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2024-07-21 02:07:27

/****** object:  trigger dbo.update_room    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[update_room]') and objectproperty(id, n'istrigger') = 1)
drop trigger [dbo].[update_room]

/****** object:  stored procedure dbo.chat    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[chat]') and objectproperty(id, n'isprocedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[chat]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[airlinkmt]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[airlinkmt]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[airlinkmt]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_clew]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[chat_clew]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[chat_clew]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_log]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[chat_log]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[chat_log]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_room]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[chat_room]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[chat_room]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_user]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[chat_user]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[chat_user]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[free_phone]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[free_phone]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[free_phone]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[test_phone]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:44 ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[test_phone]') and objectproperty(id, n'isusertable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[test_phone]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[airlinkmt]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:45 ******/
create table [dbo].[airlinkmt] (
 [ouq_id] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,
 [ouq_date] [datetime] not null ,
 [msgfmt] [int] not null ,
 [province] [smallint] not null ,
 [service] [int] null ,
 [feecode] [nvarchar] (7) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [msgbody] [nvarchar] (1024) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [destphone] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [feesevid] [nvarchar] (11) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [feetype] [nchar] (10) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [srcphone] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [feephone] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [priority] [tinyint] not null ,
 [msgcode] [tinyint] not null ,
 [reportflag] [tinyint] not null ,
 [mttype] [tinyint] not null ,
 [linkid] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null
) on [primary]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_clew]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:47 ******/
create table [dbo].[chat_clew] (
 [id] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,
 [content] [nvarchar] (512) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [province] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null
) on [primary]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_log]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:48 ******/
create table [dbo].[chat_log] (
 [chat_id] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,
 [phone] [nvarchar] (11) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [srcphone] [nvarchar] (50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null ,
 [msgbody] [nvarchar] (512) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null ,
 [roomid] [int] null ,
 [sendtime] [datetime] not null ,
 [tophone] [nvarchar] (11) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null
) on [primary]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_room]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:49 ******/
create table [dbo].[chat_room] (
 [id] [int] identity (1, 1) not null ,
 [phone] [nvarchar] (11) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [roomname] [nvarchar] (50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [createtime] [datetime] not null ,
 [online] [int] not null ,
 [welcome] [nvarchar] (512) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null ,
 [intime] [datetime] null
) on [primary]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[chat_user]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:51 ******/
create table [dbo].[chat_user] (
 [userid] [int] identity (10000, 1) not null ,
 [phone] [nvarchar] (11) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [nickname] [nvarchar] (50) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [srcphone] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [province] [int] not null ,
 [regtime] [datetime] not null ,
 [intime] [datetime] null ,
 [intime1] [datetime] null ,
 [state] [int] not null ,
 [roomid] [int] null ,
 [sex] [nvarchar] (2) collate chinese_prc_ci_as null ,
 [chat] [bit] not null ,
 [fraction] [int] not null
) on [primary]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[free_phone]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:53 ******/
create table [dbo].[free_phone] (
 [phonenumber] [nvarchar] (20) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null ,
 [freesrvid] [nvarchar] (10) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null
) on [primary]

/****** object:  table [dbo].[test_phone]    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:54 ******/
create table [dbo].[test_phone] (
 [phone] [nvarchar] (11) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null
) on [primary]

alter table [dbo].[airlinkmt] with nocheck add
 constraint [pk_airlinkmt] primary key  clustered
 )  on [primary]

alter table [dbo].[chat_clew] with nocheck add
 constraint [pk_chat_clew] primary key  clustered
 )  on [primary]

alter table [dbo].[chat_log] with nocheck add
 constraint [pk_chat_log] primary key  clustered
  [chat_id] desc
 )  on [primary]

alter table [dbo].[chat_room] with nocheck add
 constraint [pk_chat_room2] primary key  clustered
 )  on [primary]

alter table [dbo].[chat_user] with nocheck add
 constraint [pk_chat_user] primary key  clustered
 )  on [primary]

