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动态修改.Net StreamReader Encoding编码

2024-07-10 13:04:27

在.net framework中streamreader的使用encoding必须在构造器中指定,而且中途完全不可以更改。


偏偏偶最近遇到了需要修改编码的需求,而且,我的程序没有关闭重读的机会。因为偶使用的streamreader的basestream是一个network stream,我不可以关闭它……但是network stream传过来的东西很可能包涵不同的编码……gb2312,big5,utf8,iso-8859-1等等……虽然是先得到编码信息,然后再读具体内容,但是,一开始使用的stream reader编码一旦错了,读出来的东西便再也无法恢复……会丢字之类的……

我也不可以在获得编码信息之后,重新建立一个新的stream reader,因为具体内容已经被原来的stream reader给缓冲掉了……

唯一的解决方法,便是自己实现一个可以改变currentencoding属性的stream reader了……

全部从头写起非常不实际,偶是先当了mono的源码,从mono的stream reader实现代码做修改。

stream reader其实很简单,它内部有两个buffer,一个是input buffer,一个是decoded buffer,前者用于缓存从base stream读过来的原始数据,后者用于缓存根据原始数据解码出来后的东西……只要看明白mono的实现中readbuffer这个方法,要动态修改currentencoding也就不是太难了……


偶的做法是每次调用readline的时候,不仅移动decoded buffer的游标(pos),同时也移动input buffer一个新的游标(pos_input),做法很简单,readline方法需要调用findnexteol移动游标查找换行符号……我在findnexteol方法添加多一行:
  int findnexteol ()

而findnextinputeol这个新的函数,完全是findnexteol的翻版,只是前者处理input buffer,而后者处理decoded buffer……

如此一来,我便可以知道每次readline之后,input buffer中还没有被上层读到的原始数据有哪些了……

    decoder = encoding.getdecoder();
    decoded_count = pos + decoder.getchars (input_buffer, pos_input, cbencoded , pos_input, decoded_buffer, pos);

设定新编码时,程序便根据input buffer的游标(pos_input)把没有被读到的原始数据重新decode一次,并且替换掉decoded buffer中的内容。


但是,偶这个修改使得read的两个方法变得完全不可以用……一旦调用了……便会使得input buffer与decoded buffer里面两个游标不同步……下面附上完整的代码,还望有大侠可以帮忙把read的两个方法也给搞定了…… 先谢过……


// system.io.streamreader.cs
// author:
//   dietmar maurer ([email protected])
//   miguel de icaza ([email protected])
// (c) ximian, inc.  http://www.ximian.com
// copyright (c) 2004 novell (http://www.novell.com)

// copyright (c) 2004 novell, inc (http://www.novell.com)
// permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "software"), to deal in the software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to
// permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.
// the software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
// express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
// merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
// noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be
// liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action
// of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection
// with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

using system;
using system.text;
using system.runtime.interopservices;

namespace system.io
    public class dynamicstreamreader : textreader

        const int defaultbuffersize = 1024;
        const int defaultfilebuffersize = 4096;
        const int minimumbuffersize = 128;

        // the input buffer
        byte [] input_buffer;

        // the decoded buffer from the above input buffer
        char [] decoded_buffer;

        // decoded bytes in decoded_buffer.
        int decoded_count;

        // current position in the decoded_buffer
        int pos;

        // current position in the input_buffer
        int pos_input;

        // the buffer size that we are using
        int buffer_size;

        int do_checks;
        encoding encoding;
        decoder decoder;

        stream base_stream;
        bool mayblock;
        stringbuilder line_builder;

        private class nullstreamreader : dynamicstreamreader
            public override int peek ()
                return -1;

            public override int read ()
                return -1;

            public override int read ([in, out] char[] buffer, int index, int count)
                return 0;

            public override string readline ()
                return null;

            public override string readtoend ()
                return string.empty;

            public override stream basestream
                get { return stream.null; }

            public override encoding currentencoding
                get { return encoding.unicode; }

        public new static readonly dynamicstreamreader null =  (dynamicstreamreader)(new nullstreamreader());
        internal dynamicstreamreader() {}

        public dynamicstreamreader(stream stream)
            : this (stream, encoding.utf8, true, defaultbuffersize) { }

        public dynamicstreamreader(stream stream, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks)
            : this (stream, encoding.utf8, detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, defaultbuffersize) { }

