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基于BIO的Java Socket通信详解

2024-07-13 10:14:44



1、Socket客户端连接到Socket服务端,并发送数据“I am the client N.”;
2、Socket服务端,监听服务端口,并接收客户端请求数据,如果请求数据以“I am the client”开头,则响应客户端“I am the server, and you are the Nth client.”;


package org.shirdrn.java.communications.bio;  import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket;  /**  * 基于BIO的Socket服务器端  *  * @author shirdrn  */ public class SimpleBioTcpServer extends Thread {      /** 服务端口号 */   private int port = 8888;   /** 为客户端分配编号 */   private static int sequence = 0;      public SimpleBioTcpServer(int port) {     this.port = port;   }      @Override   public void run() {     Socket socket = null;     try {       ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(this.port);       while(true) {         socket = serverSocket.accept(); // 监听         this.handleMessage(socket); // 处理一个连接过来的客户端请求       }     } catch (IOException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }   }      /**    * 处理一个客户端socket连接    * @param socket 客户端socket    * @throws IOException    */   private void handleMessage(Socket socket) throws IOException {     InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); // 流:客户端->服务端(读)     OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); // 流:服务端->客户端(写)     int receiveBytes;     byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[128];     String clientMessage = "";     if((receiveBytes=in.read(receiveBuffer))!=-1) {       clientMessage = new String(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBytes);       if(clientMessage.startsWith("I am the client")) {         String serverResponseWords =            "I am the server, and you are the " + (++sequence) + "th client.";         out.write(serverResponseWords.getBytes());       }     }     out.flush();     System.out.println("Server: receives clientMessage->" + clientMessage);   }    public static void main(String[] args) {     SimpleBioTcpServer server = new SimpleBioTcpServer(1983);     server.start();   } } 



package org.shirdrn.java.communications.bio;  import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Date;  /**  * 基于BIO的Socket客户端  *  * @author shirdrn  */ public class SimpleBioTcpClient {      private String ipAddress;   private int port;   private static int pos = 0;      public SimpleBioTcpClient() {}      public SimpleBioTcpClient(String ipAddress, int port) {     this.ipAddress = ipAddress;     this.port = port;   }    /**    * 连接Socket服务端,并模拟发送请求数据    * @param data 请求数据    */   public void send(byte[] data) {     Socket socket = null;     OutputStream out = null;     InputStream in = null;     try {       socket = new Socket(this.ipAddress, this.port); // 连接       // 发送请求       out = socket.getOutputStream();       out.write(data);        out.flush();       // 接收响应       in = socket.getInputStream();       int totalBytes = 0;       int receiveBytes = 0;       byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[128];       if((receiveBytes=in.read(receiveBuffer))!=-1) {         totalBytes += receiveBytes;       }       String serverMessage = new String(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBytes);       System.out.println("Client: receives serverMessage->" + serverMessage);     } catch (UnknownHostException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     } catch (IOException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     } catch (Exception e) {       e.printStackTrace();     } finally {       try {         // 发送请求并接收到响应,通信完成,关闭连接         out.close();         in.close();         socket.close();       } catch (IOException e) {         e.printStackTrace();       }     }   }    public static void main(String[] args) {     int n = 1;     StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer();     Date start = new Date();     for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {       data.delete(0, data.length());       data.append("I am the client ").append(++pos).append(".");       SimpleBioTcpClient client = new SimpleBioTcpClient("localhost", 1983);       client.send(data.toString().getBytes());     }     Date end = new Date();     long cost = end.getTime() - start.getTime();     System.out.println(n + " requests cost " + cost + " ms.");   } } 





ByteArrayOutputStream data = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); data.write(receiveBuffer, totalBytes , totalBytes + receiveBytes); 




public static void main(String[] args) {   int n = 5000;   StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer();   Date start = new Date();   for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {     data.delete(0, data.length());     data.append("I am the client ").append(++pos).append(".");     SimpleBioTcpClient client = new SimpleBioTcpClient("localhost", 1983);     client.send(data.toString().getBytes());   }   Date end = new Date();   long cost = end.getTime() - start.getTime();   System.out.println(n + " requests cost " + cost + " ms."); } 



