以下是引用片段: 代码: lodo_gqno,lodo_serverurl,lodo_areaurl,lodo_sysinitialvalue,lodo_servername,lodo_edition,lodo_visittimes,lodo_rzstr,lodo_addgoodsrest,lodo_addorderrest,lodo_usertgno,lodo_scjtno,lodo_qtbqno,lodo_ddkcno,lodo_yhhano,lodo_maskoperactionno,lodo_gwjscno,lodo_yhjscno,lodo_oldtime,lodo_gqstime,lodo_gqetime,lodo_usertgstime,lodo_usertgetime,lodo_scjtstime,lodo_scjtetime,lodo_qtbqstime,lodo_qtbqetime,lodo_ddkcstime,lodo_ddkcetime,lodo_yhhastime,lodo_yhhaetime,lodo_maskoperactionstime,lodo_maskoperactionetime,lodo_gwjscstime,lodo_gwjscetime,lodo_yhjscstime,lodo_yhjscetime,lodo_passstr,lodo_web_buttomstr public lodo_version,lodo_duetime,db,databasename incconststr = server.mappath(lodo_conststr & "inc/const.asp") if checkfile(incconststr) then writestr = readtext(incconststr) writestr = decrypt(writestr, lodo_conststr) if len(writestr)>0 then execute (writestr) end if else if lodo_chconst = 1 then response.write "由于此" & lodo_conststr & "inc/const.asp文件不存在,所以无法浏览网站!" response.end end if end if versionfile = server.mappath(lodo_conststr & "inc/version.inc") if checkfile(versionfile) then writestr = readtext(versionfile) if len(writestr)>0 then execute (writestr) end if end if lodo_version = lodo_sysname & lodo_sysversion select case lodo_gqno case 0 lodo_duetime = "已过期" case 1 if lodo_gqetime >= date then lodo_duetime = lodo_gqetime & "将到期" else lodo_duetime = "已过期" end if case 2 lodo_duetime = "永不过期" end select if lodo_databasetype = 0 then lodo_now = "now()" db = lodo_conststr & lodo_dbfile & "/" & lodo_access_name & "" databasename = server.mappath("" & db & "") connstr = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;jet oledb:database password=" & getbinarypass(lodo_conststr) & ";data source=" & databasename & "" else lodo_now = "getdate()" connstr = "provider=sqloledb;data source=" & lodo_sql_ipstr & ";uid=" & lodo_sql_userstr & ";pwd=" & lodo_sql_upass & ";database=" & lodo_sql_database & " " end if set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") on error resume next conn.open connstr if err <> 0 then err=0 set conn = nothing if lodo_databasetype = 0 then response.write "access数据库连接出错。请检查连接字串!" else response.write "数据库连接出错,请检查连接字串。或者还未安装,点击这里进入<a href=’"&lodo_conststr&"install/index.html’>系统安装</a>" end if response.end end if set ld_rs = conn.execute("select backstagedata,bserverdata,stagedata from lodo_setup") if not (ld_rs.eof or ld_rs.bof) then lodo_stagedata = ld_rs("stagedata") lodo_backstagedata = ld_rs("backstagedata") lodo_bserverdata = ld_rs("bserverdata") end if set ld_rs = nothing if instr(lcase(lodo_serverurl), "http://") <= 0 then lodo_serverurl = "http://www.lodoeshop.com/user/update.asp?" end if function loadkey(cryptstr, keypath) dim ld_key,keyfile,fso,f,filename,ts,g_keylocation,i, k,tempkey,lodokey, newlodokey, lodorightnum lodokey = "www.lodoeshop.com" lodorightnum = 3 g_keylocation = keypath & "inc/key.txt" filename = server.mappath(g_keylocation) set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if fso.fileexists(filename) then set f = fso.getfile(filename) set ts = f.openastextstream(1, -2) do while not ts.atendofstream keyfile = keyfile & ts.readline loop ld_key = "" keyfile = mid(keyfile, 1, len(cryptstr)) k = 1 for i = 1 to len(keyfile) tempkey = asc(mid(keyfile, i, 1)) if k > len(lodokey) then k = 1 end if newlodokey = asc(mid(lodokey, k, 1)) + lodorightnum do while newlodokey > 255 newlodokey = newlodokey - 255 loop ld_key = ld_key & tempkey & chr(newlodokey) next end if loadkey = ld_key end function function encrypt(strcryptthis, keypath) dim strchar,ikeychar,istringchar,i,g_key,icryptchar,strencrypted g_key = loadkey(strcryptthis, keypath) for i = 1 to len(strcryptthis) ikeychar = asc(mid(g_key, i, 1)) istringchar = asc(mid(strcryptthis, i, 1)) icryptchar = ikeychar xor istringchar strencrypted = strencrypted & chr(icryptchar) next encrypt = strencrypted end function function decrypt(strencrypted, keypath) dim strchar,ikeychar,istringchar,i,g_key,idecryptchar g_key = loadkey(strencrypted, keypath) for i = 1 to len(strencrypted) ikeychar = (asc(mid(g_key, i, 1))) istringchar = asc(mid(strencrypted, i, 1)) idecryptchar = ikeychar xor istringchar strdecrypted = strdecrypted & chr(idecryptchar) next decrypt = strdecrypted end function function getbinarypass(passinc) dim passurl dim fso dim fl dim objstream dim password, passwordstr passurl = server.mappath(passinc & "inc/") & "/wwwlodocom" set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set fl = fso.getfile(passurl) set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream") objstream.open objstream.type = 1 objstream.loadfromfile passurl passwordstr = objstream.read password = mid(passwordstr, asc("l"), 1) & "l" & mid(passwordstr, 2, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 3, 1) & "d" & mid(passwordstr, 4, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 5, 1) & "e" & mid(passwordstr, 6, 1) & "s" & mid(passwordstr, 7, 1) & "h" & mid(passwordstr, 8, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 9, 1) & "p" & mid(passwordstr, 10, 1) & "" set objstream = nothing set fl = nothing set fso = nothing getbinarypass = password end function function localip() localip = false dim myserverip,mysipstr myserverip = request.servervariables("local_addr") if myserverip = "" or myserverip = getip then localip = true end if mysipstr = split(myserverip, ".") select case trim(mysipstr(0)) case "192" if trim(mysipstr(1)) = "168" then localip = true end if case "127" if int(mysipstr(1)) >= 16 and int(mysipstr(1)) <= 31 then localip = true end if case "10" localip = true end select end function |
public lodo_version,lodo_duetime,db,databasename
incconststr = server.mappath(lodo_conststr & "inc/const.asp")
if checkfile(incconststr) then
writestr = readtext(incconststr)
writestr = decrypt(writestr, lodo_conststr)
if len(writestr)>0 then execute (writestr) end if
if lodo_chconst = 1 then
response.write "由于此" & lodo_conststr & "inc/const.asp文件不存在,所以无法浏览网站!"
end if
end if
versionfile = server.mappath(lodo_conststr & "inc/version.inc")
if checkfile(versionfile) then
writestr = readtext(versionfile)
if len(writestr)>0 then execute (writestr) end if
end if
lodo_version = lodo_sysname & lodo_sysversion
select case lodo_gqno
case 0
lodo_duetime = "已过期"
case 1
if lodo_gqetime >= date then lodo_duetime = lodo_gqetime & "将到期" else lodo_duetime = "已过期" end if
case 2
lodo_duetime = "永不过期"
end select
if lodo_databasetype = 0 then
lodo_now = "now()"
db = lodo_conststr & lodo_dbfile & "/" & lodo_access_name & ""
databasename = server.mappath("" & db & "")
connstr = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;jet oledb:database password=" & getbinarypass(lodo_conststr) & ";data source=" & databasename & ""
lodo_now = "getdate()"
connstr = "provider=sqloledb;data source=" & lodo_sql_ipstr & ";uid=" & lodo_sql_userstr & ";pwd=" & lodo_sql_upass & ";database=" & lodo_sql_database & " "
end if
set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
on error resume next
conn.open connstr
if err <> 0 then
set conn = nothing
if lodo_databasetype = 0 then response.write "access数据库连接出错。请检查连接字串!" else response.write "数据库连接出错,请检查连接字串。或者还未安装,点击这里进入<a href='"&lodo_conststr&"install/index.html'>系统安装</a>" end if
end if
set ld_rs = conn.execute("select backstagedata,bserverdata,stagedata from lodo_setup")
if not (ld_rs.eof or ld_rs.bof) then
lodo_stagedata = ld_rs("stagedata")
lodo_backstagedata = ld_rs("backstagedata")
lodo_bserverdata = ld_rs("bserverdata")
end if
set ld_rs = nothing
if instr(lcase(lodo_serverurl), "http://") <= 0 then lodo_serverurl = "http://www.lodoeshop.com/user/update.asp?" end if
function loadkey(cryptstr, keypath)
dim ld_key,keyfile,fso,f,filename,ts,g_keylocation,i, k,tempkey,lodokey, newlodokey, lodorightnum
lodokey = "www.lodoeshop.com"
lodorightnum = 3
g_keylocation = keypath & "inc/key.txt"
filename = server.mappath(g_keylocation)
set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if fso.fileexists(filename) then
set f = fso.getfile(filename)
set ts = f.openastextstream(1, -2)
do while not ts.atendofstream
keyfile = keyfile & ts.readline
ld_key = ""
keyfile = mid(keyfile, 1, len(cryptstr))
k = 1
for i = 1 to len(keyfile)
tempkey = asc(mid(keyfile, i, 1))
if k > len(lodokey) then
k = 1
end if
newlodokey = asc(mid(lodokey, k, 1)) + lodorightnum
do while newlodokey > 255
newlodokey = newlodokey - 255
ld_key = ld_key & tempkey & chr(newlodokey)
end if
loadkey = ld_key
end function
function encrypt(strcryptthis, keypath)
dim strchar,ikeychar,istringchar,i,g_key,icryptchar,strencrypted
g_key = loadkey(strcryptthis, keypath)
for i = 1 to len(strcryptthis)
ikeychar = asc(mid(g_key, i, 1))
istringchar = asc(mid(strcryptthis, i, 1))
icryptchar = ikeychar xor istringchar
strencrypted = strencrypted & chr(icryptchar)
