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2024-05-04 23:47:15


<?phpheader('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8');/*  * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. *///给图片添加水印Class Water{ //开启水印 private $watermark_on = '1';   public $water_img;   //水印位置 public $pos = 1;    //压缩比 public $pct = 80;   //透明度 public $quality = 80;   public $text = '乐趣网zlblog.sinaapp.com';   public $size = 12;   public $color = '#000000';   public $font = 'font.ttf';   //thumb的制作 //默认缩略图功能开启 private $thumb_on = 1; //生成缩略图的方式 public $thumb_type = 1; //生成缩略图的宽度 public $thumb_width; //生成缩略图的高度 public $thumb_height; //生成缩略图的后缀名 public $thumb_fix = '_dq';  //缩略图函数处理 public function thumb( $img,$outfile='',$t_type='',$t_w='',$t_h='' ){  //验证图片是否符合要求  if(!$this->check($img) || !$this->thumb_on) return FALSE;     //定义缩略图的初始值  $t_type = $t_type ? $t_type : $this->thumb_type;  $t_w = $t_w ? $t_w : $this->thumb_width;  $t_h = $t_h ? $t_h : $this->thumb_height;     //获取到原图的信息  $img_info = getimagesize($img);  $img_w = $img_info[0];  $img_h = $img_info[1];  //取得图像类型的文件后缀  $img_type = image_type_to_extension($img_info[2]);  //获取到相关尺寸  $thumb_size = $this->thumb_size($img_w,$img_h,$t_w,$t_h,$t_type);  //确定原始图像类型  //利用自定义函数来实现图片类型的确定  $func = "imagecreatefrom".substr($img_type, 1);  $res_img = $func($img);     //缩略图资源   编辑图片资源moon  if( $img_type == '.gif' || $img_type == '.png' ){   $res_thumb = imagecreate($thumb_size[0], $thumb_size[1]);   $color = imagecolorallocate($res_thumb, 255, 0, 0);  }else{   $res_thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_size[0], $thumb_size[1]);  }     //制作缩略图  if(function_exists( "imagecopyresampled" ) ){   imagecopyresampled($res_thumb, $res_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_size[0],$thumb_size[1],$thumb_size[2],$thumb_size[3]);  }else{   imagecopyresized($res_thumb, $res_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_size[0],$thumb_size[1],$thumb_size[2],$thumb_size[3]);  }  //处理透明色  if( $img_type =='.gif' || $img_type == '.png' ){   imagecolortransparent($res_thumb,$color);  }     //配置输出文件名  $outfile = $outfile ? $outfile : $outfile.substr($img,0,strripos($img,'.')).$this->thumb_fix.$img_type;     //文件的保存输出  $func = "image".substr($img_type, 1);  $func($res_thumb,$outfile);  if(isset($res_thumb)) imagedestroy ($res_thumb);  if(isset($res_img)) imagedestroy ($res_img);  return $outfile; }   public function watermark( $img,$pos='',$out_img='',$water_img='',$text='' ){  if(!$this->check($img) || !$this->watermark_on) return false;     $water_img = $water_img ? $water_img : $this->water_img;  //水印的开启状态  $waterimg_on = $this->check($water_img) ? 1 : 0;  //判断是否在原图上操作  $out_img = $out_img ? $out_img : $img;  //判断水印的位置  $pos = $pos ? $pos : $this->pos;  //水印文字  $text = $text ? $text : $this->text;        $img_info = getimagesize($img);  $img_w = $img_info[0];  $img_h = $img_info[1];  //判断水印图片的类型        if( $waterimg_on ){   $w_info = getimagesize($water_img);   $w_w = $w_info[0];   $w_h = $w_info[1];   if ( $img_w < $w_w || $img_h < $w_h ) return false;   switch ( $w_info[2] ){    case 1:     $w_img = imagecreatefromgif($water_img);     break;    case 2:     $w_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($water_img);     break;    case 3:     $w_img = imagecreatefrompng($water_img);     break;   }  }else{   if( empty($text) || strlen($this->color)!