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2024-07-10 13:07:49
the following example shows what a simple ado.net application that connects to the northwind database and returns a list of categories would look like. the example writes the output to the console, or command prompt.

the following example shows what a simple ado.net application that connects to the northwind database and returns a list of categories. the example writes the output to the console, or command prompt.

[visual basic]
imports system
imports system.data
imports system.data.sqlclient
imports microsoft.visualbasic

public class sample

  public shared sub main()
    dim nwindconn as sqlconnection = new sqlconnection("data source=localhost;" & _
                                                       "user id=sa;password=pwd;initial catalog=northwind")

    dim catcmd as sqlcommand = nwindconn.createcommand()
    catcmd.commandtext = "select categoryid, categoryname from categories"


    dim myreader as sqldatareader = catcmd.executereader()

    do while myreader.read()
      console.writeline(vbtab & "{0}" & vbtab & "{1}", myreader.getint32(0), myreader.getstring(1))

  end sub
end class
using system;
using system.data;
using system.data.sqlclient;

class sample
  public static void main()
    sqlconnection nwindconn = new sqlconnection("data source=localhost;user id=sa;password=pwd;initial catalog=northwind");

    sqlcommand catcmd = nwindconn.createcommand();
    catcmd.commandtext = "select categoryid, categoryname from categories";


    sqldatareader myreader = catcmd.executereader();

    while (myreader.read())
      console.writeline("/t{0}/t{1}", myreader.getint32(0), myreader.getstring(1));

[visual basic]
imports system
imports system.data
imports system.data.oledb
imports microsoft.visualbasic

public class sample

  public shared sub main()
    dim nwindconn as oledbconnection = new oledbconnection("provider=sqloledb;data source=localhost;" & _
                                                           "user id=sa;password=pwd;initial catalog=northwind")

    dim catcmd as oledbcommand = nwindconn.createcommand()
    catcmd.commandtext = "select categoryid, categoryname from categories"


    dim myreader as oledbdatareader = catcmd.executereader()

    do while myreader.read()
      console.writeline(vbtab & "{0}" & vbtab & "{1}", myreader.getint32(0), myreader.getstring(1))

  end sub
end class
using system;
using system.data;
using system.data.oledb;

class sample
  public static void main()
    oledbconnection nwindconn = new oledbconnection("provider=sqloledb;data source=localhost;user id=sa;password=pwd;initial catalog=northwind");

    oledbcommand catcmd = nwindconn.createcommand();
    catcmd.commandtext = "select categoryid, categoryname from categories";


    oledbdatareader myreader = catcmd.executereader();

    while (myreader.read())
      console.writeline("/t{0}/t{1}", myreader.getint32(0), myreader.getstring(1));

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