encrypt = strencrypted
end function
function decrypt(strencrypted, keypath)
dim strchar,ikeychar,istringchar,i,g_key,idecryptchar
g_key = loadkey(strencrypted, keypath)
for i = 1 to len(strencrypted)
ikeychar = (asc(mid(g_key, i, 1)))
istringchar = asc(mid(strencrypted, i, 1))
idecryptchar = ikeychar xor istringchar
strdecrypted = strdecrypted & chr(idecryptchar)
decrypt = strdecrypted
end function
function getbinarypass(passinc)
dim passurl
dim fso
dim fl
dim objstream
dim password, passwordstr
passurl = server.mappath(passinc & "inc/") & "/wwwlodocom"
set fso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set fl = fso.getfile(passurl)
set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
objstream.type = 1
objstream.loadfromfile passurl
passwordstr = objstream.read
password = mid(passwordstr, asc("l"), 1) & "l" & mid(passwordstr, 2, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 3, 1) & "d" & mid(passwordstr, 4, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 5, 1) & "e" & mid(passwordstr, 6, 1) & "s" & mid(passwordstr, 7, 1) & "h" & mid(passwordstr, 8, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 9, 1) & "p" & mid(passwordstr, 10, 1) & ""
set objstream = nothing
set fl = nothing
set fso = nothing
getbinarypass = password
end function
function localip()
localip = false
dim myserverip,mysipstr
myserverip = request.servervariables("local_addr")
if myserverip = "" or myserverip = getip then localip = true end if
mysipstr = split(myserverip, ".")
select case trim(mysipstr(0))
case "192"
if trim(mysipstr(1)) = "168" then localip = true end if
case "127"
if int(mysipstr(1)) >= 16 and int(mysipstr(1)) <= 31 then localip = true end if
case "10"
localip = true
end select
end function
option explicit
if request.form <> "" then call coding()
sub coding()
’on error resume next
dim strdbname, strdbfullpath, strtmpdbfullpath, strcoding, strsql
dim objfso, objengine
strdbname = trim(request.form("dbname"))
strdbfullpath = server.mappath(strdbname)
strtmpdbfullpath = strdbfullpath & ".tmp"
strcoding = request.form("coding")
set objfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
if objfso.fileexists(strdbfullpath) then
set objengine = server.createobject("jro.jetengine")
select case strcoding
case "decode"
objengine.compactdatabase "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & strdbfullpath, "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;jet oledb:database password="& getbinarypass &";data source=" & strtmpdbfullpath
case "uncode"
objengine.compactdatabase "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;jet oledb:database password="& getbinarypass &";data source=" & strdbfullpath , "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & strtmpdbfullpath
end select
set objengine = nothing
objfso.copyfile strtmpdbfullpath, strdbfullpath
objfso.deletefile strtmpdbfullpath
set objfso = nothing
if err then
response.write "<div font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000"">操作失败,请调试。</div>"
if strcoding = "decode" then
response.write "<div font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000"">数据库加密成功。</div>"
response.write "<div font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000"">数据库解密成功。</div>"
end if
end if
set objfso = nothing
response.write "<div font-weight:bold; color:#ff0000"">数据库名称或路径不正常,操作取消。</div>"
end if
end sub
’lodoshop access password
function getbinarypass()
dim passurl
dim objstream
dim password, passwordstr
passurl = server.mappath(".") & "/wwwlodocom"
set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
objstream.type = 1
objstream.loadfromfile passurl
passwordstr = objstream.read
password = mid(passwordstr, asc("l"), 1) & "l" & mid(passwordstr, 2, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 3, 1) & "d" & mid(passwordstr, 4, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 5, 1) & "e" & mid(passwordstr, 6, 1) & "s" & mid(passwordstr, 7, 1) & "h" & mid(passwordstr, 8, 1) & "o" & mid(passwordstr, 9, 1) & "p" & mid(passwordstr, 10, 1) & ""
set objstream = nothing
getbinarypass = password
end function
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input name="dbname" type="text" id="dbname" value="data.mdb" />
<input name="coding" type="radio" value="decode" />
<input type="radio" name="coding" value="uncode" />
解密 </p>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="执行" />