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2024-07-11 08:58:52







第一种实现方式通过负边距与浮动 实现左边固定,右边自适应的布局。 主要代码如下:

<style type="text/css">	.left{		float: left;		width: 100%;		height: 200px;		background-color: red;	}	.left-content{		margin-left: 30%;	}	.right{		float: left;		width: 30%;		margin-left: -100%;		height: 200px;		background-color: green;	}	.layout0{		clear: both;		width: 100px;		height: 100px;		background-color: yellow;	}</style><body>	<div id="body">		<div class="left">			<div class="left-content">				设置子元素的margin,然后父元素必须浮动。				用父元素包裹,主要是因为right会覆盖left,从而导致left内容不可以看到,如果直接在left上设置margin或者padding会导致布局变化,因此只能再用一个div包裹内容,并且去除right覆盖的宽度。			</div>		</div>		<div class="right">-margin必须大于或等于自身的宽度才会上移</div>		<div class="layout0"></div>	</div></body>





第二种 通过浮动布局来实现左边固定,右边自适应的布局


<style type="text/css">	.left{		float: left;		width: 200px;		height: 200px;		background-color: yellow;	}	.right{		padding-left: 200px;		height: 200px;		background-color: red;	}	@media (min-width: 650px) and (max-width: 1000px){		.left{			width: 150px;		}		.right{			margin-left: 150px;		}	}	@media (max-width: 640px){		.left{			width: 100px;		}		.right{			margin-left: 100px;		}	}</style><body>	<div id="main">		<div class="left">左边固定宽度,右边自适应</div>		<div class="right"></div>	</div></body>

实现过程中需要注意的是: 1. left需要脱离文档流,而right只需要正常显示就可以。

2.left只是覆盖在right上边,因此想要让right内容完整显示需要给right padding-left或者margin-left。





<style type="text/css">	#head{		height: 200px;		background-color: yellow;	}	#body{		width: 100%;		float: left;	}	.main{		background-color: green;		min-height: 200px;		margin: 0 210px;	}	.left{		float: left;		background-color: red;		width: 200px;		height: 200px;		margin-left: -100%;	}	.right{		float: right;		background-color: blue;		width: 200px;		height: 200px;		margin-left: -200px;	}	#footer{		clear: both;		height: 200px;		background-color: orange;	}</style><body>	<div id="head">即左右固定,中间自适应,它可以利用margin-left为负数来实现,它的实现原理就是margin为负值可以改变float元素的排列位置</div>	<div id="body">		<div class="main">当多个元素同时从标准流中脱离开来时,如果前一个元素的宽度为100%宽度,后面的元素通过负边距可以实现上移。当负的边距超过自身的宽度将上移,只要没有超过自身宽度就不会上移</div>	</div>	<div class="left"></div>	<div class="right"></div>	<div id="footer"></div></body>





<style type="text/css">	#head{		height: 200px;		background-color: yellow;	}	#body{		overflow: hidden;	}	.left{		float: left;		background-color: red;		width: 200px;		height: 200px;	}	.right{		float: right;		background-color: blue;		width: 200px;		height: 200px;	}	.main{		background-color: green;		height: 200px;		margin: 0 210px;	}	#footer{		clear: both;		height: 200px;		background-color: orange;	}</style><body>	<div id="head">左右固定宽度并且向两边浮动,中间的div设置两边的margin</div>	<div id="body">		<div class="left"></div>		<div class="right"></div>		<div class="main">该方案有一个缺陷,在小屏幕情况下回导致right被挤下去,main没有了</div>	</div>	<div id="footer"></div></body>





<!DOCTYPE html><html><meta charset="utf-8"><head>	<title>使用flex 实现“双飞翼布局”</title></head><style type="text/css">	#main{		display: flex;		display: -webkit-flex;//谷歌浏览器加前缀		flex-flow: row nowrap;		justify-content: flex-start;		align-items: center;	}	.left{		flex: 0 0 auto;		width:100px;		height: 200px;		background-color: red;		word-wrap: break-word; 		overflow: hidden;	}	.main{		flex: 1 1 auto;		height: 200px;		background-color: green;	}	.right{		flex: 0 0 auto;		width: 100px;		height: 200px;		background-color: yellow;	}</style><body>	<div id="main">		<div class="left">flex 语法我参照了阮一峰关于flex语法介绍 http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2015/07/flex-grammar.html</div>		<div class="main"></div>		<div class="right"></div>	</div></body></html>