alter table [dbo].[airlinkmt] with nocheck add
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_ouq_date] default (getdate()) for [ouq_date],
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_ouq_srcphone] default (8888) for [srcphone],
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_ouq_priority] default (1) for [priority],
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_ouq_msgcode] default (0) for [msgcode],
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_reportflag] default (1) for [reportflag],
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_mttype] default (2) for [mttype],
 constraint [df_airlinkmt_linkid] default (0) for [linkid]

alter table [dbo].[chat_log] with nocheck add
 constraint [df_chat_log_sendtime] default (getdate()) for [sendtime]

alter table [dbo].[chat_room] with nocheck add
 constraint [df_chat_room2_createtime] default (getdate()) for [createtime],
 constraint [df_chat_room_online] default (0) for [online],
 constraint [df_chat_room2_intime] default (getdate()) for [intime]

alter table [dbo].[chat_user] with nocheck add
 constraint [df_chat_user_intime] default (getdate()) for [regtime],
 constraint [df_chat_user_intime_1] default (getdate()) for [intime],
 constraint [df_chat_user_intime1] default (getdate()) for [intime1],
 constraint [df_chat_user_state] default (0) for [state],
 constraint [df_chat_user_chat] default (0) for [chat],
 constraint [df_chat_user_fraction] default (0) for [fraction],
 constraint [ix_chat_user] unique  nonclustered
 )  on [primary]

set quoted_identifier off
set ansi_nulls off

/****** object:  stored procedure dbo.chat    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:56 ******/
create proc [dbo].[chat]
--chat '13588144652','my','278810','571','1'
@phone nvarchar(11),
@content nvarchar(512),
@srcphone nvarchar(20), --端口
@province nvarchar(20), --省份
@debug int,  --调试
@linkid nvarchar(20)='0'
@msgbody nvarchar(512), --发送消息
@roomid int,  --房间id
@roomname nvarchar(20), --房间名称
@online  int,  --在线人数
@state  int,  --用户状态
@userid  int,  --用户id
@nickname nvarchar(20), --用户昵称
@tonickname nvarchar(20), --对方昵称
@sex  nvarchar(2), --性别
@chat  bit,  --是否接受群聊
@clew  nvarchar(512), --提示语
@tophone nvarchar(11), --接收号码
@welcome nvarchar(512), --欢迎词

@feecode int,
@feetype int,
@feesevid nvarchar(20),
@mttemp int

if  @content = '' or @content is null or len(@phone)<>11 begin

if len(@srcphone)<6 begin
 set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,4) + '10'

update chat_user set chat=0 where chat=1 and datediff(d,intime,getdate())>2

update chat_user set state=0,roomid=null where state=1 and datediff(d,intime,getdate())>5

update chat_user set intime=getdate(),intime1=getdate(),fraction=fraction+1 where [email protected]

if charindex('13',@content)>0 and isnumeric(substring(@content,charindex('13',@content),7))=1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin

if upper(left(@content,1)) = 'm' begin
 set @content = replace(@content,',','')
 set @content = replace(@content,',','')
 set @content = replace(@content,' ','')
 set @content = replace(@content,'(','')
 set @content = replace(@content,')','')
 set @content = replace(@content,'.','')
 set @content = replace(@content,'+','')

if exists(select * from free_phone where [email protected] and freesrvid='520lt') begin
 set @feecode = 0
 set @feetype = 1
 set @feesevid = '520lt'
else if @province='2371' begin
 set @feecode = 0
 set @feetype = 1
 set @feesevid = 'lts'
else if @province='2571' begin
 set @feecode = 0
 set @feetype = 1
 set @feesevid = '520lt'
else if @province='571' begin
 set @feecode = 0
 set @feetype = 1
 set @feesevid = 'yxg'

if not exists(select * from chat_user where [email protected]) and upper(@content)<>'qxlt' begin

 if upper(@content) <> 'me' and @province = '571' begin
   set @msgbody = '请回复me完成注册'
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,'bz',@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)

