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VB.Net的ByVal和ByRef --ByVal时的浅拷贝和深拷贝

2024-07-10 13:01:16
初学vb.net ,总结一下byval和byref

1 通过byval传递的变量,vb.net会复制与源值相等的一个新的变量。而byref则相当于引用。

imports system
'test that can't swap a and b
class myapp
public shared sub main()
dim a as integer = 0
dim b as integer = 1
console.writeline("source: a" & a & "b"& b)
fakeswap(a,b) ' after this fakeswap(a,b), a still is 0 and b still is 1
console.writeline("after fakeswap: a" & a & "b"& b)
swap(a,b) ' after this swap(a,b), a is 1 and b is 0
console.writeline("after swap: a" & a & "b"& b)
end sub

' fake swap function:fakeswap()
shared sub fakeswap(byval ina as integer, byval inb as integer)
dim tmp as integer
tmp = ina
ina = inb
inb = tmp
end sub
' real swap function :swap()
shared sub swap(byref ina as integer, byref inb as integer)
dim tmp as integer
tmp = ina
ina = inb
inb = tmp
end sub
end class

2 注意的是: 如果byval传递的是自定义的类的一个实例,被复制的只是该实例的引用,引用所指向的资源并没有被复制。--相当于c++中的浅拷贝。

imports system

' 类a的实例mya作为函数 testa(byval ina as a)的参数,结果应该是
' --按值传递为浅拷贝,只是复制了一份引用--a的实例mya和 ina共享一个资源
class myapp
public shared sub main()
dim mya as a
console.writeline("the original resource of mya is: " & mya.resource)
' call testa()
console.writeline("after call the byval fun , the resource of mya is: " & mya.resource)
end sub
' 函数testa() 将mya按值传递进去为ina 修改ina的resource ,实际上修改的也是mya的resource
shared sub testa(byval ina as a)
ina.resource = 1
end sub
end class

' 类a 有资源 resource (integer)
class a
public resource as integer = 0
end class

3 如果想实现类的实例(不是引用)的“按值“传递(深拷贝),则必须overridde clone()方法 ?还是专门有拷贝构造函数?
class abc
end class


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