this script was made by oscar rylin ([email protected]) while learning php w/ mysql connections.
what the script does: * provides an easy way to read news from a mysql database * prints it out in a nice html format which is customizable * provides a secure interface (user/password validation through a mysql db) * updating news, deleting and adding users and lots of other stuff */
include "dbconn.php"; // this is include "settings.php"; // the settings file ?>
$sql = new cdbmysql($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); if ($start) { $sql -> query ("select * from news where id < ". ($row[total] - $start) . " order by id desc"); } else { $sql -> query ("select * from news order by id desc"); }
while (($sql -> readrow()) && ($tmpdl < $newsdl)) {