 if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'me' and len(@content)>2 begin
  set @nickname = substring (@content,3,len(@content))
  set @sex = substring(@nickname,1,1)
  if @sex not in ('男','女') begin
   set @sex = '女'
  else begin
   set @nickname = substring (@nickname,2,len(@nickname))
  if len(@nickname)>6 begin
   set @msgbody = '嗨!这名字好长啊!不要以为帅哥美女都是电脑哦~!想抓住属于你的情缘,昵称不要超过6个字。回复me+性别+昵称完成注册。'
  else if len(@nickname)<1 begin
   set @msgbody = '嗨!这名字太短了吧?不要以为帅哥美女都是电脑哦~!想抓住属于你的情缘,昵称不要少于1个字。回复me+性别+昵称完成注册。'
  else if isnumeric(@nickname)=1 begin
   set @msgbody = '嗨!怎么取数字名字呀?不要以为帅哥美女都是电脑哦~!想抓住属于你的情缘,昵称不要超过6个字。回复me+性别+昵称完成注册。'
  else if exists(select * from chat_user where  [email protected]) begin
   set @msgbody = '哇!聪慧而灵秀的名字啊,可惜有人抢先一步了。等待你的,是不是心动的邂逅呢?快快回复me+性别+昵称换一个靓名吧。'
  else begin
   insert into chat_user (phone,nickname,srcphone,province,sex) values(@phone,@nickname,left(@srcphone,6),@province,@sex)
   set @roomid = rand() * 8 + 1
   select @roomname=roomname from chat_room where [email protected]
   update chat_user set state=1,[email protected],chat=1 where [email protected]
   set @msgbody =  @nickname + ",欢迎来到欲望都市之'" +  @roomname + "'聊天室,回复想要说的话既可与大家聊天,回复mr看房间,回复mk找朋友,改昵称回复me+性别+昵称"
 else begin
  select top 1 @userid=userid from chat_user order by userid desc
  insert into chat_user (phone,nickname,srcphone,province,sex) values(@phone,ltrim(str(@userid+1)),left(@srcphone,6),@province,'女')
  select @roomid=roomid,@nickname=nickname from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @roomid = rand() * 8 + 1
  select @roomname=roomname from chat_room where [email protected]
  update chat_user set state=1,[email protected] where [email protected]
  set @msgbody =  "欢迎来到欲望都市之'" +  @roomname + "'聊天室,邂遇一场爱情,追求一段浪漫!回复mr看房间,回复mk找朋友,改昵称回复me+性别+昵称"
 if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
  insert into chat_log (phone,srcphone,msgbody,roomid) values(@phone,@srcphone,@nickname+'来到聊天室',@roomid)
  insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)

else begin

 if upper(left(ltrim(@content),4)) in ('qxlt') begin
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  delete chat_user where [email protected]
  delete chat_room where [email protected]
  if @province = '2571' begin
   set @msgbody = '夜凉如水,路上小心!愿今晚给你留下的不只是美好的回忆!记得常回来看看,发送520到8788重回都市情缘聊天室。'
  else begin
   set @msgbody = '夜凉如水,路上小心!愿今晚给你留下的不只是美好的回忆!记得常回来看看,发送me到' + @srcphone + '重回都市情缘聊天室。'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) and @province <> '571' begin--浙江移动不下发
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)

