可能说vb.net是一个令人恨又令爱的编程软件,新版的.net不像vb6那样多的支持api调用,好不容易在msdn中找到的使用api的方法,代码如下: [visual basic] setlasterror := true, charset := charset.unicode, _ exactspelling := true, _ callingconvention := callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function movefile(src as string, dst as string) as boolean ' leave function empty - dllimport attribute forces calls to movefile to ' be forwarded to movefilew in kernel32.dll end function 这是调用kernel中的movefile函数,在dllimport中必须声明要调用的函数库明,如kernel32,user32,gdi32等,entrypoint为要调用函数名. 下面是调用showwindow函数的实例: setlasterror:=true, charset:=charset.unicode, _ exactspelling:=true, _ callingconvention:=callingconvention.stdcall)> _ public shared function showwindow(byval hwne as integer,_ byval ncmdshow as integer) as integer
end function 顺便说一句,在.net中使用从前vb6中hwnd属性的方法是: me.handle.toint32