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在ASP.NET中处理 datetime 的一些通用函数

2024-07-10 13:07:01

'uses the timespan method to subtract a certain number of days
function date1()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.subtract( new timespan(7, 0, 0, 0) )
newtime = newtime.format("mm/dd/yyyy", datetimeformatinfo)
end function

'uses the adddays method to subtract x number of days
public function date2()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.adddays(-7)
dim s as string = newtime
return s
end function

'thanks to paul czywczynski for this idea
'this probably (in my opinion) offers the most flexibility found so far
'change where the mm/dd/yyyy to whatever
'would return just the name of the day
function date3()
dim newtime as datetime = now.adddays(-7)
end function

function date4()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = now.adddays(-7)
return newtime.tostring()
end function

'uses the tolongtimestring method
public function date5()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = now()
return newtime.tolongtimestring()
end function

'uses the toshorttimestring method
public function date6()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = now()
return newtime.toshorttimestring()
end function

'uses the tolongdatestring method
public function date7()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = now()
return newtime.tolongdatestring()
end function

'uses the toshortdatestring method
public function date8()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = now()
return newtime.toshortdatestring()
end function

'uses formatdatetime function general format
function date9()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.subtract( new timespan(7, 0, 0, 0) )
return formatdatetime(newtime, 0)
end function

'uses formatdatetime function longdate format
function date10()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.subtract( new timespan(7, 0, 0, 0) )
return formatdatetime(newtime, 1)
end function

'uses formatdatetime function shortdate format
function date11()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.subtract( new timespan(7, 0, 0, 0) )
return formatdatetime(newtime, 2)
end function

'uses formatdatetime function longtime format
function date12()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.subtract( new timespan(7, 0, 0, 0) )
return formatdatetime(newtime, 3)
end function

'uses formatdatetime function shorttime format
function date13()
dim newtime as datetime
newtime = datetime.now.subtract( new timespan(7, 0, 0, 0) )
return formatdatetime(newtime, 4)
end function

'bring back just the name of the day
function date14()
dim newtime as datetime = now.adddays(-7)
dim s as string
s = (system.string.format("{0:dddd}",newtime))
return s
end function

'returns the integer of what day of week
function date15()
dim mydate as datetime
dim myweekday as integer
mydate = now.adddays(-5)
myweekday = weekday(mydate)
return myweekday
end function

'returns the month integer
function date16()
dim mydate as datetime
dim mymonth as integer
mydate = now.adddays(-5)
mymonth = month(mydate)
return mymonth
end function

'returns just a formatted string
'this method provides just formatting but
'very flexible with not a lot of code
function date17()
dim mydate as string
mydate = format(now(), "yyyy")
return mydate
end function

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