'-----code begin-----
imports system.drawing
imports system.drawing.bitmap
imports system.drawing.graphics
imports system.drawing.imaging
public class gdi_sample4
inherits system.web.ui.page
#region " web 窗体设计器生成的代码 "
#end region
public data(5, 1) as string
private sub page_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load
dim i as int16
dim objbitmap as bitmap
objbitmap = new bitmap(400, 300)
dim objgraphics as graphics
objgraphics = graphics.fromimage(objbitmap)
objgraphics.drawrectangle(pens.black, 1, 1, 398, 298)
objgraphics.drawstring("本公司上半年营业额统计图", new font("宋体", 16, fontstyle.bold), brushes.black, new pointf(60, 5))
dim monthcolor as pointf = new pointf(260, 40)
dim fontinfor as pointf = new pointf(285, 36)
for i = 0 to 5
objgraphics.fillrectangle(new solidbrush(getcolor(i)), monthcolor.x, monthcolor.y, 20, 10)
objgraphics.drawrectangle(pens.black, monthcolor.x, monthcolor.y, 20, 10)
'画出图例说明文字--data(i, 0)
objgraphics.drawstring(data(i, 0), new font("宋体", 10), brushes.black, fontinfor)
monthcolor.y += 15
fontinfor.y += 15
next i
for i = 0 to 5
objgraphics.fillrectangle(new solidbrush(getcolor(i)), (i * 25) + 35, 270 - cint(data(i, 1)), 15, cint(data(i, 1)))
objgraphics.drawrectangle(pens.black, (i * 25) + 35, 270 - cint(data(i, 1)), 15, cint(data(i, 1)))
objgraphics.drawline(new pen(color.blue, 1), 10, 0, 10, 320)
objgraphics.drawline(new pen(color.blue, 1), 10, 270, 200, 270)
for i = 0 to 5
objgraphics.drawline(new pen(color.blue, 1), 10, i * 50 + 20, 20, i * 50 + 20)
objgraphics.drawstring((250 - i * 50).tostring, new font("宋体", 10), brushes.black, 12, i * 50 + 8)
' 统计总销售额
dim scount as integer
for i = 0 to 5
scount += cint(data(i, 1))
dim scg as single = 0
dim stg as single = 0
for i = 0 to 5
'计算当前角度值:当月销售额 / 总销售额 * 360,得到饼图中当月所占的角度大小。
scg = cint(data(i, 1)) / scount * 360