--me mk mr mc mq ms
 if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'me' begin
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if len(@content)>2 begin--改昵称
   set @nickname = substring (@content,3,len(@content))
   set @sex = substring(@nickname,1,1)
   if @sex not in ('男','女') begin
    set @sex = '女'
   else begin
    set @nickname = substring (@nickname,2,len(@nickname))
   if len(@nickname)>6 begin
    set @msgbody = '嗨!这名字好长啊!不要以为帅哥美女都是电脑哦~!想找到你的梦中情人,昵称不要超过6个字。回复me+性别+昵称完成修改。'
   else if len(@nickname)<1 begin
    set @msgbody = '嗨!这名字太短了吧?不要以为帅哥美女都是电脑哦~!想抓住属于你的情缘,昵称不要超过6个字。回复me+性别+昵称完成注册。'
   else if isnumeric(@nickname)=1 begin
    set @msgbody = '嗨!怎么取数字名字呀?不要以为帅哥美女都是电脑哦~!想抓住属于你的情缘,昵称不要超过6个字。回复me+性别+昵称完成注册。'
   else begin
    if exists(select * from chat_user where phone<>@phone and [email protected]) begin
     set @msgbody = '哇!聪慧而灵秀的名字啊,可惜有人抢先一步了。等待你的,是不是心动的邂逅呢?快快回复me+性别+昵称换一个靓名吧。'
    else begin
     update chat_user set [email protected],state=1,[email protected],chat=1 where [email protected]
     if @sex = '男' begin
      set @msgbody = @nickname + ',哇,帅哥来了,让众美女眼前一亮!体验激情约会,突破就在今晚。回复mr聊天,寻找你的梦中情人。'
     else begin
      set @msgbody = @nickname + ',你好似轻云避月,飘飘然若流风之回雪。往事如烟,悠悠回想。回复mr聊天,感触都市情缘。'
  else begin
   select @roomid=roomid,@nickname=nickname from chat_user where [email protected]
   set @roomid = rand() * 8 + 1
   select @roomname=roomname from chat_room where [email protected]
   update chat_user set state=1,[email protected] where [email protected]
   set @msgbody =  @nickname + ",欢迎回到欲望都市之'" +  @roomname + "'聊天室,邂遇一场爱情,追求一段浪漫!回复mr看房间,回复mk找朋友,改昵称回复me+性别+昵称"
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,3)) = 'mkg' begin
  set @content = replace(@content,'+','')
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if isnumeric(substring(@content,4,len(@content))) = 1 begin

