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详谈PHP中的密码安全性Password Hashing

2024-05-04 23:55:01


先看一个简单的Password Hashing例子:

<?php//require 'password.php';/** * 正确的密码是secret-password * $passwordHash 是hash 后存储的密码 * password_verify()用于将用户输入的密码和数据库存储的密码比对。成功返回true,否则false */$passwordHash = password_hash('secret-password', PASSWORD_DEFAULT);echo $passwordHash;if (password_verify('bad-password', $passwordHash)) {  // Correct Password  echo 'Correct Password';} else {  echo 'Wrong password';  // Wrong password}

下方代码提供了一个完整的模拟的 User 类,在这个类中,通过使用Password Hashing,既能安全地处理用户的密码,又能支持未来不断变化的安全需求。

<?phpclass User{  // Store password options so that rehash & hash can share them:  const HASH = PASSWORD_DEFAULT;  const COST = 14;//可以确定该算法应多复杂,进而确定生成哈希值将花费多长时间。(将此值视为更改算法本身重新运行的次数,以减缓计算。)  // Internal data storage about the user:  public $data;  // Mock constructor:  public function __construct() {    // Read data from the database, storing it into $data such as:    // $data->passwordHash and $data->username    $this->data = new stdClass();    $this->data->passwordHash = 'dbd014125a4bad51db85f27279f1040a';  }  // Mock save functionality  public function save() {    // Store the data from $data back into the database  }  // Allow for changing a new password:  public function setPassword($password) {    $this->data->passwordHash = password_hash($password, self::HASH, ['cost' => self::COST]);  }  // Logic for logging a user in:  public function login($password) {    // First see if they gave the right password:    echo "Login: ", $this->data->passwordHash, "/n";    if (password_verify($password, $this->data->passwordHash)) {      // Success - Now see if their password needs rehashed      if (password_needs_rehash($this->data->passwordHash, self::HASH, ['cost' => self::COST])) {        // We need to rehash the password, and save it. Just call setPassword        $this->setPassword($password);        $this->save();      }      return true; // Or do what you need to mark the user as logged in.    }    return false;  }}

以上这篇详谈PHP中的密码安全性Password Hashing就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持VeVb武林网。

发表评论 共有条评论
用户名: 密码:
验证码: 匿名发表
