防止同一个程序多次运行。 '*****************方法一:防止程序多次打开***************** ' 函数名: isinstancerunning ' 功 能: 判断工程是否已运行 ' 参 数: 无 ' 返回值: true 已运行 false 未运行 '******************************************************* public function isinstancerunning() as boolean dim current as process = system.diagnostics.process.getcurrentprocess() dim processes as process() = system.diagnostics.process.getprocessesbyname(current.processname) 'loop through the running processes in with the same name dim p as process for each p in processes 'ignore the current process if p.id <> current.id then 'make sure that the process is running from the exe file. if system.reflection.assembly.getexecutingassembly().location.replace("/", "/") = current.mainmodule.filename then 'return the other process instance. return true end if end if next 'no other instance was found, return null. return false end function 'runninginstance
'*****************方法二:防止程序多次打开***************** imports system.diagnostics if ubound(process.getprocessesbyname(process.getcurrentprocess.processname)) _ > 0 then eixt sub 'process.getcurrentprocess.processname 获取当前运行程序的名称。