2024-07-10 13:07:58
注册会员,创建你的web开发资料库,1) forum.aspx :- the main forum page
<%@ page language="c#" debug="true" %>
<%@ assembly name="system.data" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.data.ado" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.data" %>
<%@ import namespace="system" %>
<title>welcome to my forum!</title>
<script language="c#" runat="server" >
//execute this script when the page loads
void page_load(object src, eventargs e)
//call the method to databind the datagrid
binding() ;
//this method connects to the database, and databinds the database to the datagrid
public void binding()
//string to connect to the database, if your database is in some other directory then change the path
//to the database below
string [email protected]"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 ;data source="+server.mappath(".//db//board.mdb") ;
//make a connection to the database
adoconnection myconn = new adoconnection(strconn) ;
//string to select records from the database. newpost table
//i have used "order by postid desc" since i want to show the latest post on the top
//if you remove this clause then the oldest message will be shown first
string strcom = "select postid ,subject ,name ,replies ,views ,date from newpost order by postid desc" ;
//open the connection, always remember to open the connection before doing anything else
dataset mydataset = new dataset();
//create a adodatasetcommand and a dataset
adodatasetcommand mycommand =new adodatasetcommand(strcom,myconn);
//fill the dataset
mycommand.filldataset(mydataset,"newpost") ;
//connection is closed
//set the dataview of the table "newpost" contained in the dataset for the datagrid
datagrid1.datasource = mydataset.tables["newpost"].defaultview ;
//databind the datagrid
//this method is called when the datagrid is paged (i.e. when you change from page 1 to page 2 etc.. )
public void datagrid_updt(object sender, datagridpagechangedeventargs e)
//call the method to databind
//this method is called when the form is submitted to make a new post
public void submit_click(object sender, eventargs e)
//proceed only if all the required fields are filled-in
//get the current date and time
datetime now = datetime.now ;
errmess.text="" ;
//i am building a custom query which will be used to call the postmessage.aspx page.
//since it will be a query we have to encode the query into utf8 format.
//so i get all the fields from the form and encode them into utf8 format
string req = "name="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(name.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+="&&email="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(email.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+="&&subject="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(subject.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
//get the hostaddress of the author
req+="&&ip="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(request.userhostaddress.tostring(), system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+="&&date="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(now.tostring(), system.text.encoding.utf8);
req+="&&message="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring(message.text, system.text.encoding.utf8);
//a 'yes' is used below to tell the postmessage page that this is a new topic post
req+="&&newpost="+ system.web.httputility.urlencodetostring("yes", system.text.encoding.utf8);
//call the postmessage.aspx page and append the query to it.
page.navigate("postmessage.aspx?" + req);
errmess.text="fill in all the required fields before posting!<br>" ;
<link href="mystyle.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet></head>
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- #include file="header.inc" -->
<asp:label id="errmess" text="" runat="server" />
<asp:label class=fodark text="<font color=#00000 >welcome to my discussion forum</font>" runat=server />
<form method="post" runat="server" id=form1>
<%-- the datagrid settings. its very interesting how much you can play with it --%>
<asp:datagrid id=datagrid1 runat="server" forecolor="black"
onpageindexchanged="datagrid_updt" pagesize="20" allowpaging="true" width="80%" autogeneratecolumns="false">
<property name="pagerstyle">
<asp:datagridpagerstyle backcolor="coral" mode="numericpages">
<property name="alternatingitemstyle">
<asp:tableitemstyle bordercolor="#ffc080" backcolor="#ff9966">
<property name="footerstyle">
<asp:tableitemstyle forecolor="white" backcolor="darkorange">
<property name="itemstyle">
<asp:tableitemstyle backcolor="moccasin">
<property name="headerstyle">
<asp:tableitemstyle font-bold="true" forecolor="white" backcolor="coral">
<%-- i am setting up the individual columns myself using templates --%>
<property name="columns">
<%-- manipulate the subject entry so that it contains a link to the reply page --%>
<asp:templatecolumn headertext="subject" itemstyle-width=50%>
<template name="itemtemplate" >
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#"<a href=reply.aspx?postid="+databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.postid")+">"
+databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.subject")+"</a>" %>' id=label2></asp:label>
<asp:templatecolumn headertext="author name" itemstyle-width=20%>
<template name="itemtemplate">
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%# databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.name") %>' id=label3></asp:label>
<asp:templatecolumn headertext="replies" itemstyle-width=10%>
<template name="itemtemplate">
<asp:label runat="server" width=10% text='<%# databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.replies") %>' id=label4>
<asp:templatecolumn headertext="views" itemstyle-width=10%>
<template name="itemtemplate">
<asp:label runat="server" width=10% text='<%# databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.views") %>' id=label5>
<asp:templatecolumn headertext="date of post" itemstyle-width=10%>
<template name="itemtemplate">
<asp:label runat="server" width=10% text='
<%# databinder.eval(container, "dataitem.date").tostring().todatetime().toshortdatestring() %>' id=label6>
<asp:label class=fodark text="<font color=#00000 >post new topic</font>" runat=server />
<table border="0" width="80%" align="center">
<tr >
<td class="fohead" colspan=2><b>post new topic</b></td>
<tr class="folight" >
<td>name :</td>
<td ><asp:textbox text="" id="name" runat="server" /> <font color=#ff0000>*</font></td>
<tr class="folight">
<td>e-mail :</td>
<td><asp:textbox text="" id="email" runat="server"/> <font color=#ff0000>*</font></td>
<tr class="folight">
<td> subject:</td>
<td><asp:textbox test="" id="subject" width=200 runat="server"/> <font color=#ff0000>*</font>
<tr class="folight">
<td>message :</td>
<asp:textbox id=message runat="server"
columns="30" rows="15" textmode="multiline"></asp:textbox></td>
<tr class=folight>
<td colspan=2>
<asp:button class=fodark id=write onclick=submit_click runat="server" text="submit"></asp:button></td></tr>
<!-- #include file="footer.inc" -->