf.lyrics
s = "无法取音乐信息"
end if
msgbox s
end sub