        public dynamicstreamreader(stream stream, encoding encoding)
            : this (stream, encoding, true, defaultbuffersize) { }

        public dynamicstreamreader(stream stream, encoding encoding, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks)
            : this (stream, encoding, detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, defaultbuffersize) { }
        public dynamicstreamreader(stream stream, encoding encoding, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, int buffer_size)
            initialize (stream, encoding, detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, buffer_size);

        public dynamicstreamreader(string path)
            : this (path, encoding.utf8, true, defaultfilebuffersize) { }

        public dynamicstreamreader(string path, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks)
            : this (path, encoding.utf8, detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, defaultfilebuffersize) { }

        public dynamicstreamreader(string path, encoding encoding)
            : this (path, encoding, true, defaultfilebuffersize) { }

        public dynamicstreamreader(string path, encoding encoding, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks)
            : this (path, encoding, detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, defaultfilebuffersize) { }
        public dynamicstreamreader(string path, encoding encoding, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, int buffer_size)
            if (null == path)
                throw new argumentnullexception("path");
            if (string.empty == path)
                throw new argumentexception("empty path not allowed");
            if (path.indexofany (path.invalidpathchars) != -1)
                throw new argumentexception("path contains invalid characters");
            if (null == encoding)
                throw new argumentnullexception ("encoding");
            if (buffer_size <= 0)
                throw new argumentoutofrangeexception ("buffer_size", "the minimum size of the buffer must be positive");

            string dirname = path.getdirectoryname(path);
            if (dirname != string.empty && !directory.exists(dirname))
                throw new directorynotfoundexception ("directory '" + dirname + "' not found.");
            if (!file.exists(path))
                throw new filenotfoundexception("file not found.", path);

            stream stream = (stream) file.openread (path);
            initialize (stream, encoding, detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, buffer_size);

        internal void initialize (stream stream, encoding encoding, bool detect_encoding_from_bytemarks, int buffer_size)
            if (null == stream)
                throw new argumentnullexception ("stream");
            if (null == encoding)
                throw new argumentnullexception ("encoding");
            if (!stream.canread)
                throw new argumentexception ("cannot read stream");
            if (buffer_size <= 0)
                throw new argumentoutofrangeexception ("buffer_size", "the minimum size of the buffer must be positive");

            if (buffer_size < minimumbuffersize)
                buffer_size = minimumbuffersize;

            base_stream = stream;
            input_buffer = new byte [buffer_size];
            this.buffer_size = buffer_size;
            this.encoding = encoding;
            decoder = encoding.getdecoder ();

            byte [] preamble = encoding.getpreamble ();
            do_checks = detect_encoding_from_bytemarks ? 1 : 0;
            do_checks += (preamble.length == 0) ? 0 : 2;
            decoded_buffer = new char [encoding.getmaxcharcount (buffer_size)];
            decoded_count = 0;
            pos = 0;
            pos_input =0;

        public virtual stream basestream
                return base_stream;

        public virtual encoding currentencoding
                if (encoding == null)
                    throw new exception ();
                return encoding;
                decoder = encoding.getdecoder();
                decoded_count = pos + decoder.getchars (input_buffer, pos_input, cbencoded - pos_input, decoded_buffer, pos);

        public override void close ()
            dispose (true);

        protected override void dispose (bool disposing)
            if (disposing && base_stream != null)
                base_stream.close ();
            input_buffer = null;
            decoded_buffer = null;
            encoding = null;
            decoder = null;
            base_stream = null;
            base.dispose (disposing);

        // provides auto-detection of the encoding, as well as skipping over
        // byte marks at the beginning of a stream.
        int dochecks (int count)
            if ((do_checks & 2) == 2)
                byte [] preamble = encoding.getpreamble ();
                int c = preamble.length;
                if (count >= c)
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                        if (input_buffer [i] != preamble [i])

                    if (i == c)
                        return i;

            if ((do_checks & 1) == 1)
                if (count < 2)
                    return 0;

                if (input_buffer [0] == 0xfe && input_buffer [1] == 0xff)
                    this.encoding = encoding.bigendianunicode;
                    return 2;

                if (input_buffer [0] == 0xff && input_buffer [1] == 0xfe)
                    this.encoding = encoding.unicode;
                    return 2;

                if (count < 3)
                    return 0;

                if (input_buffer [0] == 0xef && input_buffer [1] == 0xbb && input_buffer [2] == 0xbf)
                    this.encoding = encoding.utf8;
                    return 3;

            return 0;

        public void discardbuffereddata ()
            pos = decoded_count = 0;
            mayblock = false;
            // discard internal state of the decoder too.
            decoder = encoding.getdecoder ();
        int cbencoded;
        int parse_start;
        // the buffer is empty, fill it again
        private int readbuffer ()
            pos = 0;
            pos_input = 0;
            cbencoded = 0;

