在 .net framework version 1.0/1.1中,微软是这么教我们代码与表现分离的: 1、首先要在.aspx文件的@page指令中加入如下一行: <%@ page language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" codebehind="samplepage.aspx.vb" inherits="sampleproject.samplepage"%> *注:这里的codebehind属性换成src属性亦可 2、在使用后台代码文件时,也就是.vb文件时,必须在后台代码中为表现文件内使用的每个控件声明实例,可以如下声明: protected withevents lblmessage as label 忘了可不行,浏览器会告诉你“the name "lblmessage is not declared”! 按照msdn上的原话是这样讲的: the code-behind class is a complete class definition; it contains instance variables for all controls on the page, explicit event binding using delegates, and so on.
以上都是以前的事了,说说现在的情况。 在.net framework version 2.0中,微软告诉我们以前这样实现代码与表现分离太麻烦了,兄弟,现在我们可以这样来实现它: 1、在.aspx文件的@page指令还是要写的,不过改成这样子写: <%@ page language="vb" compilewith="samplepage.aspx.vb" classname="samplepage_aspx" %> 用compilewith属性来替换codebehind和src属性,这越来越多的属性,我想应该是为了向后兼容付出的必要代价吧,classname指明后台文件所使用的类。 2、使用后台代码文件时,不必为表现文件内使用的每个控件声明实例,这里微软takes advantage of a new language feature known as partial classes. the code-behind file for a page is not a complete class definition. instead, it includes only the application code you need, such as event handlers. the code-behind partial class does not need to include instance variables or explicit event binding. asp.net can infer the control instances and derive event bindings from the markup during compilation.