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2024-05-05 00:06:50


/** * PHP实现文字写入图片 */class wordsOnImg {   public $config = null;   /**   * @param $config 传入参数   * @param $config['file'] 图片文件   * @param $config['size'] 文字大小   * @param $config['angle'] 文字的水平角度   * @param $config['fontfile'] 字体文件路径   * @param $config['width'] 预先设置的宽度   * @param $config['x'] 开始写入时的横坐标   * @param $config['y'] 开始写入时的纵坐标   */  public function __construct($config=null){    if(empty($config)){      return 'must be config';    }    $fileArr = explode(".",$config['file']);    $config['file_name'] = $fileArr[0];    $config['file_ext'] = $fileArr[1];    $this->config = $config;  }  /**   * PHP实现图片上写入实现文字自动换行   * @param $fontsize 字体大小   * @param $angle 角度   * @param $font 字体路径   * @param $string 要写在图片上的文字   * @param $width 预先设置图片上文字的宽度   * @param $flag  换行时单词不折行   */  public function wordWrap($fontsize,$angle,$font,$string,$width,$flag=true) {    $content = "";    if($flag){      $words = explode(" ",$string);      foreach ($words as $key=>$value) {        $teststr = $content." ".$value;        $testbox = imagettfbbox($fontsize, $angle, $font, $teststr);        //判断拼接后的字符串是否超过预设的宽度        if(($testbox[2] > $width)) {          $content .= "/n";        }        $content .= $value." ";      }    }else{      //将字符串拆分成一个个单字 保存到数组 letter 中      for ($i=0;$i<mb_strlen($string);$i++) {        $letter[] = mb_substr($string, $i, 1);      }      foreach ($letter as $l) {        $teststr = $content." ".$l;        $testbox = imagettfbbox($fontsize, $angle, $font, $teststr);        // 判断拼接后的字符串是否超过预设的宽度        if (($testbox[2] > $width) && ($content !== "")) {          $content .= "/n";        }        $content .= $l;      }    }    return $content;  }   /**   * 实现写入图片   * @param $text 要写入的文字   * @param $flag 是否直接输出到浏览器,默认是   */  public function writeWordsToImg($text,$flag=true){    if(empty($this->config)){      return 'must be config';    }    //获取图片大小    $img_pathWH = getimagesize($this->config['file']);    //打开指定的图片文件    $im = imagecreatefrompng($this->config['file']);    #设置水印字体颜色    $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($im,0, 0, 255, 75);//蓝色    $have = false;    if(stripos($text,"<br/>")!== false){      $have = true;    }    if($have){      $words_text = explode("<br/>",$text);      $words_text[0] = $this->wordWrap($this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['fontfile'], $words_text[0], $this->config['width']); //自动换行处理      $words_text[1] = $this->wordWrap($this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['fontfile'], $words_text[1], $this->config['width']); //自动换行处理      $words_text[2] = $this->wordWrap($this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['fontfile'], $words_text[2], $this->config['width']); //自动换行处理      imagettftext($im, $this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['x'], $this->config['y'], $color, $this->config['fontfile'], $words_text[0]);      imagettftext($im, $this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['x'], $this->config['y']+30, $color, $this->config['fontfile'], "  ".$words_text[1]);      imagettftext($im, $this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $img_pathWH[0]/2+70, $img_pathWH[1]-80, $color, $this->config['fontfile'], $words_text[2]);      if($flag){        header("content-type:image/png");        imagepng($im);        imagedestroy($im);      }      imagepng($im,$this->config['file_name'].'_1.'.$this->config['file_ext']);      imagedestroy($im);    }    $words_text = $this->wordWrap($this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['fontfile'], $text, $this->config['width']); //自动换行处理    imagettftext($im, $this->config['size'], $this->config['angle'], $this->config['x'], $this->config['y'], $color, $this->config['fontfile'], $words_text);    if($flag){      header("content-type:image/png");      imagepng($im);      imagedestroy($im);    }    imagepng($im,$this->config['file_name'].'_1.'.$this->config['file_ext']);    imagedestroy($im);  }} $text = "Dear Kang<br/>If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight lifting;if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called bueden bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love./n/nBeing nice to someone you dislike doesn't mean you're a hypocritical people. It means you're mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them.<br/>Mr. Kang"; $data = array(  'file'=>'20171226152410.png',  'size'=>12,  'angle'=>0,  'fontfile'=>'./Font/ChalkboardSE.ttc',  'width'=>270,  'x'=>20,  'y'=>70);//使用$wordsOnImgObj = new wordsOnImg($data);$wordsOnImgObj->writeWordsToImg($text);


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