go-pear will install the 'pear' command and all the files needed by it. this command is your tool for pear installation and maintenance.
go-pear also lets you download and install the pear packages bundled with php: db, net_socket, net_smtp, mail, xml_parser, phpunit-0.6.2.
if you wish to abort, press control-c now, or press enter to continue:
第二步. 输入pear下载地址: 用来指定pear组件的下载地址和端口,可以直接按回车。 http proxy (http://user:[email protected]:port), or enter for none::
第三步. php路径设置: 一共7项,输入相应的序号就可以修改,输入"all"是修改全部,一般情况下只需要修改第7项。 选择第7项后会弹出一个windows的选择目录对话框,选择d:php4。 below is a suggested file layout for your new pear installation. to change individual locations, type the number in front of the directory. type 'all' to change all of them or simply press enter to accept these locations.
1. installation prefix : d:php4 2. binaries directory : $prefix 3. php code directory ($php_dir) : $prefixpear 4. documentation base directory : $php_dirdocs 5. data base directory : $php_dirdata 6. tests base directory : $php_dir ests 7. php.exe path :
1-7, 'all' or enter to continue:
4.确认: 确认一些组件是否安装,这里要输入"y",因为phplet正用到他们。 the following pear packages are bundled with php: db, net_socket, net_smtp, mail, xml_parser, phpunit-0.6.2. would you like to install these as well? [y/n] :
5.安装或下载组件: 接下来请稍等几分钟,安装程序会自动下载组件并安装。 如果"phpunit-0.6.2"下载出错将会报错,这时就要检查一下你的网络连接了。(只要网络正常一般不会有问题,你可以访问http://pear.php.net试试) loading zlib: ok using local package: pear.............ok using local package: archive_tar......ok using local package: console_getopt....ok using local package: xml_rpc..........ok bootstrapping: pear...................(local) ok bootstrapping: archive_tar............(local) ok bootstrapping: console_getopt.........(local) ok using local package: db...............ok using local package: net_socket.......ok using local package: net_smtp.........ok using local package: mail.............ok using local package: xml_parser.......ok downloading package: phpunit-0.6.2....