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2024-07-21 02:07:29
第一步,建立工程,引用winsock(visual basic最好打sp6,否则ms有一个bug),在此省略


'   name:downloadfile
'   author:reker 2004/3/20
'   desc:连接远端主机,发送接收文件请求,等待远端主机响应
'   params:none
'   history:none
private sub downloadfile()
    on error resume next
    starttime = time()
    with winsck
        .remotehost = host '远端主机地址
        .remoteport = 80
        do while .state <> sckconnected
            doevents: doevents: doevents: doevents
            if datediff("s", starttime, time()) > 20 then
                showinfo "连接超时"
                exit sub
            end if
        strcommand = "get " + updateurl + " http/1.0" + vbcrlf '下载地址
        strcommand = strcommand + "accept: */*" + vbcrlf      '这句可以不要
        strcommand = strcommand + "accept: text/html" + vbcrlf '这句可以不要
        strcommand = strcommand + vbcrlf
        strcommand = strcommand & "host: " & host & vbcrlf
        if dir(savefilename) <> "" then '是否已经存在下载文件
            dim confirm
            confirm = msgbox("已经存在文件,是否断点续传?", vbyesno + vbquestion, "提示")
            if confirm = vbyes then
                downposition = ""
                if not ofilectrl.readkeyfromini("update", "downsize", apppath + "update.ini", downposition) then
                    msgbox "读取大小错误", vbinformation, "提示"
                end if
                strcommand = strcommand & "range: bytes=" & clng(downposition) & "-" & vbcrlf
                kill savefilename '删除原文件
            end if
        end if
        strcommand = strcommand & "connection: keep-alive" & vbcrlf
        strcommand = strcommand & vbcrlf
        .senddata strcommand
    end with
    if err then
        lblprocessresult.caption = lblprocessresult.caption & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "下载文件出错:" & err.description
    end if
end sub

'   name:winsck_dataarrival
'   author:reker 2004/3/20
'   desc:略
'   params:略
'   return:none
'   history:none
private sub winsck_dataarrival(byval bytestotal as long)
    on error resume next
    'doevents: doevents
    dim bytedata() as byte
    winsck.getdata bytedata(), vbbyte
    receivedata = receivedata & strconv(bytedata(), vbunicode)
    if instr(1, receivedata, "content-length:") > 0 and filesize = 0 then '仅第一次计算,filesize=0
        dim pos1 as long, pos2 as long
        pos1 = instr(1, receivedata, "content-length:")
        pos2 = instr(pos1 + 16, receivedata, vbcrlf)
        if pos2 > pos1 then
            filesizebyte = mid(receivedata, pos1 + 16, pos2 - pos1 - 16) '计算文件的长度
            starttime = timer() '保存开始下载的时间
            progssbar.max = filesizebyte '设置进度条
            filesize = formatnumber(filesizebyte / 1024, 2) '以kb表示
            showinfo "本次下载的文件共" + cstr(filesize) + "kb..."
        end if
    end if
    if fileheaderlen = 0 then
        for i = 0 to ubound(bytedata()) - 3
            if bytedata(i) = 13 and bytedata(i + 1) = 10 and bytedata(i + 2) = 13 and bytedata(i + 3) = 10 then
                startpos = i + 4 '将文件头的长度保存下来
                fileheaderlen = startpos
                exit for
            end if
        next i
    end if
    filesizehavedown = bytestotal + filesizehavedown - fileheaderlen     
    dbldownloadspeed = formatnumber(formatnumber(filesizehavedown / 1024, 2) / (formatnumber((timer() - starttime), 4)), 2)  '计算下载速率 kb/s
    if dbldownloadspeed <> 0 then  '计算剩余下载的时间
        sresttime = getresttime(clng((filesize - (filesizehavedown) / 1024) / dbldownloadspeed)) '此过程略,可以删除此段代码
        labresttime.caption = "剩余时间:º" + sresttime
    end if
    labdownloadspeed.caption = cstr(dbldownloadspeed) + " kb/s"
    progssbar.value = filesizehavedown
    fnum = freefile()
    open savefilename for binary lock write as #fnum
    if lof(fnum) > 0 then
        seek #fnum, lof(fnum) + 1
    end if
    if startpos > 0 then
        for i = startpos to ubound(bytedata())
            put #fnum, , bytedata(i)
        next i
        put #fnum, , bytedata()
    end if
    close #fnum 
    if err then
        lblprocessresult.caption = lblprocessresult.caption & vbcrlf & 获取数据出错:" & err.description
    end if
end sub
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