如果未了解过flex布局请移至文末点击链接查看 阮一峰大神写的关于flex语法





<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <title>关于position的定位的坑</title></head><style type="text/css">    body{        margin: 0;        padding: 0;    }    i{        font-style: normal;        cursor: pointer;    }    #delete-button{        position: absolute;        left: 45%;        top: 45%;        text-align: center;        vertical-align: middle;        height: 50px;        margin: auto;        cursor: pointer;    }    #delete-button > i{        display: inline-block;        width: 32px;        height: 32px;        border-radius: 16px;        background-color: orange;        color: red;        font-size: 32px;        vertical-align: middle;        line-height: 28px;    }    /*第一个模态框的样式*/    #layout{        display: none;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;    }    /*使用flex布局水平竖直居中*/    /*#layout-box{        position: fixed;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        left: 0;        top: 0;        display: flex;        display: -webkit-flex;        flex-flow: column nowrap;        justify-content: center;        align-items: center;        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);    }*/    /*使用postion 和 transform 水平垂直居中*/    #layout-box{        position: fixed;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);    }    .modal-dialog{        position: absolute;        left: 50%;        top: 50%;        width: 500px;        height: 200px;        border-radius: 10px;        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        background-color: #fff;    }    .dialog-title{        text-align: center;        color: #333;        font-size: 28px;        margin-bottom: 10px;    }    .dialog-content{        text-align: center;        color: #666;        font-size: 18px;    }    .dialog-button{        margin-top: 20px;        width: 100%;        color: #333;    }    .dialog-button >.button-box{        display: inline-block;        width: 48%;        text-align: center;    }    .button-box span{        display: inline-block;        padding: 10px;        color: #fff;        border-radius: 6px;        cursor: pointer;    }    #confirm{        background-color: #27ad9a;    }    #cancel{        background-color: red;    }    /*添加按钮的样式*/    #add-button > i{        display: inline-block;        width: 32px;        height: 32px;        border-radius: 16px;        background-color: #27ad9a;        color: #fff;        font-size: 32px;        vertical-align: middle;        line-height: 28px;        text-align: center;    }    #add-button{        display: inline-block;        cursor: pointer;    }    /*第二个模态框的样式*/    .layout2{        display: none;        position: fixed;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        left: 0;        top: 0;        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);    }    .modal-dialog2{        position: fixed;        left: 50%;        top: 50%;        width: 50%;        height: 50%;        border-radius: 10px;        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);    }    .modal-dialog2 > span{        display: block;    }    .modal-text{        float: left;    }    #close{        color: red;        font-size: 24px;        float: right;        cursor: pointer;    }</style><body>    <div id="delete-button"><i>-</i>删除</div>    <div id="layout">        <div id="layout-box">            <div class="modal-dialog">                <div class="dialog-title">提示</div>                <div class="dialog-content">是否删除该项,点击确定</div>                <div class="dialog-button">                    <div class="button-box">                        <span id="confirm">确定</span>                    </div>                    <div class="button-box">                        <span id="cancel">取消</span>                    </div>                </div>                <div id="add-button"><i>+</i>添加</div>                <div class="layout2">                    <div class="modal-dialog2">                        <span class="modal-text">你是我的小可爱</span>                        <span id="close">关闭</span>                    </div>                </div>            </div>        </div>    </div></body><script type="text/javascript">    document.getElementById("delete-button").onclick= function(){        var layout = document.getElementById("layout")        layout.style.display = "block"    }    document.getElementById("confirm").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementById("layout")        layout.style.display = "none"    }    document.getElementById("cancel").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementById("layout")        layout.style.display = "none"    }    document.getElementById("add-button").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementsByClassName("layout2")        layout[0].style.display = "block"    }    document.getElementById("close").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementsByClassName("layout2")        layout[0].style.display = "none"    }</script></html>

如果我们尝试把父容器上的transform属性去除,我们可以看到 子容器没有基于父容器定位,而是基于body定位的,宽度也是基于body给的50%宽度。效果图如下:


