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2024-07-13 10:07:32




import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;import org.apache.commons.fileupload.ProgressListener;public class ResourceProgressListener implements ProgressListener { private HttpSession session; public ResourceProgressListener(HttpServletRequest request) {  session = request.getSession();  ResourceFileUploadStatus newUploadStatus = new ResourceFileUploadStatus();  session.setAttribute("currentUploadStatus", newUploadStatus); } public void update(long readedBytes, long totalBytes, int currentItem) {  ResourceFileUploadStatus status = (ResourceFileUploadStatus) session.getAttribute("currentUploadStatus");  status.setReadedBytes(readedBytes);  status.setTotalBytes(totalBytes);  status.setCurrentItem(currentItem); }}


public class ResourceFileUploadStatus { private long readedBytes = 0L; private long totalBytes = 0L; private int currentItem = 0; public long getReadedBytes() {  return readedBytes; } public void setReadedBytes(long bytes) {  readedBytes = bytes; } public long getTotalBytes() {  return totalBytes; } public void setTotalBytes(long bytes) {  totalBytes = bytes; } public int getCurrentItem() {  return currentItem; } public void setCurrentItem(int item) {  currentItem = item; }}


public void parse(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, String saveDir)  throws IOException { System.out.println("执行自定义MultiPartRequest");  DiskFileItemFactory fac = new DiskFileItemFactory();  // Make sure that the data is written to file  fac.setSizeThreshold(0);  if (saveDir != null) {   fac.setRepository(new File(saveDir));  }  // Parse the request  try {   ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(fac);   upload.setSizeMax(maxSize);   ResourceProgressListener progressListener = new ResourceProgressListener(servletRequest);//新建一个监听器    upload.setProgressListener(progressListener);//添加自己的监听器   List items = upload.parseRequest(createRequestContext(servletRequest));    for (Object item1 : items) {    FileItem item = (FileItem) item1;    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Found item " + item.getFieldName());    if (item.isFormField()) {     LOG.debug("Item is a normal form field");     List<String> values;     if (params.get(item.getFieldName()) != null) {      values = params.get(item.getFieldName());     } else {      values = new ArrayList<String>();     }     String charset = servletRequest.getCharacterEncoding();     if (charset != null) {      values.add(item.getString(charset));     } else {      values.add(item.getString());     }     params.put(item.getFieldName(), values);    } else {     LOG.debug("Item is a file upload");      // Skip file uploads that don't have a file name - meaning that no file was selected.     if (item.getName() == null || item.getName().trim().length() < 1) {      LOG.debug("No file has been uploaded for the field: " + item.getFieldName());      continue;     }      List<FileItem> values;     if (files.get(item.getFieldName()) != null) {      values = files.get(item.getFieldName());     } else {      values = new ArrayList<FileItem>();     }      values.add(item);     files.put(item.getFieldName(), values);    }   }  } catch (FileUploadException e) {   LOG.warn("Unable to parse request", e);   errors.add(e.getMessage());  }} 


<bean type="org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.MultiPartRequest" name="requestParser" class="com.zeige.ResourceMultiPartRequest" scope="default" optional="true" /><constant name="struts.multipart.handler" value="requestParser" />

 下面就可以正常使用了,建立两个action,一个用来接收上传文件,以及对接收的文件作相应处理,处理完成后,在return SUCCESS之前去除session中currentUploadStatus属性,一个用来为页面读取实时上传进度服务,这个类中只要将session中的currentUploadStatus对象拿出来按照相应格式返回给客户端即可。


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