package org.shirdrn.java.communications.bio;  import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Date;  /**  * 基于BIO的Socket通信测试  *  * @author shirdrn  */ public class SimpleBioTcpTest {      static int threadCount = 5000;      /**    * 基于BIO的Socket服务端进程    *    * @author shirdrn    */   static class SocketServer extends Thread {          /** 服务端口号 */     private int port = 8888;     /** 为客户端分配编号 */     private static int sequence = 0;          public SocketServer(int port) {       this.port = port;     }          @Override     public void run() {       Socket socket = null;       int counter = 0;       try {         ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(this.port);         boolean flag = false;         Date start = null;         while(true) {           socket = serverSocket.accept(); // 监听           // 有请求到来才开始计时           if(!flag) {             start = new Date();             flag = true;           }           this.handleMessage(socket); // 处理一个连接过来的客户端请求           if(++counter==threadCount) {             Date end = new Date();             long last = end.getTime() - start.getTime();             System.out.println(threadCount + " requests cost " + last + " ms.");           }         }       } catch (IOException e) {         e.printStackTrace();       }     }          /**      * 处理一个客户端socket连接      * @param socket 客户端socket      * @throws IOException      */     private void handleMessage(Socket socket) throws IOException {       InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); // 流:客户端->服务端(读)       OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); // 流:服务端->客户端(写)       int receiveBytes;       byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[128];       String clientMessage = "";       if((receiveBytes=in.read(receiveBuffer))!=-1) {         clientMessage = new String(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBytes);         if(clientMessage.startsWith("I am the client")) {           String serverResponseWords =              "I am the server, and you are the " + (++sequence) + "th client.";           out.write(serverResponseWords.getBytes());         }       }       out.flush();       System.out.println("Server: receives clientMessage->" + clientMessage);     }   }      /**    * 基于BIO的Socket客户端线程    *    * @author shirdrn    */   static class SocketClient implements Runnable {          private String ipAddress;     private int port;     /** 待发送的请求数据 */     private String data;          public SocketClient(String ipAddress, int port) {       this.ipAddress = ipAddress;       this.port = port;     }      @Override     public void run() {       this.send();           }          /**      * 连接Socket服务端,并模拟发送请求数据      */     public void send() {       Socket socket = null;       OutputStream out = null;       InputStream in = null;       try {         socket = new Socket(this.ipAddress, this.port); // 连接         // 发送请求         out = socket.getOutputStream();         out.write(data.getBytes());          out.flush();         // 接收响应         in = socket.getInputStream();         int totalBytes = 0;         int receiveBytes = 0;         byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[128];         if((receiveBytes=in.read(receiveBuffer))!=-1) {           totalBytes += receiveBytes;         }         String serverMessage = new String(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBytes);         System.out.println("Client: receives serverMessage->" + serverMessage);       } catch (UnknownHostException e) {         e.printStackTrace();       } catch (IOException e) {         e.printStackTrace();       } catch (Exception e) {         e.printStackTrace();       } finally {         try {           // 发送请求并接收到响应,通信完成,关闭连接           out.close();           in.close();           socket.close();         } catch (IOException e) {           e.printStackTrace();         }       }     }      public void setData(String data) {       this.data = data;     }   }    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {     SocketServer server = new SocketServer(1983);     server.start();          Thread.sleep(3000);          for(int i=0; i<threadCount; i++) {       SocketClient client = new SocketClient("localhost", 1983);       client.setData("I am the client " + (i+1) + ".");       new Thread(client).start();       Thread.sleep(0, 1);     }       } }





/**    * 基于BIO的Socket服务端进程    *    * @author shirdrn    */   static class SocketServer extends Thread {          /** 服务端口号 */     private int port = 8888;     /** 为客户端分配编号 */     private static int sequence = 0;     /** 处理客户端请求的线程池 */     private ExecutorService pool;          public SocketServer(int port, int poolSize) {       this.port = port;       this.pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize);     }          @Override     public void run() {       Socket socket = null;       int counter = 0;       try {         ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(this.port);         boolean flag = false;         Date start = null;         while(true) {           socket = serverSocket.accept(); // 监听           // 有请求到来才开始计时           if(!flag) {             start = new Date();             flag = true;           }           // 将客户端请求放入线程池处理           pool.execute(new RequestHandler(socket));           if(++counter==threadCount) {             Date end = new Date();             long last = end.getTime() - start.getTime();             System.out.println(threadCount + " requests cost " + last + " ms.");           }         }       } catch (IOException e) {         e.printStackTrace();       }     }          /**      * 客户端请求处理线程类      *      * @author shirdrn      */     class RequestHandler implements Runnable {        private Socket socket;              public RequestHandler(Socket socket) {         this.socket = socket;       }              @Override       public void run() {         try {           InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); // 流:客户端->服务端(读)           OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); // 流:服务端->客户端(写)           int receiveBytes;           byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[128];           String clientMessage = "";           if((receiveBytes=in.read(receiveBuffer))!=-1) {             clientMessage = new String(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBytes);             if(clientMessage.startsWith("I am the client")) {               String serverResponseWords =                  "I am the server, and you are the " + (++sequence) + "th client.";               out.write(serverResponseWords.getBytes());             }           }           out.flush();           System.out.println("Server: receives clientMessage->" + clientMessage);         } catch (IOException e) {           e.printStackTrace();         }               }     }   } 



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