2024-07-21 02:10:53
connect/read remote sql server using pws in win 98
i had to test microsoft's personal webserver (pws) in win 98 to access remote sql server 7.0
installed in a nt server. the clients to win 98 had lan connections. easy one , don't vote, have fun with
pws. in fact i tested my connection with this script, before i created an out of process server demo with
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' name: connect/read remote sql server u
' sing pws in win 98
' description:i had to test microsoft's
' personal webserver (pws) in win 98 to ac
' cess remote sql server 7.0 installed in
' a nt server. the clients to win 98 had l
' an connections. easy one , don't vote, h
' ave fun with pws. in fact i tested my co
' nnection with this script, before i crea
' ted an out of process server demo with v
' b.
' by: manas mukherjee
' assumes:knowing little bit of lan woul
' d help , vpn, html, creating virtual dir
' ectory with pws
'this code is copyrighted and has ' limited warranties.please see http://w
' id.6518/lngwid.4/qx/vb/scripts/showcode.
' htm 'for details. '**************************************
<title> asp_pubs/sql server in nt server</title>
dim objconn, objrs, strq, strout, i
set objconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") "provider=sqloledb.1;integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;initial
catalog=pubs;data source=//urservername"
set objrs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
strq = "select emp_id, fname, lname,job_id "
strq = strq & "from employee " strq, objconn, , , adcmdtext
<table border=1 cellpadding=4>
connected to the database pubs
using connect string "provider=sqloledb.1;integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;initial
catalog=pubs;data source=//urservername"
<th> "employeeid" </th>
<th> "firstname" </th>
<th> "lastname" </th>
<th> "job_id" </th>
<% do while not objrs.eof %> <tr>
<td> <% = objrs("emp_id") %>
<td> <% = objrs("fname") %>
<td> <% = objrs("lname") %></tr>
<td> <% = objrs("job_id") %></tr>
<% objrs.movenext %>
<% loop %>
<% objrs.close %>
<% set objrs = nothing %>
<% set objconn = nothing %>