insert into dede_addon18(aid,typeid,redirecturl,templet,userip,body) select aid,typeid,'','',userip,body from dede_addonarticle where typeid=328
UPDATE dede_archives SET channel = 18 where typeid=328
UPDATE dede_arctiny SET channel = 18 where typeid=328
UPDATE dede_arctype SET channeltype = 18 where id =328
SELECT * from dede_arctiny where typeid=328
SELECT * from dede_archives where typeid=328
SELECT * from dede_arctype where id=328
update dede_addonarticle set body = REPLACE(body,"#p#分页标题#e#","")
update dede_addonarticle set body = REPLACE(body,"[标签:作者]","")
SELECT *from dede_archives where id = 89615
SELECT *from dede_archives where title like "%原文及翻译%"
UPDATE dede_archives set keywords = REPLACE(keywords,"原文,及,翻译,","原文及翻译") where title like "%原文及翻译%"
SELECT *from dede_archives where id = 7107
SELECT *from dede_archives where title like "%收费标准%"
SELECT *from dede_archives where title like "%收费标准%" and arcrank=-1
SELECT *from dede_archives where title like "%大学生%" and title like "%家教%" and arcrank=0 and typeid2 = 0
UPDATE dede_archives set keywords = REPLACE(keywords,"哪些,",",") where title like "%比较级%"
UPDATE dede_archives set keywords = REPLACE(keywords,"》,","") where title like "%原文及翻译%"
SELECT * FROM dede_addonarticle where aid = 47597
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where id = 47597
SELECT * FROM dede_arctype where typename like "%高考%作文"
SELECT * FROM dede_arctype where temparticle like "%article_article.htm%" and typename like "%作文%"
UPDATE dede_addonarticle set templet = "xuex/wapart/article_article.htm" where aid = 7047
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where title like "%网课平台收费比较低%"
SELECT * FROM dede_arctype where id=550
SELECT * FROM dede_arctype where typename like "%高考作文%"
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where arcrank = -1 and typeid=123
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where arcrank = -1 and title like "%就业%" and title like "%怎么样%" and typeid!=550
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where arcrank = -1 and title like "%怎么样%" and typeid!=550
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where arcrank = -1 and title like "%作文%"
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where arcrank = -1 and title like "%作文%" and typeid=123
SELECT *from dede_arctiny where id in(103294,104083,104225,104656,104761,105783,106735,107024)
UPDATE dede_archives set flag = REPLACE(flag,"j","")
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where title like "%天津%" and title like "%家教%" and typeid2=0
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where typeid2=532 and litpic !=""
SELECT * FROM dede_archives where typeid2=543
SELECT f.* FROM dede_arctiny f LEFT JOIN dede_archives t ON WHERE t.typeid2=543
UPDATE dede_addonarticle set body = REPLACE(body,"400-819-0267","400-658-0702")
SELECT * FROM dede_arctype where typename = "作文素材"