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <title>关于position的定位的坑</title></head><style type="text/css">    body{        margin: 0;        padding: 0;    }    i{        font-style: normal;        cursor: pointer;    }    #delete-button{        position: absolute;        left: 45%;        top: 45%;        text-align: center;        vertical-align: middle;        height: 50px;        margin: auto;        cursor: pointer;    }    #delete-button > i{        display: inline-block;        width: 32px;        height: 32px;        border-radius: 16px;        background-color: orange;        color: red;        font-size: 32px;        vertical-align: middle;        line-height: 28px;    }    /*第一个模态框的样式*/    #layout{        display: none;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;    }    /*使用flex布局水平竖直居中*/    #layout-box{        position: fixed;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        left: 0;        top: 0;        display: flex;        display: -webkit-flex;        flex-flow: column nowrap;        justify-content: center;        align-items: center;        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);    }    /*使用postion 和 transform 水平垂直居中*/    .modal-dialog{        width: 500px;        height: 200px;        border-radius: 10px;        background-color: #fff;    }    .dialog-title{        text-align: center;        color: #333;        font-size: 28px;        margin-bottom: 10px;    }    .dialog-content{        text-align: center;        color: #666;        font-size: 18px;    }    .dialog-button{        margin-top: 20px;        width: 100%;        color: #333;    }    .dialog-button >.button-box{        display: inline-block;        width: 48%;        text-align: center;    }    .button-box span{        display: inline-block;        padding: 10px;        color: #fff;        border-radius: 6px;        cursor: pointer;    }    #confirm{        background-color: #27ad9a;    }    #cancel{        background-color: red;    }    /*添加按钮的样式*/    #add-button > i{        display: inline-block;        width: 32px;        height: 32px;        border-radius: 16px;        background-color: #27ad9a;        color: #fff;        font-size: 32px;        vertical-align: middle;        line-height: 28px;        text-align: center;    }    #add-button{        display: inline-block;        cursor: pointer;    }    /*第二个模态框的样式*/    .layout2{        display: none;        position: fixed;        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        left: 0;        top: 0;        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);    }    .modal-dialog2{        position: fixed;        left: 50%;        top: 50%;        width: 50%;        height: 50%;        border-radius: 10px;        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);    }    .modal-dialog2 > span{        display: block;    }    .modal-text{        float: left;    }    #close{        color: red;        font-size: 24px;        float: right;        cursor: pointer;    }</style><body>    <div id="delete-button"><i>-</i>删除</div>    <div id="layout">        <div id="layout-box">            <div class="modal-dialog">                <div class="dialog-title">提示</div>                <div class="dialog-content">是否删除该项,点击确定</div>                <div class="dialog-button">                    <div class="button-box">                        <span id="confirm">确定</span>                    </div>                    <div class="button-box">                        <span id="cancel">取消</span>                    </div>                </div>                <div id="add-button"><i>+</i>添加</div>                <div class="layout2">                    <div class="modal-dialog2">                        <span class="modal-text">你是我的小可爱</span>                        <span id="close">关闭</span>                    </div>                </div>            </div>        </div>    </div></body><script type="text/javascript">    document.getElementById("delete-button").onclick= function(){        var layout = document.getElementById("layout")        layout.style.display = "block"    }    document.getElementById("confirm").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementById("layout")        layout.style.display = "none"    }    document.getElementById("cancel").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementById("layout")        layout.style.display = "none"    }    document.getElementById("add-button").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementsByClassName("layout2")        layout[0].style.display = "block"    }    document.getElementById("close").onclick=function(){        var layout = document.getElementsByClassName("layout2")        layout[0].style.display = "none"    }</script></html>


**一、**在webkit内核浏览器中 给fixed加上防抖样式 - webkit - transform: translateZ(0);

**二、**设置html 和body 的css {height:100%;overflow:auto;margin:0;} 这个影响全局样式不建议使用。


<div style="position:fiexd;bottom:0px;">  <div style="position:absolute;">  </div></div>


4、百分比布局 主要通过设置元素的宽度为百分比或者高度为百分比。比如:width:50%; height:50%; 这样的写法。

5、响应式布局(主要使用媒体查询来实现响应式设计) 主要使用CSS3 @media 来做不同终端的响应式设计


@media screen and (max-width:600px){    写入当屏幕小于或等于600px时的样式}@media screen and (min-width:900px){    写入当屏幕大于或等于900px时的样式}@media screen and (min-width:600px) and (max-width:900px){    写入当屏幕在600px-900px之间的样式}@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px){    写入最大设备宽度为480px,比如说iPhone上的显示,这里的max-device-width所指的是设备的实际分辨率,也就是指可视面积分辨率}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2){    写入专门针对iPhone4的移动设备样式}@media all and (orientation:portrait){    写入设备在纵向时的样式}@media all and (orientation:landscape){    写入设备在横向时的样式}@media not print and (max-width: 1200px){    not是用来排除某种制定的媒体类型    写入在除打印设备和设备宽度小于1200px下的所有设备的样式}@media only screen and (max-device-width:240px){    only用来定某种特定的媒体类型,可以用来排除不支持媒体查询的浏览器。    写入只能在最大设备宽度为240px的屏幕下使用的样式}


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