- <?php
- session_start();
- $enablegd = 1;
- //判断图像处理函数是否存在
- $funcs = array('imagecreatetruecolor','imagecolorallocate','imagefill','imagestring','imageline','imagerotate','imagedestroy','imagecolorallocatealpha','imageellips教程e','imagepng');
- foreach($funcs as $func)
- {
- if(!function_exists($func))
- {
- $enablegd = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- ob_clean(); //清理缓冲
- if($enablegd)
- {
- //create captcha
- $consts = 'cdfgkmnpqrstwxyz23456';
- $vowels = 'aek23456789';
- for ($x = 0; $x < 6; $x++)
- {
- $const[$x] = substr($consts, mt_rand(0,strlen($consts)-1),1); //获取$consts中的一个随机数
- $vow[$x] = substr($vowels, mt_rand(0,strlen($vowels)-1),1); //获取$vowels中的一个随机数
- }
- $radomstring = $const[0] . $vow[0] .$const[2] . $const[1] . $vow[1] . $const[3] . $vow[3] . $const[4];
- $_SESSION['checkcode'] = $string = substr($radomstring,0,4); //显示4个字符
- $imageX = strlen($radomstring)*8; //图像的宽
- $imageY = 20; //图像的高
- $im = imagecreatetruecolor($imageX,$imageY); //新建一个真彩色图像
- //creates two variables to store color
- $background = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(180, 250), rand(180, 250), rand(180, 250)); //背景色
- $foregroundArr = array(imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 20), rand(0, 20), rand(0, 20)),
- imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 20), rand(0, 10), rand(245, 255)),
- imagecolorallocate($im, rand(245, 255), rand(0, 20), rand(0, 10)),
- imagecolorallocate($im, rand(245, 255), rand(0, 20), rand(245, 255))
- );
- $foreground2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, rand(20, 100), rand(20, 100), rand(20, 100),80); //分配颜色并说明透明度
- $middleground = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(200, 160), rand(200, 160), rand(200, 160)); //中间背景
- $middleground2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, rand(180, 140), rand(180, 140), rand(180, 140),80); //中间背景2
- //与左上角的颜色相同的都会被填充
- imagefill($im, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($im, 250, 253, 254));
- //往图像上写入文字
- imagettftext($im, 12, rand(30, -30), 5, rand(14, 16), $foregroundArr[rand(0,3)], 'C:WindowsFontsArial.ttf', $string[0]);
- imagettftext($im, 12, rand(50, -50), 20, rand(14, 16), $foregroundArr[rand(0,3)], 'C:WindowsFontsArial.ttf', $string[1]);
- imagettftext($im, 12, rand(50, -50), 35, rand(14, 16), $foregroundArr[rand(0,3)],'C:WindowsFontsArial.ttf', $string[2]);
- imagettftext($im, 12, rand(30, -30), 50, rand(14, 16), $foregroundArr[rand(0,3)],'C:WindowsFontsArial.ttf', $string[3]);
- //画边框
- $border = imagecolorallocate($im, 133, 153, 193);
- imagerectangle($im, 0, 0, $imageX - 1, $imageY - 1, $border);
- //画一些随机出现的点
- $pointcol = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0,255), rand(0,255), rand(0,255));
- for ($i=0;$i<80;$i++)
- {
- imagesetpixel($im,rand(2,$imageX-2),rand(2,$imageX-2),$pointcol);
- }
- //画随机出现的线
- for ($x=0; $x<9;$x++)
- {
- if(mt_rand(0,$x)%2==0)
- {
- imageline($im, rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 999999)); //画线
- imageellipse($im, rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), $middleground2); //画椭圆
- }
- else
- {
- imageline($im, rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 999999));
- imageellipse($im, rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), rand(0, 120), $middleground);
- }
- }
- //output to browser
- header("content-type:image/pngrn");
- imagepng($im);
- imagedestroy($im);
- }
- else
- {
- $files = glob(XINCHENG_ROOT.'images/checkcode/*.jpg');
- if(!is_array($files)) die('请检查文件目录完整性:/images/checkcode/');
- $checkcodefile = $files[rand(0, count($files)-1)]; //随机其中一个文件
- $_SESSION['checkcode'] = substr(basename($checkcodefile), 0, 4); //获得文件名
- header("content-type:image/jpegrn");
- include $checkcodefile;
- }
- ?>