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2024-07-21 02:15:49


solidworks的api帮助还是很全面的,里面有好多见简单而有效的程序,成天在api帮助里泡着,现在做程序的速度是越来越快。好像当年成天在excel中录制宏看代码的感觉。下面的程序是api帮助里的,它用来显示装配体的所有零部件。我给我的同事们用,他们觉得不错 :)。程序使用了一个简单的递归方法遍历了装配体。
make all assembly components visible example (vb)
this example shows how to make all assembly components visible.




' preconditions: an assembly document is open.


' postconditions: any hidden assembly components are made visible.



option explicit

public enum swcomponentvisibilitystate_e

}}-->    }}-->swcomponenthidden = 0

}}-->    }}-->swcomponentvisible = 1

end enum


sub traversecomponent _

( _

}}-->    }}-->swcomp as sldworks.component2, _

}}-->    }}-->nlevel as long _


}}-->    }}-->dim vchildcomparr }}-->              }}-->as variant

}}-->    }}-->dim vchildcomp }}-->                 }}-->as variant

}}-->    }}-->dim swchildcomp }}-->                }}-->as sldworks.component2

}}-->    }}-->dim swcompconfig }}-->               }}-->as sldworks.configuration

}}-->    }}-->dim spadstr }}-->                    }}-->as string

}}-->    }}-->dim i }}-->                          }}-->as long

}}-->    }}-->

}}-->    }}-->for i = 0 to nlevel - 1

}}-->        }}-->spadstr = spadstr + " }}--> }}-->"

}}-->    }}-->next i

}}-->    }}-->

}}-->    }}-->vchildcomparr = swcomp.getchildren

}}-->    }}-->for each vchildcomp in vchildcomparr

}}-->        }}-->set swchildcomp = vchildcomp

}}-->        }}-->

}}-->        }}-->debug.print spadstr & swchildcomp.name2 & " <" & swchildcomp.referencedconfiguration & ">"

}}-->        }}-->

}}-->        }}-->if swcomponenthidden = swchildcomp.visible then

}}-->            }}-->swchildcomp.visible = swcomponentvisible

}}-->        }}-->end if

}}-->        }}-->

}}-->        }}-->traversecomponent swchildcomp, nlevel + 1

}}-->    }}-->next

end sub


sub main()

}}-->    }}-->dim swapp }}-->                      }}-->as sldworks.sldworks

}}-->    }}-->dim swmodel }}-->                    }}-->as sldworks.modeldoc2

}}-->    }}-->dim swassy }}-->                     }}-->as sldworks.assemblydoc

}}-->    }}-->dim swconf }}-->                     }}-->as sldworks.configuration

}}-->    }}-->dim swrootcomp }}-->                 }}-->as sldworks.component2

}}-->    }}-->dim bret }}-->                       }}-->as boolean

}}-->    set swapp = application.sldworks

}}-->    }}-->set swmodel = swapp.activedoc

}}-->    }}-->set swconf = swmodel.getactiveconfiguration

}}-->    }}-->set swrootcomp = swconf.getrootcomponent}}-->}}-->

}}-->    }}-->debug.print "file = " & swmodel.getpathname

}}-->    traversecomponent swrootcomp, 1

end sub
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