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实用的数据库检查程序 (1)

2024-07-21 02:08:33



1.     数据库的基本信息显示(建库时间,模式等)

2.     数据库结构信息-database map(control file, redo log file, datafile, rollback segment)

3.     数据库所有状态信息

4.     数据库级的db block buffer hit ratio

5.     session级的db block buffer hit ratio

6.     前一天的log switch情况

7.     redo log 空间需求查询

8.     log buffer 性能查询

9.     log file switch性能查询

10.  检查不完全的checkpoint

11.  library cache 的 性能查询

12.  dictionary cache的 性能查询

13.  查找最资源的sql语句

14.  session级的cpu使用度

15.  sort_area_size的性能查询

16.  sequence_cache_entries的性能查询

17.  chained row的查询

18.  rollback segment contention 检查

19.  表空间碎片检查

20.  latch contention 检查

21.  tablespace 用量检查

22.  数据文件i/o检查

23.  表和索引的碎片检查

24.  表的hwm检查







1.打开sqlplus , connect system

2.@a:/check_db.sql   (a:/是本文件的路径)


4.local.txt 不但有每个数据的说明,同时介绍一些解决相关问题的方法以供参考




set echo off

spool c:/local.txt

ttitle off

break on today

column today noprint new_value xdate

select substr(to_char(sysdate,'fmmonth dd, yyyy hh:mi:ss p.m.'),1,35) today

from dual


column name noprint new_value xdbname

select name from v$database



set heading on

set feedback off

set linesize  250

set pagesize 200


rem ######################################################################################

rem             **** check_db_v2.1: performance tuning****

rem ######################################################################################


prompt *******************************************************************************

prompt          database check information

prompt *******************************************************************************

ttitle left "database: "xdbname" (as of: "xdate")" skip 2

select name , created , log_mode from v$database



prompt *******************************************************************************

ttitle off



prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

prompt + 0.0 database map                                                       +

prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



ttitle left "*** database map - control file ***"

column "control file" format a40

select status , name "control file" from v$controlfile


ttitle off

ttitle left "*** database map - redolog file ***"

column "log file" format a40

select f.member "log file",l.group# ,l.thread# ,l.bytes ,l.status from v$log l, v$logfile f

where l.group# = f.group#


 ttitle off

ttitle left "*** database map - data file ***"

column file_name format a40                       


select file_name ,tablespace_name,bytes,blocks,status from dba_data_files order by tablespace_name , bytes desc                                                                                                                        


ttitle off

ttitle left "*** database map - rollback seg ***"


select n.name "rollback seg name" , r.extents , r.rssize , r.optsize , hwmsize ,status

from v$rollstat r,v$rollname n

where  r.usn = n.usn



ttitle off


prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

prompt + 1.0 database statistic                                                 +

prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

set heading on

set termout on


ttitle left "*** database: "xdbname", database statistic(as of : "xdate" ) ***" skip 1


column "statistic name" format a55

column value format 9,999,999,999,999,990


select n.statistic# , n.name "statistic name", s.value

from v$statname n , v$sysstat s

where n.statistic# = s.statistic#

and value > 0

order by value desc


ttitle off


prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

prompt + 2.0 db block buffer - hit ratio (database wise)                        +

prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

set heading on

set termout on


column "physical reads" format 9,999,999,999,999

column "consistent gets" format 9,999,999,999,999

column "db block gets" format 9,999,999,999,999

column "hit ratio" format 999.99


ttitle left "*** database: "xdbname", db block buffers hit ratio (as of : "xdate" ) ***" skip 1-

left  "percent = ((100*(1-(physical reads/(consistent gets + db block gets))))"  skip 2


select pr.value "physical reads",

       cg.value "consistent gets",

       bg.value "db block gets",

       round((1-(pr.value/(bg.value+cg.value)))*100,2) "hit ratio"

from   v$sysstat pr, v$sysstat bg, v$sysstat cg

where pr.name = 'physical reads'

and   bg.name = 'db block gets'

and   cg.name = 'consistent gets'



prompt <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< note: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

prompt 2.0 investigation if percent is less than 70% , increase db_block_buffers

prompt <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< note: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

ttitle off




prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

prompt + 2.1  db block buffer - hit ratio (session wise)                        +

prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ item ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



clear breaks

clear computes

break on report

compute sum of consistent_gets on report

compute sum of block_gets on report

compute sum of physical_reads on report


column "hit ratio %" format 999.99

column username format a10


ttitle left "*** database: "xdbname", hit ratio for user sessions(as of : "xdate" ) ***" skip 1


select username,





     100*( consistent_gets + block_gets - physical_reads)/

         ( consistent_gets + block_gets ) "hit ratio %"

from  v$session,v$sess_io

where v$session.sid = v$sess_io.sid

and   ( consistent_gets + block_gets )>0

and   username is not null

order by username,"hit ratio %";



prompt <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< note: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

prompt 2.0/2.1 investigation

prompt if you have 20 or more users and batch users cause less than 50%

prompt logical reads within your database , you should aim for a hit ratio

prompt of between 94% ~ 97%.

prompt if you have fewer than 20 users , the sharing of data among users depends

prompt heavily on the application , so you should aim for a hit ratio in the 89%~94%

prompt <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< note: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



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