   select @roomid = substring(@content,4,len(@content))
  else begin
   select @roomid=roomid from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = '房间里有:'
  declare yb cursor
  for select top 8 nickname from chat_user where [email protected] and fraction > 0 and phone<>@phone and sex = '男' order by isnumeric(nickname),newid()
  open yb
  fetch next from yb into @nickname
  while (@@fetch_status=0)
   set @msgbody = @msgbody + @nickname +','
   fetch next from yb into @nickname
  close yb
  deallocate yb
  select @nickname=nickname from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = @msgbody + '正在等你,尽情挥洒去吧!回复ms+昵称邀请对方'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,3)) = 'mkm' begin
  set @content = replace(@content,'+','')
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if isnumeric(substring(@content,4,len(@content))) = 1 begin
   select @roomid = substring(@content,4,len(@content))
  else begin
   select @roomid=roomid from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = '房间里有:'
  declare yb cursor
  for select top 8 nickname from chat_user where [email protected] and fraction > 0 and phone<>@phone and sex = '女' order by isnumeric(nickname),newid()
  open yb
  fetch next from yb into @nickname
  while (@@fetch_status=0)
   set @msgbody = @msgbody + @nickname +','
   fetch next from yb into @nickname
  close yb
  deallocate yb
  select @nickname=nickname from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = @msgbody + '正在等你,尽情挥洒去吧!回复ms+昵称邀请对方'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mk' begin
  set @content = replace(@content,'+','')
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if isnumeric(substring(@content,3,len(@content))) = 1 begin
   select @roomid = substring(@content,3,len(@content))
  else begin
   select @roomid=roomid from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = '房间里有:'
  declare yb cursor
  for select top 5 nickname,sex from chat_user where [email protected] and fraction > 0 and phone<>@phone order by isnumeric(nickname),newid()
  open yb
  fetch next from yb into @nickname,@sex
  while (@@fetch_status=0)
   set @msgbody = @msgbody + @nickname + '(' + @sex +'),'
   fetch next from yb into @nickname,@sex
  close yb
  deallocate yb
  select @nickname=nickname from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = @msgbody + '正在等你,尽情挥洒去吧!回复ms+昵称邀请对方'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if @content in ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') begin--进入系统默认聊天室
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if exists(select * from chat_room where [email protected]) begin
   update chat_user set [email protected],state=1 where [email protected]
   select @welcome=welcome from chat_room where [email protected]
   if @welcome is null begin
    set @welcome = ''
   set @msgbody = @welcome
   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if isnumeric(@content) = 1 and @content not in ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') and len(@content) < 4 begin  --进入自建聊天室
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if exists(select * from chat_room where [email protected]) begin
   update chat_user set [email protected],state=1 where [email protected]
   select @welcome=welcome from chat_room where [email protected]
   if @welcome is null begin
    set @welcome = ''
   set @msgbody = @welcome
   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mf' begin
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  set @roomname = left(substring(@content,3,len(@content)),12)
  if exists(select * from chat_user where [email protected] and state=1) begin
   if exists(select * from chat_room where [email protected]) begin
    update chat_room set [email protected] where [email protected]
    select @roomid=id from chat_room where [email protected]
    set @msgbody = '聊天室名称修改成功.回复' + ltrim(str(@roomid)) + '进入自己的房间回复mg+欢迎词修改自己房间的欢迎词'
   else begin
    insert into chat_room (phone,roomname) values(@phone,@roomname)
    select @roomid=id from chat_room where [email protected]
    set @msgbody = '您现在拥有自己的聊天室了.回复' + ltrim(str(@roomid)) + '进入自己的房间回复mf+房间名修改房间名回复mg+欢迎词修改自己房间的欢迎词'
   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mg' begin
  set @content = replace(@content,'+','')
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  set @welcome = left(substring(@content,3,len(@content)),65)
  if exists(select * from chat_user where [email protected]) begin
   if exists(select * from chat_room where [email protected]) begin
    update chat_room set [email protected] where [email protected]
    select @roomid=id from chat_room where [email protected]
    set @msgbody = '房间欢迎词修改成功.回复' + ltrim(str(@roomid)) + '进入自己的房间'
   else begin
    set @msgbody = '回复mf+房间名创建房间名回复mg+欢迎词修改自己房间的欢迎词'
   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'ms' begin
  set @content = replace(@content,'+','')
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  set @nickname = substring(@content,3,len(@content))
  if exists(select * from chat_user where [email protected] and state=1) begin
   select @userid=userid,@tophone=phone from chat_user where [email protected]