            // keep looping until the decoder gives us some chars
            decoded_count = 0;
            parse_start = 0;
                cbencoded = base_stream.read (input_buffer, 0, buffer_size);
                if (cbencoded == 0)
                    return 0;

                mayblock = (cbencoded < buffer_size);
                if (do_checks > 0)
                    encoding old = encoding;
                    parse_start = dochecks (cbencoded);
                    if (old != encoding)
                        decoder = encoding.getdecoder ();
                    do_checks = 0;
                    cbencoded -= parse_start;
                decoded_count += decoder.getchars (input_buffer, parse_start, cbencoded, decoded_buffer, 0);
                parse_start = 0;
            } while (decoded_count == 0);

            return decoded_count;

        public override int peek ()
            if (base_stream == null)
                throw new objectdisposedexception ("streamreader", "cannot read from a closed streamreader");
            if (pos >= decoded_count && (mayblock || readbuffer () == 0))
                return -1;

            return decoded_buffer [pos];

        public override int read ()
            throw new exception("dynamic reader could not read!");

        public override int read ([in, out] char[] dest_buffer, int index, int count)
            throw new exception("dynamic reader could not read!");

        bool foundcr_input;
        int findnextinputeol()
            char c = '/0';
            for (; pos_input < cbencoded; pos_input++)
                c = (char)input_buffer [pos_input];
                if (c == '/n')
                    int res = (foundcr_input) ? (pos_input - 2) : (pos_input - 1);
                    if (res < 0)
                        res = 0; // if a new buffer starts with a /n and there was a /r at
                    // the end of the previous one, we get here.
                    foundcr_input = false;
                    return res;
                else if (foundcr_input)
                    foundcr_input = false;
                    return pos - 1;

                foundcr_input = (c == '/r');

            return -1;

        bool foundcr;
        int findnexteol ()
            char c = '/0';
            for (; pos < decoded_count; pos++)
                c = decoded_buffer [pos];
                if (c == '/n')
                    int res = (foundcr) ? (pos - 2) : (pos - 1);
                    if (res < 0)
                        res = 0; // if a new buffer starts with a /n and there was a /r at
                    // the end of the previous one, we get here.
                    foundcr = false;
                    return res;
                else if (foundcr)
                    foundcr = false;
                    return pos - 1;

                foundcr = (c == '/r');

            return -1;

        public override string readline()
            if (base_stream == null)
                throw new objectdisposedexception ("streamreader", "cannot read from a closed streamreader");

            if (pos >= decoded_count && readbuffer () == 0)
                return null;

            int begin = pos;
            int end = findnexteol ();
            if (end < decoded_count && end >= begin)
                return new string (decoded_buffer, begin, end - begin);

            if (line_builder == null)
                line_builder = new stringbuilder ();
                line_builder.length = 0;

            while (true)
                if (foundcr) // don't include the trailing cr if present

                line_builder.append (new string (decoded_buffer, begin, decoded_count - begin));
                if (readbuffer () == 0)
                    if (line_builder.capacity > 32768)
                        stringbuilder sb = line_builder;
                        line_builder = null;
                        return sb.tostring (0, sb.length);
                    return line_builder.tostring (0, line_builder.length);

                begin = pos;
                end = findnexteol ();
                if (end < decoded_count && end >= begin)
                    line_builder.append (new string (decoded_buffer, begin, end - begin));
                    if (line_builder.capacity > 32768)
                        stringbuilder sb = line_builder;
                        line_builder = null;
                        return sb.tostring (0, sb.length);
                    return line_builder.tostring (0, line_builder.length);

        public override string readtoend()
            if (base_stream == null)
                throw new objectdisposedexception ("streamreader", "cannot read from a closed streamreader");

            stringbuilder text = new stringbuilder ();

            int size = decoded_buffer.length;
            char [] buffer = new char [size];
            int len;
            while ((len = read (buffer, 0, size)) > 0)
                text.append (buffer, 0, len);

            return text.tostring ();

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