productslist()返回dataset类型( 存储过程执行结果) productsadditem()添加存储过程参数 完整代码: imports system imports imports
' functions and subroutines for executing stored procedures in access. public class dbtier
' change data source to the location of northwind.mdb on your local ' system. shared connectionstring as string = _ "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=c:/program " _ & "files/microsoft office/office10/samples/northwind.mdb" ' this function returns a dataset containing all records in ' the products table. function productslist() as dataset dim con as oledbconnection dim da as oledbdataadapter dim ds as dataset dim ssql as string
ssql = "execute procproductslist"
con = new oledbconnection(connectionstring) da = new oledbdataadapter(ssql, con) ds = new dataset() da.fill(ds, "products")
return ds
end function
' this function adds one record to the products table. sub productsadditem(byval productname as string, _ byval supplierid as integer, byval categoryid as integer) dim con as oledbconnection dim cmd as oledbcommand = new oledbcommand() dim paramproductname as new oledbparameter() dim paramsupplierid as new oledbparameter() dim paramcategoryid as new oledbparameter()
con = new oledbconnection(connectionstring) cmd.connection = con
with paramproductname .parametername = "inproductname" .oledbtype = oledbtype.varchar .size = 40 .value = productname end with cmd.parameters.add(paramproductname)
with paramsupplierid .parametername = "insupplierid" .oledbtype = oledbtype.integer .size = 4 .value = supplierid end with cmd.parameters.add(paramsupplierid)
with paramcategoryid .parametername = "incategoryid" .oledbtype = oledbtype.integer .size = 4 .value = categoryid end with cmd.parameters.add(paramcategoryid)
' this function updates a specific jobtitle record with new data. sub productsupdateitem(byval productid as integer, _ byval productname as string) dim con as oledbconnection dim cmd as oledbcommand = new oledbcommand() dim paramproductname as new oledbparameter() dim paramproductid as new oledbparameter()
con = new oledbconnection(connectionstring) cmd.connection = con
with paramproductid .parametername = "inproductid" .oledbtype = oledbtype.integer .size = 4 .value = productid end with cmd.parameters.add(paramproductid)
with paramproductname .parametername = "inproductname" .oledbtype = oledbtype.varchar .size = 40 .value = productname end with cmd.parameters.add(paramproductname)
' this function deletes one record from the products table. sub productsdeleteitem(byval productid as integer) dim con as oledbconnection dim cmd as oledbcommand = new oledbcommand() dim paramproductid as new oledbparameter()
con = new oledbconnection(connectionstring) cmd.connection = con
with paramproductid .parametername = "inproductid" .oledbtype = oledbtype.integer .size = 4 .value = productid end with cmd.parameters.add(paramproductid)