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2024-07-11 08:59:00




<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head>  <meta charset="UTF-8">  <title>cloth</title>  <style>    @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poiret+One);html {  overflow: hidden;  touch-action: none;  content-zooming: none;}body {  position: absolute;  margin: 0;  padding: 0;  background: #000;  width: 100%;  height: 100%;}#canvas {  width: 100%;  height: 100%;  background: #000;  position: absolute;}#text {  position: absolute;  left: 0;  top: 50%;  width: 100%;  pointer-events: none;}#text div {  position: absolute;  color: #888;  left: 0;  width: 100%;  text-align: center;  top: -12vmin;  font-family: 'Poiret One', cursive;  font-size: 6vmin;}     </style></head><body>  <canvas id="canvas"></canvas><div id="text">  <div id="clic" nowrap></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.gbtags.com/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <script>    ! function() {  "use strict";  // variables  var root = null;  var hue = 0;  var automove = true;  var angleX = 0;  var angleY = 0;  /////////////////////////  var resolution = 1;  var maxLevels = 6;  var branchLength = 10 * resolution;  var leafSize = 100;  var growSpeed = 2;  var maxAngle = 1.2;  var freq = 0.3;  /////////////////////////  // branch constructor  function Branch(parent, level, hue, x, y) {    this.parent = parent;    this.b1 = null;    this.b2 = null;    this.b3 = null;    this.hue = hue;    this.p0 = parent ? parent.p1 : new Point(x, y, 0);    this.p1 = new Point(      x,      y,      parent === root ?      0 :      (        parent ?        parent.p1.z + (          level ?          Math.random() * 10 - 5 :          0        ) :        0      )    );    this.level = level;    this.life = 0;    this.angle = 0;    this.vx = 0;    this.vy = 0;  }  // grow branch  Branch.prototype.grow = function() {    // z move    this.p1.z--;    // 3D projection    this.p1.project();    // recursively grow children branches    this.b1 && this.b1.grow();    this.b2 && this.b2.grow();    // grow    if (this.life-- > 1) {      this.p1.x += this.vx;      this.p1.y += this.vy;    }    // done - push more children branches    if (this.life === 1 && this.level > 0) {      this.b1 = newBranch(this);      if (Math.random() <= freq) this.b2 = newBranch(this);      this.life--;    }    // cut the tree    if (this.p0.z <= -250) {      this.parent = null;    }    // draw the branch     var width = resolution * (this.level === 1 ?      1 :      ((this.level + 1) * (this.level + 1)) * 0.5 * this.p1.scale    );    var color = 100 - Math.abs(this.p0.z * 0.5);    ctx.beginPath();    if (this.level) {      ctx.lineWidth = width;      ctx.strokeStyle = "hsl(" + (this.hue % 360) + ", 14%," + color + "%)";      ctx.moveTo(this.p0.xp, this.p0.yp);      ctx.lineTo(this.p1.xp, this.p1.yp);      ctx.stroke();    } else {      ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";      var c = ((this.hue + 180) % 360);      ctx.fillStyle = "hsl(" + c + ", 100%, 70%)";      ctx.arc(this.p1.xp, this.p1.yp, width * leafSize * 0.1, 0, Math.PI * 2);      ctx.fill();      ctx.beginPath();      ctx.fillStyle = "hsl(" + c + ", 60%, 6%)";      ctx.arc(this.p1.xp, this.p1.yp, width * leafSize, 0, Math.PI * 2);      ctx.fill();      ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";    }  }  // 3D point constructor  function Point(x, y, z) {    this.x = x;    this.y = y;    this.z = z;    this.scale = 0;    this.xp = 0;    this.yp = 0;  }  // 3D point projection  Point.prototype.project = function() {    this.scale = 265 / (265 + this.z);    this.xp = canvas.centerX + (this.x - canvas.centerX) * this.scale;    this.yp = canvas.centerY + (this.y - canvas.centerY) * this.scale;  }  // new branch factory  function newBranch(parent) {    var branch = new Branch(parent, parent.level - 1, hue, parent.p1.x, parent.p1.y);    branch.angle = Math.atan2(      parent.p1.y - parent.p0.y,      parent.p1.x - parent.p0.x    ) + (branch.level ?      (Math.random() * maxAngle - (maxAngle * 0.5)) :      0    );    branch.vx = Math.cos(branch.angle) * growSpeed;    branch.vy = Math.sin(branch.angle) * growSpeed;    branch.life = branch.level ?      Math.round(Math.random() * branch.level * branchLength) + 1 :      2;    return branch;  }  // animate the tree  function tree() {    // clear screen    ctx.fillStyle = '#000';    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);    // pointer trail    if (pointer.moveDistance > 10 * resolution) {      pointer.moveDistance = 0;      // main trunk      var branch = new Branch(        root,        root.level,        hue,        root.p1.x,               root.p1.y      );      // add another branch      if (Math.random() <= freq) root.b1 = newBranch(root);      // new root      root = branch;      root.p1.x = pointer.x;      root.p1.y = pointer.y;    }    // increment color    hue++;    // traverse the tree    var trunk = root;    while (trunk) {      trunk.grow();      trunk = trunk.parent;    }  }  // prepare the canvas  var canvas = {    elem: document.getElementById('canvas'),    resize: function() {      this.width = this.elem.width = this.elem.offsetWidth * resolution;      this.height = this.elem.height = this.elem.offsetHeight * resolution;      this.centerX = this.width * 0.5;      this.centerY = this.height * 0.5;    }  }  var ctx = canvas.elem.getContext("2d");  window.addEventListener('resize', canvas.resize.bind(canvas), false);  canvas.resize();  // pointer events  var pointer = {    x: 0,    y: 0,    px: 0,    py: 0,    moveDistance: 0,    move: function(e) {      e.preventDefault();      var pointer = e.targetTouches ? e.targetTouches[0] : e;      // stop automove      if (automove) {        automove = false;        document.getElementById("clic").innerHTML = "";      }      this.x = pointer.clientX * resolution;      this.y = pointer.clientY * resolution;      this.distance();      // render tree      requestAnimationFrame(tree);    },    distance: function() {      var dx = this.x - this.px;      var dy = this.y - this.py;      this.moveDistance += Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);      // speed limit      if (!automove && this.moveDistance > 40) {        this.x = this.px + dx * 0.1;        this.y = this.py + dy * 0.1;      }      this.px = this.x;      this.py = this.y;    }  }  window.addEventListener("mousemove", pointer.move.bind(pointer), false);  canvas.elem.addEventListener("touchmove", pointer.move.bind(pointer), false);  // auto start  ! function auto() {    automove && requestAnimationFrame(auto);    // lissajou    pointer.x = canvas.centerX + canvas.centerX * Math.cos(angleX += 0.02) * 0.20;    pointer.y = canvas.centerY + canvas.centerY * Math.sin(angleY += 0.04) * 0.25;    pointer.distance();    // create the first branch    if (!root) {      root = new Branch(false, maxLevels, hue, pointer.x, pointer.y);      root.p0 = root.p1;      root.p0.project();    }    // render tree    tree();  }();}();  </script></body></html>



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