   set @msgbody = '直接回复聊天内容即可与'  + @nickname + '私聊,mc关闭/开启群聊,免别人打扰。'
   set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6) + ltrim(str(@userid))
   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(@content) = 'mr' begin
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  set @msgbody = ''
  declare yb cursor
  for select top 5 id,roomname,online from chat_room order by online desc
  open yb
  fetch next from yb into @roomid,@roomname,@online
  while (@@fetch_status=0)
   set @msgbody = @msgbody + ltrim(str(@roomid))+ '.' + @roomname + '(' + ltrim(str(@online)) + '人)' + char(13)
   fetch next from yb into @roomid,@roomname,@online
  close yb
  deallocate yb
  set @msgbody = @msgbody + '回复房间编号进入.'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(@content) = 'my' begin
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  if exists(select * from chat_room where [email protected]) begin
   update chat_user set roomid=(select id from chat_room where [email protected]) where [email protected]
   set @msgbody = '您已经进入自己的房间'
  else begin
   set @msgbody = '没有创建'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mt' begin
  set @content = replace(@content,'+','')
  if exists(select * from chat_room where phone = @phone) begin
   if isnumeric(substring(@content,3,len(@content))) = 1 and exists(select * from chat_user where userid = substring(@content,3,len(@content)))begin
    select @userid=userid,@srcphone=srcphone,@province=province,@tophone=phone,@nickname=nickname,@roomid=roomid from chat_user where userid=substring(@content,3,len(@content))
   else if exists(select * from chat_user where nickname = substring(@content,3,len(@content))) begin
    select @userid=userid,@srcphone=srcphone,@province=province,@tophone=phone,@nickname=nickname,@roomid=roomid from chat_user where nickname=substring(@content,3,len(@content))
   if exists(select * from chat_room where [email protected] and [email protected]) begin
    set @roomid = rand() * 7 + 1
    select @roomname=roomname from chat_room where [email protected]
    update chat_user set [email protected] where [email protected]
    set @msgbody =  @nickname + ",欢迎来到欲望都市之'" +  @roomname + "'聊天室,邂遇一场爱情,追求一段浪漫!回复mr看房间,回复mk找朋友,改昵称回复me+性别+昵称"
    if not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
     if exists(select * from free_phone where [email protected]ne and freesrvid='520lt') begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = '520lt'
     else if @province='2371' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = 'lts'
     else if @province='2571' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = '520lt'
     else if @province='571' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = 'yxg'
     if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
      insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@tophone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@tophone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
   else begin
    set @msgbody = '您的房间里有这个人吗?我怎么没有找到呢?'
    select @srcphone=srcphone,@province=province from chat_user where [email protected]
    if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) and @msgbody is not null begin
     insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
  else begin
   set @msgbody = '您还没有创建自己的房间呢,怎么就踢别人啊?赶快回复mf+房间名称创建自己的房间吧!体验一下自己做管理员的滋味!!'
   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) and @msgbody is not null begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mc' or left(@content,4) = '0000' begin
  update chat_user set chat=1^chat where [email protected]
  select @chat=chat from chat_user where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = '您已关闭群聊功能,不接收群聊信息。回复mc开启群聊功能。' 
  if @chat=1 begin
   set @msgbody = '您已开启群聊功能,接收群聊信息。回复mc关闭群聊功能。'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mq' begin--离开
  set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6)
  update chat_user set state=0,roomid=null where [email protected]
  set @msgbody = '迷失的感情,错乱的纠缠,交织的爱意...我决定退隐江湖,过一段隐居生活。这期间将收不到聊天信息。发送me到' + @srcphone + '重拾都市情缘'
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if upper(left(@content,2)) = 'mm' begin
  set @msgbody = null
  if isnumeric(substring(@content,3,len(@content))) = 1 begin
   select @msgbody = phone from chat_user where userid=substring(@content,3,len(@content))
  else begin
   select @msgbody = phone from chat_user where nickname=substring(@content,3,len(@content))
  if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) and @msgbody is not null begin
   insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
 else if len(@srcphone)>6 begin--私聊
  set @userid = substring(@srcphone,6,len(@srcphone))
  if exists(select * from chat_user where state=1 and [email protected]) begin
   set @tophone = (select phone from chat_user where state=1 and [email protected])
   select @nickname=nickname,@userid=userid,@sex=sex,@roomid=roomid from chat_user where phone = @phone
   if @sex<>null begin
    set @msgbody = "'" [email protected] + "'(" + @sex + ')对你说:' + @content
   else begin
    set @msgbody = "'" + @nickname + "'悄悄的对你说:" + @content
   set @srcphone = left(@srcphone,6) + ltrim(str(@userid))
   if len(@msgbody)>0 begin

