GPIO全称是General Purpose Input/Output,其关联SOC上的一个管脚。平台会分配相应的GPIO和外设关联,诸如audio codec外设,GPIO和平台强相关。
int gpio_is_valid(int number);
三、GPIO使用/* request GPIO, returning 0 or negative errno. * non-null labels may be useful for diagnostics. */ int gpio_request(unsigned gpio, const char *label); /* release PReviously-claimed GPIO */ void gpio_free(unsigned gpio);
Note that requesting a GPIO does NOT cause it to be configured in any way; it just marks that GPIO as in use. Separate code must handle any pin setup (e.g. controlling which pin the GPIO uses, pullup/pulldown).
Also note that it's your responsibility to have stopped using a GPIO before you free it.
/* set as input or output, returning 0 or negative errno */ int gpio_direction_input(unsigned gpio); int gpio_direction_output(unsigned gpio, int value);
/* GPIO INPUT: return zero or nonzero */ int gpio_get_value(unsigned gpio); /* GPIO OUTPUT */ void gpio_set_value(unsigned gpio, int value);
int gpio_cansleep(unsigned gpio);
/* GPIO INPUT: return zero or nonzero, might sleep */ int gpio_get_value_cansleep(unsigned gpio); /* GPIO OUTPUT, might sleep */ void gpio_set_value_cansleep(unsigned gpio, int value);
Other than the fact that these calls might sleep, and will not be ignored for GPIOs that can't be accessed from IRQ handlers, these calls act the same as the spinlock-safe calls.
/* map GPIO numbers to IRQ numbers */ int gpio_to_irq(unsigned gpio);
/* map IRQ numbers to GPIO numbers (avoid using this) */ int irq_to_gpio(unsigned irq);
gpio和中断线都是用整形标识的,其在两个name space中,这两个函数建立了gpio和中断线之间的映射关系