=7 ) return FALSE;   $text_info = imagettfbbox($this->size, 0, $this->font, $text);   $w_w = $text_info[2] - $text_info[6];   $w_h = $text_info[3] - $text_info[7];  }     //建立原图资源     switch ( $img_info[2] ){   case 1:    $res_img = imagecreatefromgif($img);    break;   case 2:    $res_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img);    break;   case 3:    $res_img = imagecreatefrompng($img);    break;  }  //确定水印的位置  switch ( $pos ){   case 1:    $x = $y =25;    break;   case 2:    $x = ($img_w - $w_w)/2;     $y = 25;    break;   case 3:    $x = $img_w - $w_w;    $y = 25;    break;   case 4:    $x = 25;    $y = ($img_h - $w_h)/2;    break;   case 5:    $x = ($img_w - $w_w)/2;     $y = ($img_h - $w_h)/2;    break;   case 6:    $x = $img_w - $w_w;    $y = ($img_h - $w_h)/2;    break;   case 7:    $x = 25;    $y = $img_h - $w_h;    break;   case 8:    $x = ($img_w - $w_w)/2;    $y = $img_h - $w_h;    break;   case 9:    $x = $img_w - $w_w;    $y = $img_h - $w_h;    break;   default :    $x = mt_rand(25, $img_w - $w_w);    $y = mt_rand(25, $img_h - $w_h);  }     //写入图片资源  if( $waterimg_on ){   imagecopymerge($res_img, $w_img, $x, $y, 0, 0, $w_w, $w_h, $this->pct);  }else{  $r = hexdec(substr($this->color, 1,2));  $g = hexdec(substr($this->color, 3,2));  $b = hexdec(substr($this->color, 5,2));  $color = imagecolorallocate($res_img, $r, $g, $b);  imagettftext($res_img, $this->size, 0, $x, $y, $color, $this->font, $text);  }   //生成图片类型 switch ( $img_info[2] ){  case 1:   imagecreatefromgif($res_img,$out_img);   break;  case 2:   //imagecreatefromjpeg($res_img,$out_img);   imagejpeg($res_img,$out_img);   break;  case 3:   imagepng($res_img,$out_img);   break; } if(isset($res_img)) imagedestroy ($res_img); if(isset($w_img)) imagedestroy($w_img); return TRUE;}  //验证图片是否存在  private function check($img){   $type = array('.jpg','.jpeg','.png','.gif');   $img_type = strtolower(strrchr($img, '.'));   return extension_loaded('gd') && file_exists($img) && in_array($img_type, $type);  }      //获取缩略图的相关比例  //获取到图片的处理类型  private function thumb_size( $img_w,$img_h,$t_w,$t_h,$t_type){   //定义缩略图尺寸   $w = $t_w;   $h = $t_h;       //定义图片的原始尺寸   $cut_w = $img_w;   $cut_h = $img_h;       //当要目标图像小于缩略图的尺寸时;   if( $img_w <= $t_w && $img_h < $t_h ){    $w = $img_w;    $h = $img_h;   }else{    if( !empty($t_type) && $t_type>0 ){     switch ( $t_type ){      //当宽度固定时      case 1:       $h = $t_w/$img_w*$img_h;       break;      //高度固定时      case 2:       $w = $t_h/$img_h*$img_w;       break;      //宽度固定,高度裁切      case 3:       $cut_h = $img_w/$t_w*$t_h;       break;      //高度固定,宽度裁切      case 4:       $cut_w = $img_h/$t_h*$t_w;       break;      //等比例缩放      default :       if( ($img_w/$t_w) > ($img_h/$t_h) ){        $h = $t_w/$img_w*$t_h;       }elseif( ($img_w/$t_w) < ($img_h/$t_h) ){        $w = $t_h/$img_h*$t_w;       }else{        $w = $t_w;        $h = $t_h;       }     }    }             }   $arr[0] = $t_w;   $arr[1] = $t_h;   $arr[2] = $cut_w;   $arr[3] = $cut_h;   return $arr; }}


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