    select @srcphone=srcphone,@province=province from chat_user where [email protected]
    set @srcphone = @srcphone + ltrim(str(@userid))
    if exists(select * from chat_clew where (len(content)<(68-len(@msgbody))) and ([email protected] or province is null)) begin
     select top 1 @clew=content from chat_clew where (len(content)<(68-len(@msgbody))) and ([email protected] or province is null) order by newid()
     set @msgbody = @msgbody + @clew

    if not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
     if exists(select * from free_phone where [email protected] and freesrvid='520lt') begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = '520lt'
     else if @province='2371' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = 'lts'
     else if @province='2571' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = '520lt'
     else if @province='571' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = 'yxg'

     if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
      while (len( @msgbody ) > 0)

       insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,left(@msgbody,70),@tophone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@tophone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
       set @msgbody = substring( @msgbody ,71,len(@msgbody))
    select @tonickname = nickname from chat_user where [email protected]
    set @msgbody =  "'" [email protected] + "'(" + @sex + ")对'" + @tonickname + "'说:" + @content
    if @msgbody <> null begin
     insert into chat_log (phone,srcphone,msgbody,roomid,tophone) values(@phone,@srcphone,@msgbody,@roomid,@tophone)
 else begin
  select @roomid=roomid,@nickname=nickname,@sex=sex,@state=state from chat_user where [email protected]
  if @roomid<>null and @state=1 and exists(select * from chat_user where [email protected] and phone<>@phone) begin

   set @msgbody = + '"' + @nickname + '(' + @sex + ')"对大家说:' + @content
   if @msgbody <> null begin
    insert into chat_log (phone,srcphone,msgbody,roomid) values(@phone,@srcphone,@msgbody,@roomid)
   declare yb cursor
   for select phone from chat_user where [email protected] and phone<>@phone and state=1 and chat=1
   open yb
   fetch next from yb into @tophone
   while (@@fetch_status=0)
    select @srcphone=srcphone,@province=province from chat_user where [email protected]

    if not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin

     if exists(select * from free_phone where [email protected] and freesrvid='520lt') begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = '520lt'
     else if @province='2371' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = 'lts'
     else if @province='2571' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = '520lt'
     else if @province='571' begin
      set @feecode = 0
      set @feetype = 1
      set @feesevid = 'yxg'
     if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin

      declare @tempbody nvarchar(512)

      set @tempbody = @msgbody
      if exists(select * from chat_clew where (len(content)<(68-len(@tempbody))) and ([email protected] or province is null)) begin
       select top 1 @clew=content from chat_clew where (len(content)<(68-len(@tempbody))) and ([email protected] or province is null) order by newid()
       set @tempbody = @tempbody + @clew

      while (len( @tempbody ) > 0)
       insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,left(@tempbody,70),@tophone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@tophone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)
       set @tempbody = substring( @tempbody ,71,len(@tempbody))
    fetch next from yb into @tophone
   close yb
   deallocate yb
  if @roomid=null begin
   set @msgbody = '回复编号进入房间' + char(13)
   declare yb cursor
   for select top 4 id,roomname,online from chat_room order by newid()
   open yb
   fetch next from yb into @roomid,@roomname,@online
   while (@@fetch_status=0)
    set @msgbody = @msgbody + ltrim(str(@roomid))+ '.' + @roomname + '(' + ltrim(str(@online)) + '人)' + char(13)
    fetch next from yb into @roomid,@roomname,@online
   close yb
   deallocate yb

   if @debug<>1 and not exists(select * from test_phone where [email protected]) begin
    insert into airlinkmt(ouq_date,msgfmt,province,service,feecode,msgbody,destphone,feesevid,feetype,srcphone,feephone,priority,msgcode,reportflag,mttype,linkid) values(getdate(),1,@province,1,@feecode,@msgbody,@phone,@feesevid,@feetype,@srcphone,@phone,1,0,1,2,@linkid)

set quoted_identifier off
set ansi_nulls on

set quoted_identifier off
set ansi_nulls on

/****** object:  trigger dbo.update_room    script date: 2004-9-27 8:18:56 ******/
create trigger [update_room] on [dbo].[chat_user]
for insert, update, delete
update r set r.online=(select count(chat_user.phone) from chat_user where chat_user.roomid=r.id group by chat_user.roomid) from chat_room r,chat_user u where r.id=u.roomid

set quoted_identifier off
set ansi_nulls on

exec sp_addextendedproperty n'ms_description', n'服务号(移动2788,联通8788)', n'user', n'dbo', n'table', n'chat_user', n'column', n'srcphone'


exec sp_addextendedproperty n'ms_description', n'免费的服务类别', n'user', n'dbo', n'table', n'free_phone', n'column', n'freesrvid'
exec sp_addextendedproperty n'ms_description', n'免费电话号码', n'user', n'dbo', n'table', n'free_phone', n'column', n'phonenumber'




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用户名: 密码:
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